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Everything posted by masteryoda

  1. Hey guys I think this would be a great show for every one to attend! it is closer to NC so every one should be able to make this!! Indoor Car Show, Live Bands, Roller Durby Bout all in one TRADER MARC’S INDOOR CAR SHOW BY: KOSS MOTORSPORTS TRADER MARC’S & EXPO CENTER 02-27-2010 Time: 1000AM to 500PM TRADER MARC’S EXPO CENTER 2200 CAROLINA PLACE FORT MILL SC 29715 Car Show 125+ Classes & True SPL Sound Off CALLING ALL ANTIQUES, CLASSIC, STREET RO! DS, TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES, IMPORTS, SPORT COMPACTS $35.00 INDOOR Entry Fee $20.00 OUT SIDE Entry Fee $5.00 GENERAL ADMITION CLUB DISCOUNT FOR 5+ ENTRIES More Info: www.kossmotorsports.com or call Steve 803-320-3193 FEATURING: ROLLER DURBY DEMO (SWEET UNION ROLLER GIRLS), FOOD, KIDS PLAY AREA,
  2. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    What's the dimensions and volume of that enclosure? I've got an IA 187 15" and I want to port it and need to know what will actually fit. I'll take the 6x9's out if needed for it to fit. Kef the internal volume of the box was 7.75 cubes and I was burping at 42 HZ durring the run! I would not recomend running a box that size as there are some issues that come up with the desighn I promise that I have gone through a lot of recones!! By the way it was sealed on the dash! sorry guys been trying to get ready for SBN!!
  3. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    For the love of all the trunk cars!! been doing some testing and I am sure that people would love to know exactly what you can do with 1500 clamped watts in a trunk car!! all the equipment is in the trunk and total clamped power is 1440watts for a score of 148.11db!!enjoy the video!!
  4. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    Sorry to say it is not a Sundown product?
  5. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    my chargeing voltage is 14.4 volts but my voltage only drops to 13.2 this is durring burps only. I know that jacob has clamped 1800 or so out of a SAE-1200 so I might just see what I can get out of the amp and call it a day then step up to the 1500 and test with that then up again to the 2000! should make for some good test results to come!
  6. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    I have a yellow top in the trunk on the side of the box! if you can keep the voltage up they are verry strong amps! I am glad to see you did the math!! yes it was at 3 ohms!! I am sure there is much more left in the amp!! I may change the coils to see if I can get more power out of it!!
  7. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    I am running a single 15" sub and the box is the largest I could fit in the car!
  8. masteryoda

    Competition Only Febuary 20th 2010

    Monday BUMP!
  9. masteryoda

    KOSS Motor sports! Febuary 27th 2010

    Monday BUMP!
  10. Here is the next show date for competition Only Date: Febuary 20th 2010 Location: Orileys Auto Parts Sumter, SC Times: 1:00pm till 4:00pm Hope to see every one at this show!
  11. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    Thanks! should have some more results soon!
  12. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    the 151.4 was with the set up in the pics and it was done with two bigger amps and three extra batteries at that time! I don't think I will need that much his time around!
  13. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    Here are so old pictures from when I ran the car before! we have mad some new changes with a new box but this thing can get loud!!
  14. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    This is a true statment! I currently do not have a power meter but do plan on getting one! this was done purely for an NSPL type event and that is how they do and was show for refrence only!
  15. masteryoda

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    all I can say is TEST TEST TEST!! this car has been around for a while and now we pretty much just use it to do testing with! Thanks guys I am going to try to get up to 1800 watts and see what it will do? It would be great to see 150.00db with less then 3000 watts in a trunck car!
  16. masteryoda

    Competition Only Febuary 20th 2010

  17. Hey guys I think this would be a great show for every one to attend! it is closer to NC so every one should be able to make this!! Indoor Car Show, Live Bands, Roller Durby Bout all in one TRADER MARC’S INDOOR CAR SHOW BY: KOSS MOTORSPORTS TRADER MARC’S & EXPO CENTER 02-27-2010 Time: 1000AM to 500PM TRADER MARC’S EXPO CENTER 2200 CAROLINA PLACE FORT MILL SC 29715 Car Show 125+ Classes & True SPL Sound Off CALLING ALL ANTIQUES, CLASSIC, STREET RO! DS, TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES, IMPORTS, SPORT COMPACTS $35.00 INDOOR Entry Fee $20.00 OUT SIDE Entry Fee $5.00 GENERAL ADMITION CLUB DISCOUNT FOR 5+ ENTRIES More Info: www.kossmotorsports.com or call Steve 803-320-3193 FEATURING: ROLLER DURBY DEMO (SWEET UNION ROLLER GIRLS), FOOD, KIDS PLAY AREA,
  18. masteryoda

    Competition Only Febuary 20th 2010

  19. masteryoda

    Competition Only Febuary 20th 2010

    Well Just got the offical location for this event. This will be held at Orileys Auto Parts in Sumter SC on Febuary 20th start times are from 1:00pm till 4:00pm
  20. masteryoda

    Competition Only Febuary 20th 2010

    More then likley not but it would be nice to have shows in that area too!
  21. masteryoda

    1200d v.2 not putting out like i think it should

    Not sure if you got this fixed yet but i have an older version 1 SAE-1200 and wiried at one ohm it sure puts out well over 1200 watts been testing it out in my trunk car and with two DB Drive 12's in a prefab box I was able to do over a 145.00db sealed on the dash! very strong amp! I would think that with a better box and the same subs and amp I should be over a 146.00 soon just trying to get the best score I can with this little power house! I am sure you will realy like this amp once you get this worked out and good luck to you.
  22. masteryoda

    SPL Cometition

    This will be a Competition Only event. Here is a link to the rules just depends on what class you will be in. I hope this helps in not let me know and I will find out what I can for you http://www.competitiononly.com/files/2010rules.pdf
  23. masteryoda

    SPL Cometition

    For anyone that would like to start this new season off!! there is a show comming up! Location: Sumter SC (K-Mart) Date: Jan 16th Time: 12:00 to 4:00pm It would be great to see some of these loud Sundown people there hope you can make it! who all is going to be there?
  24. masteryoda

    SPL Cometition

    any one going to make this show? where are all the loud Sundown people at? are they getting ready for SBN
  25. masteryoda


    Well I hope that every one has a great christmas!! :23) The new year will be upon us soon. Lets hear the new goals and new setup ideas for this season or even predictions for the up and comming season? I would bet there will be a new addition to the 150db trunck cars comming to the lanes soon? I am also hoping to maybe see 160db in a SSNW setup I know there are a few cars that are on the hunt for this score. Also there are many new setups that plan on bassracing the 149.9 class and a few new ones for the 159.9 class if they can get it done before SBN? so lets hear about the new builds comming out this season or tell us about what scores you hope to do or even what score will show up in what classes this year?