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Mac N Cheese

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Everything posted by Mac N Cheese

  1. Mac N Cheese

    Need New Amp

    I have a MRP M1000 sitting in my room right now, but is being sold tomorrow local....It was a solid amp, did get alittle warm
  2. Mac N Cheese


    Welcome to SSA! What sort of battery issue are you having?
  3. Mac N Cheese

    Pictures of your new equipment

  4. Mac N Cheese

    Pictures of your new equipment

    No over heating issues under the plexi? Sorry for not replying, no absolutely no issues with overheating... these sundown amps never get warm...but just in case i did install a fan for the summer
  5. Mac N Cheese

    My New SA-12's

  6. Mac N Cheese

    Stock Electrical On 92 camaro RS? Info Please!

    I wouldn't recommend going the cheap route and getting your original alt. rewound. In fact your stock alt. will do better at idle than the beefed up alt.
  7. Mac N Cheese

    Sundown Rocks!

    for Sundown
  8. Mac N Cheese

    Back Seat Problem

    second the 15, also room for amps, batts..
  9. Mac N Cheese

    Fi Q options

    since your only running 500w to it then its really up to you if you want to include the extra features. But i would get the cooling just in case
  10. Mac N Cheese

    fi btl 18" vs 2 re se 15"

    vehicle will be a 95 blazer with a 355 swap so the computer wont be in it and i can use the whole section behind the rear seats music will be -hip-hip/rap going for spl over sq dont have amp yet i will buy the proper amp once i decide on the subs also i will build a box or box's to spec once i decide what kind of electrical are you going to supply that amp with?
  11. Mac N Cheese

    fi btl 18" vs 2 re se 15"

    please read noob guidelines thanks!
  12. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    second that, thanks!
  13. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    the wire is clean for the 3000D but still not yet for the 100.4 whats a good way to secure it? block of wood plus L bracket If it where my car, I would get a battery hold down with the j-bolts, THEN screw a short piece of 1" angle iron to the floor on both sides an hook the j-bolt through a hole in the angle iron. this way the battery will stay put in a wreck/rollover. easy to remove also. thats a good idea, thanks ill check it out at lowes
  14. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    off to Lowes for solder, and spray paint
  15. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i noticed that you have weird ass posting times, sometimes at 5am!! hahaha
  16. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    ten page t0p
  17. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    yeah i know what you mean, i wish the factory panel was an exact 6.5 because in the pic it would look funny
  18. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    the wire is clean for the 3000D but still not yet for the 100.4 whats a good way to secure it? block of wood plus L bracket
  19. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    crisp, alot louder with the tweets, clear, very pleased with them
  20. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    here is my original door panel and i want to somehow connect the JL grilles to the factory door panel any ideas? i was just thinking a steady hand with a jig saw and hot glue it in but i am still trying to imagine if it will look good what do you guys think? keep it stock? or add alittle touch?
  21. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    heres the pics, the wires for the 100.4 are still messy i need to clean them up a bit funny how my 1/0 wire looks clean but not the 4ga, 18, for the 100.4 lol front plexi still not attached, still need to install fan Alright guys, now you see my amp rack how it meets up straight with the box? what is a good way to connect them together? i used screws last time but it made a funny squeeking noise. I used hot glue and it didnt work the best but i think fiberglass resin would work great also here i need help on these door panels here too pics in a sec
  22. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

  23. Mac N Cheese

    Power Question.

    yeah you should be fine, if you have a volt meter keep an eye on it...but otherwise your good to go
  24. Mac N Cheese

    steve 09 silverado crew cab

    nice work