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Mac N Cheese

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Everything posted by Mac N Cheese

  1. Already put terminals in my box, but thanks. And my question isn't in regard to connecting coils to the box, sorry if that was unclear. My question is connecting coil to coil. I'll go in the garage and post some pics to make things clear. thanks anyways! i here what your trying to do....wire it from + to + then to the amp, and same for the negitive, i would say trim to fit thats your best bet
  2. Mac N Cheese

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    get ready to be idleing at 15.3v
  3. Mac N Cheese

    FI Q12 help..

    Elemental Designs Model Name : NINe.1 Amplifier RMS Power @ 12.5v : 1200W x 1 @ 1 Ohm 900W x 1 @ 2 Ohm, 450W x 1 @ 4 Ohm just go with a duel 2, with the cooling and extra options
  4. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    temp is gonna be 19 next week
  5. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

  6. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    off to the ballpark!!
  7. Mac N Cheese

    2 12" BTL's or 1 15" BTL

    oh ok i was just thinking of going with just the 15" to save money thanks! 1 15"btl with good power is going to be loud. ok thats all i want is just to be loud because my trunk doesn't have enough air space for two 15's, so i was just gonna get 1 15 and call it a day or get 1 12 for right now and upgrade to another 1 later what do you think about that? you could do that but...i think you will be more than satisfied with a single BTL....plus the electrical will cost ya
  8. Mac N Cheese

    Hi Guys!! and Gals?

    Welcome to SSA!
  9. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    INSTALLED!!! 15.1v at idle.....full tilt doesn't drop below 14v now thats an alternator more pics to come...to bad the alt. is absolutely hidden so you can't see the beauty....but i still gotta install a fuse holder and crimp the negitive line on the front bat..... stay tuned
  10. today was the day i got my DC power XP 275 alt in.....fired it up and meter read 15.3v
  11. Mac N Cheese

    Hi. Another new guy

    Welcome to SSA
  12. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i have to say both the orlock and whipstitch the clown are CRAZY!
  13. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    it sure is a beast, well then if i do 2 lines then i will need another fuse holder Knu Konceptz fuse holder plus free fuse came in today....and i ordered on saturday!!! i thought it wouldnt get here till next week Always a plus
  14. Mac N Cheese

    Two 12's or one 15 maybe 18

    Welcome to the forum....first things first, we need more information to be able to guide you in the right direction goals, budget, electrical will help thanks
  15. Mac N Cheese

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    DC alt. next to a cup of joe absolute terrible pic, but i was trying to hold the alt. and take a pic ^hard to do....hahah Single run or 1/0 or should i do two?
  16. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    out of sweet dreams
  17. Mac N Cheese

    Fi Q "Fully-Loaded" Indentification?

    sorry but theres no way to tell fully loaded: adding extra options such as cooling etc...
  18. Mac N Cheese

    Hi From UK

    welcome to SSA!
  19. Mac N Cheese

    FI Q12 help..

    what kind of amp are you throwing at it? also if you ever plan of selling it you will have a better chance with the options
  20. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    faygo grape pop while watching the descent
  21. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

  22. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ^what the frick
  23. Mac N Cheese

    How much does a 15" Fi BL weigh?

    Around 40 lbs shipped
  24. Mac N Cheese

    Hi Forum

    this is the best forum welcome to SSA!