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Mac N Cheese

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Everything posted by Mac N Cheese

  1. Wait.. a local shop that claimed they can "beef up a stock alternator" and it worked?? -- first i heard of this. A friend actually did this, it was spendy, not as much as a brand new h/o! But only upgraded a little bit but maybe I will just do the big 3 add a second battery and do that. I plan on getting bigger amps eventually down the road but maybe I'll have a new car/suv by then with more cargo room lol. having someone re wound a stock alt. is really risky...it can be done properly or it can actually be worse than your stock alt. at idle. I would rather just purchase one of the best HO alts because i really dont want to go back and have to spend more money in the long run
  2. Mac N Cheese

    18BTL in Tranny Line

    got a good laugh out of me
  3. Mac N Cheese

    Noob from da SC!

    haha yea i feel yea charleston's pretty cool, but drivin around there kinda sucks. I live maybe 30 mins from it, but i go there all the time. Ok so what would u guys suggest for the electrical? Big 3 all that jazz? Welcome to SSA! yes the big 3 should be good....maybe even get a volt meter and watch it
  4. try contacting dcpowerinc.com and give them a call...they will help you out
  5. since your build is going to be rather big, i would suggest just asking questions and do some reading.....this is the best way to learn, not to have a shop do everything for ya..also if anything ever does go wrong then you can have a general location where to look
  6. so you are going to have a shop install everything for ya? i just looked up your vehicle and looks rather easy to do the big 3.....as for the cost if you want to do it right and not have to go back and spend more money because your previous equipment was efficient enought...its gonna be WELL over four digits just for electrical
  7. Mac N Cheese

    4 DP21 4th Order Build

    thats quite alot of 1/0...but you managed to make it look clean!
  8. what else do you have planned for electrical BESIDES just the big 3?
  9. to tell you the truth..i would suggest getting the Kinetik 1800 and finishing up the big three and also purchase a volt meter and go from there...personally i would wait on the new alt.
  10. Mac N Cheese

    Fi btl back order?

    since they are on backorder they will recieve the magnets then and knock out as many as they can get too....only time can tell
  11. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you have the wierdest posting times ever, i swear i see some at 3am and then at 5am,......
  12. Mac N Cheese

    Hey guys

  13. Mac N Cheese

    Hello from Dayton, Ohio!

    Welcome to SSA! i was there a couple years ago to visit the Dyrdek skate plaza, you probably know what that is
  14. first off, what kind of electrical upgrades are you planning on doing...?
  15. Mac N Cheese

    DB Electrical alternators any good?

    on powerbastards, seriously cross them off your list....please, call DC power, there number is located right on there site....
  16. Mac N Cheese

    Hey guys, from BC Canada

    Welcome to SSA
  17. Mac N Cheese

    SAZ 3000-d Protect Mode

    you know what, i am very glad you are still positive about this whole situation you had to deal with....i no first thing what you are dealing with, my 3000D did almost the same thing and i was kinda stressed out and really worried because i just dropped so much money...but in the end it was totally worth sending it in, and Chris even paid for the shipping back just remember to package it well and it will return back safe Thanks for staying so positive!
  18. Mac N Cheese

    smallest recommended box for 18'BTL

    yea u right he's new to car audio lol [/quote hes new to car audio?? seriously he probably doesnt have a slight clue on how much money he is going to be throwing into this especially just for the electrical..
  19. Mac N Cheese

    got box built but not sure if its right help me

    is that single baffled?
  20. Mac N Cheese

    SMD Subs

    there not the same company they just joined together, Fi is online based, and AA is dealer
  21. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's coming for you, didn't you see "Birds"? it probably is, actually its been bugging me since i think monday...looks like a baby finch i can hear him scratching the windown right now......creepy
  22. Mac N Cheese

    BTL questions

    there is no warrenty available for the BTL. There is a waiting period for them right now... as for the dual 1 or 2 option that will be based on what amp you will purchase....what does your electrical consist of?
  23. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's coming for you, didn't you see "Birds"? it probably is, actually its been bugging me since i think monday...looks like a baby finch
  24. Mac N Cheese

    BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

    Put the little guy next to your hc2400 haha spice things up a bit. that wouldn't be a bad idea
  25. Mac N Cheese

    BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

    i got a little hc600 too, but dont know what to do with him