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Mac N Cheese

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Everything posted by Mac N Cheese

  1. Mac N Cheese

    (2) 13W3v3 Box Build

    i loved my W3's....pretty reasonable price for them also
  2. Mac N Cheese

    2 15" AA Havocs new box build

    The Havocs are truly the best looking sub...hands down
  3. Mac N Cheese

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    damn both pods and tat looks great!
  4. Mac N Cheese

    fresh member

    Welcome to SSA!
  5. Mac N Cheese

    ? about bl "

    very sorry about changing your thread.....
  6. Mac N Cheese

    ? about bl "

    i would NEVER advise someone like this a BTL...seriously no offense......thats my thoughts Why is that? Would it be better to throw 2000w to something else? OP wanted to buy another amp for his 1000w sub, a BTL makes more sense for that power, no? yes it makes sense if you want to throw more power to a subwoofer but it's just i dont want people coming on this forum thinking "i am gonna get a BTL and throw massive amounts of power on it" without any support of electrical...and thats what i want people to realize it takes alot more than a amp and sub to make things work.....
  7. Mac N Cheese

    ? about bl "

    i would NEVER advise someone like this a BTL...seriously no offense......thats my thoughts
  8. what kind of 300amp alt are you thinking of getting? I would at least replace my starting battery and add a couple in the rear too....maybe even do more than a single positive run of 1/0 to back batteries
  9. Mac N Cheese

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    midbass right next to your fucking leg!hahah
  10. Mac N Cheese

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

  11. have you done the big three upgrade yet? what size wire are you using? 13.2 at idle? thats awfully low 0 guage all over car so wat else is there to without a h/c alt that's with the sub playin its at 13.2 idk what it is with off sry if i misunderstood you, i know you are using 1/0 but have you done the big 3? sry if you already answered but i wasn't sure whats the big three? it consists of three upgraded wires under the hood of the car.....remember when i say UPGRADE do not replace! depends on how hidden your alternator is to determine how hard it is to upgrade.... use 1/0 Alternator to Positive output on battery Negitive battery to chassis (make sure to have contact with bare metal) engine block to chassis definitely recommend doing this upgrade and then going from there
  12. have you done the big three upgrade yet? what size wire are you using? 13.2 at idle? thats awfully low 0 guage all over car so wat else is there to without a h/c alt that's with the sub playin its at 13.2 idk what it is with off sry if i misunderstood you, i know you are using 1/0 but have you done the big 3? sry if you already answered but i wasn't sure
  13. have you done the big three upgrade yet? what size wire are you using? 13.2 at idle? thats awfully low
  14. Mac N Cheese

    is something wrong with my btl

    you will see, nope you do not need to take the rubber boot off
  15. Mac N Cheese

    enclosure for 18" btl fully loaded

    hhaha i just recognized your screen name is boobies on youtube....
  16. Mac N Cheese

    Quick Question about SAE-1200Dv2

    those little guys looks like straight beasts!
  17. Mac N Cheese

    is something wrong with my btl

    time to whip out your handy dmm
  18. Mac N Cheese

    2010 18 Q VS 18 Q with BP???

    i would personally just wait for the new Q if it is out, i havn't checked.. if you properly set your setting on that amp it will be perfectly fine
  19. Mac N Cheese

    Remote wire help

    I'm north of Detroit about 45 minutes, place called Port Huron. I'm sure you've heard of it. Stupid blue water bridge makes this place famous for no reason. yep i have heard of that place...
  20. Mac N Cheese

    mikey's OFFICIAL build log

    looks like a good list of equipment....what are you doing with the hc800? is that going to be for the highs?.
  21. Mac N Cheese

    Remote wire help

    Where abouts in MI are you from?
  22. Mac N Cheese

    is something wrong with my btl

    for starters what kind of model/brand amp do you have? and how do you have it wired from the sub to the amp?
  23. Mac N Cheese

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    oh it better be crazy... shizzy
  24. Mac N Cheese

    SSAudio :)

    Well Happy birfdAY!!
  25. Mac N Cheese

    How about that SSD?

    yes really. it's called head room. , you think all people will use it as headroom?(i like headroom too. ) Instead of cranking it up to the max, with sometimes not properly set gains. Not really smart to post that kind of stuff on a forum, where a lot of beginner's read up to gain knowledge and then they read that and think they need a bigger amp.(and burn woofers, and then ask what happened.) OP doesn't have to take my advice. It's just my 2 cents. If I had a choice of running a SSD with a 500 watt amp or 1000 watt amp I would choose the 1000 watt amp and set the gain lower to reduce strain on the amp. you guys are both right, it's just a personal preference.....if you have experience with setting proper gains and etc...then go for it.....but then again we don't want people coming on here reading that they can take a certain number of watts because then people will start to improperly tune there amps and bam we got a whole lot of fried subs....