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Mac N Cheese

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Everything posted by Mac N Cheese

  1. Mac N Cheese

    BTL Backorder

    remember vegas is behind 3 hours.......
  2. Mac N Cheese

    good amp for 2 18 in BTL daily driver in 02 avalanche

    just wire the sub to one ohm....+ to + to amp, also - to - and then to amp
  3. Mac N Cheese

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    just mess with it...and go through all the settings
  4. Mac N Cheese

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    turned out nice! does it still say Mac N Cheese on the inside? i did it with a pencil last week lol
  5. Mac N Cheese

    MBarber25's Build Log

  6. Mac N Cheese

    MBarber25's Build Log

    keep the pics coming!
  7. Mac N Cheese

    Fl Bl 15

    No since you have this question. The real question is why do you want to damage your sub, go get a BTL if you want to use that much power. Well whats the biggest amp i put on it? have you even thought about looking at Fi's website to find out how much wattage the BL can handle? yeah its says 1000 but i have a us amps md2d with a kenetik hc1800 with upgraded alt and the amp is max out and the sub is asking for more what do you mean maxed out? the gain is all the way up? how do you have the BL wired? to 1 ohm?
  8. Yes... absolutely do 2 runs of both pos and ground
  9. Mac N Cheese

    18" SMD photoshopped

    beast of a sub.....just don't like the price
  10. Mac N Cheese

    Fl Bl 15

    No since you have this question. The real question is why do you want to damage your sub, go get a BTL if you want to use that much power. Well whats the biggest amp i put on it? have you even thought about looking at Fi's website to find out how much wattage the BL can handle?
  11. Mac N Cheese

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    that will get the job done!
  12. Mac N Cheese

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    sounds like a movie that would be on scifi channel I've read reviews, and I don't think scifi would show anything this screwed up. I've looked for it a while back and never could find it. I'll probably search again now. I think it was a film festival flick when I first read about it. From what I read, it's about a guy (doctor maybe?) that abducts three people, and performs a horrendous experiment.... He sews ones mouth to the others ass. Now I must admit, this seems like it couldn't be a very great or enlightening film, but I'd like to see it. Sounds original. Edit: Found one! I'll post how I liked it by this weekend most likely. fuck yeah...now its probably gonna be a terrible movie but fuck it, any movie that wierd has to be interesting
  13. Mac N Cheese

    15" BL Power Handling

    thnx ! i just want it to be noticeably louder than my 2 12" MTX Jackhammers which are getting 250 RMS each.. do you think they will be ? and LAST questions for you lol ... my budget allows for eathier just the cooling option or the Hyper pole and Flatwind.. Which one would be best for power and life span ? well the hyper pole option comes included with the cooling so check the cooling and flatwind ive done a lot of research and i heard the aq1200d is a very good amp.. is that true ? anyone know of any problems with them im guessing i can hook that amp to 1 ohm with the BL ? and i believe i get the D2 for 1 ohm ? yes thats a solid amp for the price..correct buy a duel 2 BL
  14. Mac N Cheese

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    alright guys found a movie that looks straight fucked up...its called the human centipede. Has anyone seen it? i have not seen it so if you have chime in thanks
  15. Mac N Cheese

    More Wiring questions

    yes thats correct.. run + and - line from both tweeter/component to crossover...then same to amps positive and negitive outputs
  16. Mac N Cheese

    More Wiring questions

    Yes. Thank you. And yes i'm doing the big 3 and getting another battery. so the alpine speakers i'm getting come with 2 mids and 2 highs. I'm getting 2 of those. so it'll be 4 mids and 4 highs. my amp will work with that, right? Also do i need ground or distribution blocks? And will i need extra RCA's? if so how many, and 2 channel or 4 channel? And 1 last thing how much 16 gauge wire do you think I'm going to need if the 1 speaker and 1 tweeter is going in each door ( there's 4 doors), and my amo is going to be under the seat. And what website do you recommend to buy the sound deadener from? and how much will i need? thank you this will help a lot:) depends where your amp is located...so under the seat would be a good spot..because in my vehicle my amp is a couple inches from the trunk and i am only running a 2 way front stage for now and went through a good 40ft i would get at least 50ft...rather have to much than have to order more
  17. Mac N Cheese

    sub for my amp

    i forgot to metion my box is tuned to 35htz and is made for a 12inch sub so you already have a pre built enclosure? how many cu ft? it should be the other way around, pick a sub and then build a box according to specs
  18. Mac N Cheese

    15" BL Power Handling

    oh yeah that will be perfect for the BL. i heard the same setup a 15 BL in a trunk where the seats don't fold down and it was loud thnx ! i just want it to be noticeably louder than my 2 12" MTX Jackhammers which are getting 250 RMS each.. do you think they will be ? and LAST questions for you lol ... my budget allows for eathier just the cooling option or the Hyper pole and Flatwind.. Which one would be best for power and life span ? well the hyper pole option comes included with the cooling so check the cooling and flatwind
  19. Mac N Cheese

    amp rack/mount

    as long as its secured to metal it should be just fine...i did the same to my sazzy 3000D
  20. Mac N Cheese

    SSA :D

  21. Mac N Cheese

    15" BL Power Handling

    yeahh i wasnt gonna hook it up anyway lol yeah thanks.. im leaning towards doing that since i want it to last for a few years, but still can hit it Hard! Eventually i want to upgrade to the BTL with new electrical not for a while lol will 1200 RMS still pump the BL Hard? thnx for your help man oh yeah that will be perfect for the BL. i heard the same setup a 15 BL in a trunk where the seats don't fold down and it was loud
  22. Mac N Cheese

    15" BL Power Handling

    do not use the bass boost, thats a disaster for sending clipped signals! and over time that will result in blown equipment.. Just go with a duel 1 and wire it to 2 ohms and call it a day sorry for switching my opinion on which ohm you should run...but this will make your equipment last
  23. Mac N Cheese

    High Output Alternator Toyota camry 97

    hehe, but if your looking to do it right the first route and not have to continue searching for better alts. then contact dc power
  24. Mac N Cheese

    More Wiring questions

    well you are going to need a set of 4 channel RCAs for you highs (speakers) and then a set of 2 channel RCAs for your Audioque
  25. Mac N Cheese

    15" BL Power Handling

    since you have to ask then run it at 2 0hms but it will be fine on 1 ohm as well if you set your gains right and can control the volume knob. Check out Audioque AQ1200D for amp alternative as well. would the sub last long if i just turned down the gain and volume on the amp at 1 ohm ? or would it be more beneficial if i just had the gains and volume up and set up on 2 ohms.. at 2 ohms you need to order Dual 1 ? am i correct yes the sub would work just fine if the gains are properly set....<double read that...but i would suggest also getting the cooling option on the BL also. if the gains are set accordingly it will be fine. I would just get a duel 2 BL and wire it to 1 ohm