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Mac N Cheese

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Everything posted by Mac N Cheese

  1. Mac N Cheese

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    still those mayhams look dinky compared to those E8s...haha. My beefy sub will be here tomorrrrrrowww!!!
  2. yes, a second battery will be necessary. Did you try calling DC power? or did you just search the website? Also look into getting a volt meter to monitor your voltage. I dont know if you mentioned this but whos building the enclosure? I would advise you to install it yourself because you cant learn better than doing things yourself
  3. Mac N Cheese

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    these are fucking dope subs! had a blast picking them up...and chillen
  4. Mac N Cheese

    Big 3

    if your alt is sitting right on top which i am pretty sure it is...then 15 ft would be plenty..
  5. Mac N Cheese

    saz-3500d "clicks" when turning on or off

    guessing it's something to do with the remote switch
  6. Mac N Cheese

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    can you say major windshield flex? im scared
  7. Mac N Cheese

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    you better!! so did you figure a wall, or a blow through?
  8. Mac N Cheese


    Welcome to SSA!
  9. Mac N Cheese

    Screw hole Diameter

    Cut ID: 14.125
  10. Mac N Cheese

    single cab truck, 2bl 12s?

    i thought the same thing when i read the title. then i saw it was a dodge. they have a rather large cavity behind the seat. i think the designer may have been a basshead the plan sounds good from what ive seen. you wont get anywhere near the "nasty loud" of that pair of 18s, but you could definitely get pretty loud with 5 cubes of space and 2500w. i would even entertain the thought of using a single 15 just so people who make stupid faces when you tell them you have a 15" sub behind the seat in a regular cab truck. haha i agree with the dodge guy being a possible bass head, and i get puzzled looks when i say i got four tens in it now. i heard a couple of jlw7 8's ported and tuned to 31hz that sounded about like i want as far as frequencies but i would prefer a bit more output. and i kinda figured i wouldnt be near the 18s but like i said, nasty loud, i wouldnt want that as a daily, then again, never say never. last question for now, do these subs require bracing, i know that guy with the btl 18s had some metal poles mounted. do i need to get that extreme, whats reccomended? thanks for all yalls quick responses double baffle, i would use dowels to support the top baffle where the subs lie
  11. Mac N Cheese

    how does my 12bl enclosure look??

    how many cu ft? tuned to?
  12. Mac N Cheese

    ghost hunting

    check into the Ada witch also...
  13. Mac N Cheese

    ghost hunting

    hell's bridge is just a 10 minute drive from me! but never went there...
  14. Mac N Cheese

    Calloused ear drums..

    welcome! i am only about a 15min drive from you...i am from Rockford
  15. Mac N Cheese

    hey nick

    you gotta learn at some point
  16. Mac N Cheese

    hey nick

    you have posted over a 100posts and you dont know what Fi is?
  17. Mac N Cheese

    Why is it good?

    But what do they do different to make theirs better. I have my factory alt and want to rebuild it the best I can Idle, amps, volts etc. etc. etc I would not recommend getting your alt. rewound. Infact the results would be alittle bit better while driving and ABSOLUTELY terrible while idle
  18. Mac N Cheese

    btl 18 cuts out at high volume HELP!!!!!!

    try testing with another amp and see if you can eliminate one of the questions. Did you say your BTL is in a 4 ft cu enclosure?
  19. Mac N Cheese

    BEST *#$@ing sub I EVER owned .

    i bet you were scared for a minute! my 12 BL is coming also
  20. Mac N Cheese

    Sundown Stickers?

    alright cool, thanks for replying back and telling us
  21. Mac N Cheese

    enclosure for 12 inch fi bl subwoofer

    good luck on the build! i just finished up my 12 BL enclosure
  22. Mac N Cheese

    My New Woofahh

    damn looks sexy, cant wait for my 12 BL to come!
  23. Mac N Cheese

    How loud can I go?

    second that. why do you want an 18 in an evo???? i am in the process of buying one also and all i want in there is a 12 BL thats it.
  24. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah thats a good idea, i probably will just end up buying it thanks ill take a look tomorrow
  25. Mac N Cheese

    Welcome to the IHoP

    im sick of this bullshit jigsaw diameter cuts, thinking about renting a router tomorrow. Do they sell router circle adapters at the local lowes, sears, menards?