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Mac N Cheese

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Everything posted by Mac N Cheese

  1. Mac N Cheese

    2~15" Icon's Build

    That turned out awesome! Love the window, couldn't have turned out better.
  2. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Thanks Stefan. I really didn't take many pics of the box while building it which I do regret. Amp dimensions are Width-9 Length- just over 27 Height-just under 2.75
  3. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Thanks! All in all you could say it just wasnt the vehicle for me. I dont have all this money to keep it up to par, plus upgrading ANYTHING on it is fucking expensive. In the end i didnt need a car that has that much power. Plus I think the GTI is much cleaner and it has beat so i cant complain. We will see how work goes friday.. But i am forsure coming down Saturday you can count on that.
  4. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Thanks for the comments guy! Progress will resume Saturday when I meet with dblbelly and deaden the headliner.
  5. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    swagg I have had mine for a while so if u need to ask a Q shoot AWAY! BTW mac please tell me you picked for that amp to be a girl cause it just gave me a chubby! (I teabagged ur drumset.....well my drumset is a guy so that makes you GAY) see i dont want to be gay!
  6. Mac N Cheese

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    Looks like its going to be strong! Keep up the progress. Hope to see this at Slamology.
  7. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    As of right now it is in and playing! I got alot done this weekend, installed the headunit, the Oxygens are in and playing. My thoughts on them so far is that they are great sounding all around excellent drivers. Had to do alittle modifying in the panel so they wouldnt hit the window when rolled down but it came out fine. CDA 117 is an excellent HU for the price, I just wish i could set the HPF to higher than 100Hz. This week is going to be busy with work so I achieved all I wanted to get done this prior weekend. Right now I have the gain set at 1/4 and the subs are barely moving.. I know for a fact my windshield is not going to like this. Broke the prongs of my voltmeter so I cant see my voltage drop yet..need to purchase a set soon. Hopefully either the DC XP 260 OR 320 alternator will be purchased later on this week. Heres what still needs to be done. Deaden headliner Install Knu 8gauge to woofers DC alt And 2 of the big three Oh and if Sean doesnt forget his D3100 he is selling me at Slamology. Heres a couple pics I took while it is super nice here.
  8. Mac N Cheese

    2~15" Icon's Build

  9. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Got some more goodies.. As of right now I got 2 runs of 1/0 to the trunk so thats done. I plan on wiring up this HU tonight and adding the highs in tomorrow. This amp in appearence is a beast. Overall finish looks excellent, also got two shirts included.
  10. Recieved mine just a minute ago! Wow the 5500 is a beast, also got 2 T shirts with it. Many pics will be on my build log in the morning.
  11. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Heres the stuff I used. It runs about 7-10 dollars a can and doesnt cover much. I would recommend using black spray paint prior. http://www.rustoleum.com/CBGProduct.asp?pid=79 nice.... I'll see if I can get some and test it out... How does it feel durability wise? Does it rub off easy? As long as you let it dry for a couple hours it works great! Durability wise.. Ive used it on three boxes already and have not had any issues with it.
  12. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Heres the stuff I used. It runs about 7-10 dollars a can and doesnt cover much. I would recommend using black spray paint prior. http://www.rustoleum.com/CBGProduct.asp?pid=79
  13. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Yeah Crescendo. Its currently in Nashville. Not much of an update but heres some pics of what the subs look like in there box. Tried getting a pic of the white led in the box but didnt work out to good. The box is build up 3.5 inches as well. Wish I would have put the plexi up alittle further so you could see the magnets better but what can you do. I still think it turned out great for a jigsaw..
  14. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    I am with you also! Thanks for the comment bud. Yeah I plan on getting tweets in the near future.. just want to get it all set up first and see how things go. As for an update. I ran a run of 1/0 back with this shit protecting it. I dont think there will be any problems with it. Finally recieved new tracking info on my amp, it will be here Thursday! I still havnt seen many pics of the 5500 so i will post alot for ya guys. WHAAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS SHIZZZ
  15. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Most likely no. Just because I think these rims looks great already to be honest. Plus i want to keep it kinda low key. Still have not installed the Oxygens yet. Deadened the doors but not installed them because I still am picking a headunit. Ill most likely pick up a cda 117 from Best Buy on thursday and install it.
  16. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Kinda. I mean ive had 15% with no issues. I knew it was going to be dark but not like how it is.
  17. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    So I got quite a bit done so far. Today I deadened the doors only to find out they are mostly deadened already. Oh well, I still had to do the inner door panel. Ran into an issue with the power wire ran under the car so thats been stripped and will be ran through the vehicle soon. I find the D3100 much easier in attaching terminals because of the size of the screw compared to Kinetiks. I could fit up to 6 terminals on each post of the XS.. Today I had an appt. for the front windows to be tinted. 5% and WOW they are dark! Also I built up my box today 3 inches so I can slide my Crescendo under when it arrives. On with pics.. What a mess.. 5% for front windows
  18. Mac N Cheese

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a pair of Double Dees

    Wow that is awesome work! Looks like great position on the fuse holders
  19. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Were's all the pics of that??? Extremely clean ride!!! Very nice base for your project! There will be alot more pics later on today after work. Picked up a XS D3100 from Hove yesterday...wow never seen one of those before and I have to say the weight comparison between that and a Kinetik 2400 isnt even close.
  20. I payed 5/10 Mid March for me
  21. Did they ship amps based on people that preordered first?
  22. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    These pics were taken before I waxed/washed it. Fucking dirt As of right now i deadened the hatch and ran 2 runs of 1/0 to the trunk.
  23. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    This is the Mk4, tis small! As of right now nope. After hearing Hoves set of Oxygens they were plenty loud enough. Yeah ill get some up later, some reason my other Build log they cant be viewed.
  24. Mac N Cheese

    Mac's GTI build

    Bare with me. Taking pics at night sucks ass, so tomorrow ill get some good shots. Sean I was going to come to you for a design if this box didnt fit. Since the enclosure takes up all the room in the trunk as in width/ depth. I am goining to prop the box up 3 inches and have the amps underneath. When the hell did i hit mudd? Oh yeah yesterday test driving. Thanks Jaycee for recommending these to me Promise better pics of the vehicle tomorrow.
  25. Mac N Cheese

    MICHIGAN check in!

    Welcome to SSA! Forget about SMD, this is the only audio site you need. I am located in Grand Rapids.