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Everything posted by dennisp

  1. dennisp


    Thanks. For security reason, I probably will.
  2. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Looks like I'm gonna have to pass on the soundcard for the time being Jim, since I have to buy a new battery now. Sorry
  3. dennisp


    lol camry_tuner said the same thing
  4. dennisp


    It's actually 2 sheets of plexi One with red LEDs, the other with green.
  5. dennisp


    I went to listen to it for the first time, and my battery was dead. O joy. I'm gonna check tomorrow to see if I can fit a kinetik 2400, which is complete overkill for my application but who cares (btnhfan had one for sale for $200, which is the only reason I might buy one) Still debating if I should spend a lot on a nice battery or just get a cheap interstate one and spend the rest of the money on an RTA/MLS system. I didn't have any dimming with my old crappy batt, so I'm not sure it's worth it to buy a nice one.
  6. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Another sign that I am destined not to have car audio: I got the amps plugged in and went to turn on the car...and the battery is dead lol.
  7. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If it doesn't get better, I'm just gonna stab it. And thanks for the text message Tom. You must have been drunk
  8. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You can see the wires if you're looking at a downward angle. If I keep the cathodes at the top, there probably won't be enough light shining to the bottom to even see the wires so problem solved. They'll probably be visible in daylight though. I could make the wires hidden, but that'll be a last priority. Seats don't go up, but I don't care b/c the crap under the seats looks cheap so I'd rather keep it covered.
  9. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

  10. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wtf mate? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Install did not go too well today. I didn't wanna b1tch and whine about it but I guess I will. 1) I went to the tint shop to fix one window because the corner had a bubble I tried to fix and I ripped the tint. So they fix it, I come home and am tightening a bolt and the rachet hits that same window and makes a rip in it. 2) It took me almost 2 hours of modding to get my rear panels back on because the extra deadening I put on kept the panel from snapping back on. 3) Some tap screws that hold the amprack up are stripping. 4) Wiring is too short in some areas and it's gonna be a B to get more slack. 5) I made the bottom of the rack where the wiring comes in ugly because I thought it wouldn't be visible through the plexi...turns out it is visible. ETA 2 more days tops hopefully. All the problems are fixable, it'll just take some time. The engraved plexi is sweet though, I'll try to snap some pix tomorrow. And I must say, 5% tint on the back = near zero visibility at night. I do love my tint though.
  11. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    f u x 0 r
  12. dennisp

    ///M5's M5 Pics

    Sweet car. I like the scenary too, just wouldn't wanna live there though
  13. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    9 weeks without music. Lovely.
  14. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Balls. NG
  15. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Would like to hear your review for that. I might get one in the future.
  16. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hihi Kento. Thanks. Nice to see you around.
  17. dennisp

    Happy Birthday Dennis !

    lol James, you're so silly. Thanks everyone.
  18. dennisp

    Car tint

    That's way down on the future mods list, but hopefully eventually.
  19. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Everyone should shoot a gun and drive a 400+ hp car at some point in their life. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And have sex with anyone of their choice. But life ain't fair
  20. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've never shot a gun b4 Would love to try sometime though.
  21. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He's writing up a rant about the gf.
  22. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    James is stopping by to read.
  23. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol pucking genius you are
  24. dennisp

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not sure. I think it's like 4 inches.