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c0smo kram3r

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Everything posted by c0smo kram3r

  1. c0smo kram3r

    My New/First Car! :)

    I KNOW this. It's locks the transfer case, not the differential. This makes where the back & front get equal power. This is how all Discoverys/Range Rovers/LR3s are. I think the Defenders are the same way but I have never got the opportunity to play with one.
  2. c0smo kram3r

    My New/First Car! :)

    The company is called Rovertym. They make lifts, coils, bumpers, skid plates, rock guards, etc... They sell 2" Body Lifts & 2" Suspension lifts. They are basically, the best lifts you can buy for Land Rovers. My model doesn't have airbags 'I Believe'. I know for sure the back doesn't, haven't really checked the front. I'm guessing it doesn't though b/c the relay in the fuse box for auto-suspension is missing so I figure it never had the air springs. Website: www.rovertym.com Just browse around and you'll see. Well you're right it doesn't have 3-way locking diffs. The ONLY SUV to have those off the line is the Mercedes G-Wagon that I know of. I don't even think the Defenders have those but I could be wrong. The 'center' just makes where front & back get equal power. But the left rear can spin faster then right rear if it has less weight on it's side. What mine could look like if I was a serious offroader: BTW, that's the same year as mine.
  3. c0smo kram3r

    My New/First Car! :)

    eh IDK lol. I've already talked my friend into a pair of those (15") and I don't want to have the same setup as him lol. I'd save a chitload going this way and it's still one hell of a sub. I also think that the scores will be relatively close in the right box.
  4. c0smo kram3r

    My New/First Car! :)

    I don't want to sound rude or anything but everything you just said was wrong lol. I still have diff lock (center only, but that's what all LRs have regardless of the years), Hi & Low, and I can lift it with ease. The 2004 is actually the best Discovery II offroad wise.
  5. c0smo kram3r

    My New/First Car! :)

    yarp...I know. But luckily, I don't pay for the servicings & replacing parts...just anything I want to add-on. well then my friend, you are on top of the wold then aren't you? first thing i'd do is find out which of the cutest girlies in your class wants a ride most lol...it sucks though really. I have to just stare at it for 3 months when most everyone of my friends will have their license by then.
  6. c0smo kram3r

    My New/First Car! :)

    yarp...I know. But luckily, I don't pay for the servicings & replacing parts...just anything I want to add-on.
  7. c0smo kram3r

    Good touch screen radio

    What's your limit? Flip-out or double-din?
  8. c0smo kram3r

    My New/First Car! :)

  9. c0smo kram3r

    12" BL RMS handling

    an AQ 1200D would be a nice alternative. Does rated power.
  10. c0smo kram3r

    I'm new to the site n really need help with a new system

    How much $$$ are you willing to spend & what kind of vehicle?
  11. c0smo kram3r

    Getting sucked into YouTube

    I have done this as well. MANY TIMES.
  12. c0smo kram3r

    Fi vs Re vs MTX

    lol at the people in the shop. Why did you go to them in the first place?
  13. What's the main differences b/t the two? Just a lil curious. Are they completely different?
  14. c0smo kram3r

    what do yall think about this new box?

    Why the double only on the right side? EDIT: Nvm, my eyes were playing tricks on me lol.
  15. c0smo kram3r

    AQ HDC compared to Fi BL

    Get in contact w/ Rusty for exact prices. But they are about the same as the AQs I believe. IDK though. I got quotes on the Lv4XLs.
  16. c0smo kram3r

    what battery?

    I thought most group 31 batteries don't fit under the hood?
  17. c0smo kram3r

    Suggestions for a new system

    do you mean ground wise?
  18. c0smo kram3r

    AQ HDC compared to Fi BL

    BTL>HDC3>BL /thread lol
  19. c0smo kram3r

    Main differences b/t a LV4XL and LV5?

    ttt any DC guys wanna chip in?
  20. c0smo kram3r

    Main differences b/t a LV4XL and LV5?

    I thought the Lv4XL had the Lv5 coils...
  21. c0smo kram3r

    which set-up should i go with?

    That's going to be a lot of power to those subs...maybe a little too much?
  22. c0smo kram3r

    powermaster 3100

    I would do in order: Big 3 D3100 in the back. (then monitor voltage. If it ever drops below 12v, then upgrade to a bigger battery up front or add another one in the rear depending on available room.) Last, upgrade alternator if you have the money or voltage is still low.
  23. c0smo kram3r

    powermaster 3100

    uh, that Sundown cranks out a lot more than 2k (unless you're at like 2Ω or something.) But MOST cars wont fit a group 31 battery up front. Why not just isolate your front stock battery for all the regular car operations & put the PM D3100 in the back strictly for subs? Or put the D3100 in the back & say a D2700/2400 in the front?
  24. c0smo kram3r

    RE SE 15 (pair) Recone price?

    I think Sundown could possibly do it as well. I saw on another forum that a guy got some RE MTs reconed by Jacob & they had the Sundown dustcap on them.