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Everything posted by CBFryman

  1. CBFryman

    Thanks Jason

    To play soccer you have to be in good shape, to be in good shape you have to have at least a pretty flat belly and chicks some curve in their hips (unless she is a born bean pole) and you use mostly lower body in soccer so the booty is nice, and its not big nice (unless she has a naturaly boody too)...just nice.... mmmmmmmm
  2. CBFryman

    Thanks Jason

    You think she is hot, you should see the girl im talking to (that is the new way of saying "courting" as the old folks would say it) Not as tan but has a some freckles for cuteness and a belly button ring... which is sort of my thing seems i have a thing for soccer and volleyball players
  3. CBFryman

    Thanks Jason

    god i should have never mentioned she had a twin if i can get one of them togather i will...but i may be a while...i dont see them both togather much at all anymore
  4. CBFryman

    Yup, Uh-huh, um. . .NO!

    while im droping in.... nice enclsoures...and no, not everyone can do the same...even with a traight edge...some people local still manage to have gapeing holes and crokked cuts...at least i can get mine straight...for the most part But sealed and ported with round ports (non sloted ports) are pretty easy to construct and be nice looking (after some bondo or carpet) with just some basic power tools and some carpendry skill. as long as nothing is too complicated as far as the chape goes.
  5. CBFryman

    Thanks Jason

    for the carpet, think well worn in felt...so yes, very coverable.... you bunch of statuatory rapeing horn dogs but for details from the waist down...very nice bottom and her sisters (twin) is actually even better.
  6. CBFryman

    O's game

    Good Stuff, i watched the last few innings of that game...swampage
  7. CBFryman

    Stupid Friends

    im trying to enjoy my microwave burrito damn it and here my friends girlfriend goes takeing picture of me... i need to see a dermatologist
  8. CBFryman

    Welcome to the IHoP

    someone knows their farts
  9. CBFryman

    Stupid Friends

    lol she is 14 (almost 15) a little young for most people on this board but if i must next time she is over ill post up. maybe of her eating a microave bean burrito in a santa clause hat...but she will most likely have her shirt on.
  10. CBFryman

    To the few cool guys here that are also at CA.com

    what? you dont think canadian chicks are hot?
  11. CBFryman

    Interesting about ports...

    also, ported boxes dont take more power at tuning...they are most effient there so it doesnt take as much to get just as loud...how far the driver is moving around tuning has nothing to do with how loudit is. now to reach full Xmax at tuning most drivers will need far more power than thermal limits will allow. however to get a driver to reach full xmax at tuning will result in one hell of a boom boom boom .
  12. CBFryman

    Interesting about ports...

    throw any driver an a -3dB shelf enclosure and tell me which has lower extension??? just to give you an idea, at 20Hz with just a quick throw togather in WinISD with a rendomly picked driver. -3dB Extended bass shelf will provide a -3dB@31 and 21Hz and will provide better extension than both a 0.707Qtc and 0.507 Qtc sealed enclsoure. asa matter of fact at 20Hz the 0.707 is at -16dB and the 0.507 is at -12dB and the responce doesnt come back down untill 11Hz where both are at -21dB and neither will be repoducing enough infrabass to be senced at all anyway.
  13. CBFryman

    To the few cool guys here that are also at CA.com

    oh so "Getting Crunk" all night "niggah" while grabbing your crotch and sipping on "day hinney wd duh dro dawg" isnt retarded? Or maybe "My Nam iz juhan lopaz, ah wok at taco bell, i know 2 engla saying, 'Would you like Taco?' and 'Drive around to first whindow, that will be 5.95'" isnt anoying/retarded? Or maybe "Chie like chikan, chikan goood, let me make good grades and steal your jobs and wreck my car" isnt anoying? or maybe you'd like to live in india so when our (my dads) business customers dont get warranty service from us because they thought "hey let me save a few dollars and buy a dell" your next door neightbor will be answearing the phone with a book infront of them titled "everything you need to say to piss off stupid assed computer illeterate americans with horrible serivce even though you dont know a hard drive from your ass" or maybe you'd like to go up to canada and not know when to speak french or say 'eh all the time (canadian chcks are hot though...or at least the ones ive meet) or maybe it isnt retarded to go on an islamic gehad and blow up some trians or some buildings? but then we do have thoes who'es homes are mobile and cars are not, who have a boat which cannot float which stays in their front yard. (all rhymey) who married his cousin which he met at a family reunion. thing is all races have their retarded people...so lets send them to the moutians of south america with some blankets and firewood or to columbia and get on with our lives ok maybe some of that was a "little" over the top...but who gives a flying ****
  14. CBFryman

    keep cracking mdf, what gives?

    Most manufacuers recccomend pan heads but it doesnt really mater as long as w/e you juse tosent let the sub loose
  15. CBFryman


    purdy...but id rather not advertise that i have audio in my truck...it've made it a rule to turn it way down when i get withing a mile or so of where im going just for security while i dont have a security system installed yet. however im looking for a white lettered or outlined clear/black inside one (to ocntrast the dark tint) to go in the middle of my back windsheild. maybe SSA.com needs to have a logo competition?? i would get an ascendant sticker made but i just dont like that deisgn enough to put it on my truck. and if i had gotten an XXX i would have had no problem with "RE" and hte nipple or the XXX symbol on my window (no one around here knows what it means). maybe a sticker with just "Team SSA," oval if possible...if you ever make more
  16. my BX1205D is giving good power, and its quite clean (considering its source) and i have yet to have any problems. The new "superclass D's" are sapposed to be doing rated power at 14.4v asumeing the BX1205D has a high dampening factor ( cant remember) i would call this true
  17. CBFryman

    What's missing in this industry?

    +1 but still, even thoes dealer who sell, kicker, RF, excetera STILL say JL is the best...they will tell you a w1v2 will always be louder than a Comp VR when we all know this to be untrue. maybe the day will come when the audio buyer will be just as educated as the car buyer... the problem with the modern car buyer is that a lot of them think the dealer needs to make no proffit, led along the salesman who's main income is comission.
  18. CBFryman

    XXX suspension

    my avalanche 18 uses.... lol though i beleive its a single soft...
  19. CBFryman

    What's missing in this industry?

    Mainstream dealers that know what they are doing. They shouldnt be allowed to call them selves a good dealer/installer just because they took some reterded certification class that says they can cut wood and run a wire. One can learn more than your average local dealer simply by reading around on the internet and exparementing on their own with cheap speakers and helping with as many DIY projects as possible. Much as i did. I did work for a short time at the better of the 3 installers localy and did learn quite a bit. However even after leaving there i learned A LOT more. There should be a standardized test in which they can display saying they are true able to do such and such. This test should consist of taking an old beater and a given budget (they pay for it at least) or given supplies, then making 1.) an SPL system to a certian standard, 2.) an SQ system to a certian standard, and 3.) making a good SQl daily system to a certian standard. Even the Dealer i worked at thought "oh ill just throw som componets willy nilly into the doors, with out proper aiming of the tweeters or anything and call it the best in the business." Companies like JL also need to whip up on what their dealers are allowed to say about their prodicts. I know it isnt JL the company but EVERY single dealer i have met and spoke about stereo's with for any given ammount of time says that the w713 is byfar the greatest driver avalable today. The standard has yet to be broken. Even thoes who know full well about companies liek RE, Adire, Sound Splinter, and others. I would respect JL 100% more if they did with their product like Dan Wiggins is saying he is going to do with his new linup though a delaer network, the dealer MUST be educated though adire to sell adires product. if the same happened with JL a lot of the "JLw7 13 in a power wedge box kills all" would go far far away also, the price per hour of install needs to come down greatly. $71 is the going rate localy if i remmeber correctly. $71!!! for just the cost of a complicated install where they charge you 15hrs + i could have EASILY done the same quality enclosure AND paid for my own drivers. $1000 of equpitment can easily become a $2500 instalation.
  20. also, spyware and adware is no longer blatantly place on your cumputer as porn...they are now being disguised as windows *.dll files among others. another program you MAY need is one called end it all...however...you shall cross that bidge if you come to it. End it all is a VERY dangerous program if you dont know what you are doing...basically it ends all processes (including explorer.exe) except for thoes few vital to keeping windows stable. you have a command promt...which you will have to find specific files with and delete them. however there are few spyware programs which need this type of thorogh removal
  21. woah woah woah... before you go deleting ANYTHING!!! download Adaware SE personal edition. there are no longer updates for 6.0 also it may be time to upgrade your norton to the newest version, i dont know if 2005 does it, but Symantec SAV10 (and 9 too i think) not only scan in the backround for viruses all the time but also adware and spyware. Do you have your DSL running through a router? if not id suggest on getting more than just windows firewall. and why where you expecting to have pop ups just from a switch to DSL???? also, spybot sucks ass, waste of harddrive space. Adaware will catch EVERYTHING spybot will plus more and will more thourghly destroy it. IF you find somehting which adaware cannot destroy THEN look up how to on the net, i may be bale to help you. these PITA programs usually require things such as starting in safe mode and deleting specific "windows" files and regestry keys. Cleaning peoples computers of this crap is a large portion of my dads business when i work in full time during the summer
  22. CBFryman

    keep cracking mdf, what gives?

    i used 2 1/2" that i had lying around but i had to get a longer bit, normal dril bits wont reach 2 1/2" back when we had a working air gun i would ise 1 1/4" brad nails it dies in the flood (storage cylender got full of water)
  23. Original Purple Haze. :ph34r: Lyrics are soft but tis the lead guitar that is great. now post yours. rock only, and not "modern" chit. real rock. it can be new but not that pansy stuff like maroon 5 or w/e...
  24. CBFryman


    MECA i know has window regs, i dont know about dB drag or ISCA or w/e it is.
  25. CBFryman

    Whats the deal with plastic?

    ptshhh....drop a penny in nitric acid and have fun (stay away from it though)