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Everything posted by CBFryman

  1. CBFryman

    Bored... so i post PICS!!!! lots

    Only biking i ever did was BMX. Racing and tricks, mostly dirt trails. fudgeed my Head up and my crank on a hard landing and havent gotten a new one since...money better spend on Car Audio and Wakeboarding. Wakeboarding...falls hurt just as bad but there is no pavement
  2. CBFryman

    fudge Walmart

    oh, and Autozone, plus they have the even madd ti3tr lights than walmart.
  3. CBFryman

    fudge Walmart

    ^^ So does Advanced Discount Auto Parts, Discount Auto Parts, Nappa (i hate napa because they have everything instock except what i need, lol) and my personal Fav, Peat Olin's...but that is a local business and i know the owner's daughter, who is hot and whom ive been friends with since the 6th grade.. keep the money in the local community and damn walmart to hell is what i say...lol
  4. CBFryman

    fudge Walmart

    Its freaking dead even in the polls with one vote for Nader...i mean WTF...lol
  5. CBFryman

    Progress On my Ported enclosure (pictures)

    RE's are good competition for W1v2's... i think they can handle w0's
  6. CBFryman

    1/0 Fuse Size

    They are thoes little things us daily drivers use that add a lil restiance for that thing called S A F T E Y
  7. CBFryman

    1/0 Fuse Size

    But acordingto every 1/0 DIY on the net it says fuse to the wires maximum capasity.... 1/0 is capable of well over 200a at 12v for a 3ft run but i will doubt i will ever peak more than half of 200....soooooo im thinkign 200 is ok. lol
  8. CBFryman

    New Look For Old POS

    Walmart has a 222 and a 444 ill get a before pic up later if i can find one.
  9. CBFryman

    New Look For Old POS

    FIgured if it can drive a decently clean 25wx2 its worth it for my componets, at least better than my stock HU drving them at an amazing 16 distorted watts maximum sorry it is so dark, my finger was coving the flash, lol.
  10. CBFryman

    New Look For Old POS

    IMO it looks alot better than fake powder coat red with silver paint. Not that it matters because it's going under my seat but w/e. I got it for $45 and blew one of the transistors so the front chanell didnt work and i recently replaced it (my first amp repair, woot!) and it works like a dream minus the LP Xover which i wont be using anyway. rated at like 111wx4@2ohm but the best ive managed from it was 192w total...of course i only need 25-50w per chanel so im good.
  11. CBFryman

    New Look For Old POS

    $90 new $45 Used Sony Xplod 444 painted black
  12. CBFryman

    New Look For Old POS

  13. CBFryman

    fudge Walmart

    Kmart here went out of business, since then the walmart has no compeition and has gone straight to the chitter.
  14. CBFryman

    pics of my 22's

    "aint nobody dope as me"....
  15. CBFryman

    fudge Walmart

    I go to walmart so i can get everything i need at once...the store would be better if: -They Restocked the Shelves -Hired Better (smarter) Employee's, even mickey D's is requireing that you either be in school or have a diploma -Didnt let fat/old people who stand in the middle of the lane's stareing into nothingness -There where less ugly, white trash, ho bags in there all the time To tell you the truth walmart can take LONGER because you have to walk further and wait in longer lines and wait for idiotic employee's On top of the fact that Walmart has no competition for that type of business here since K-Mart went out of business, the closest thing to that is Walgreens and CVS which both charge outragous prices and arent open 24/7 sooo, the fact of the matter is i hate walmart, yo ucan either hate walmart and tell your stories, vote no and STFU, or just not listen to a dman thing i say
  16. CBFryman

    fudge Walmart

    Lowes has the Live Oak Walmart beat pretty well, my local walamrt doesnt even sell that stuff, they suck balls. But i still hate the live oak walmart and the gainsville walmart...besides, 1gal of reisn is $33 at lowes (i think) and that is pretty damn cheap.
  17. CBFryman

    clean pix?

    oh.... wait.... CLEAN pics... All road kill fears me.
  18. CBFryman

    clean pix?

    I cleaned her up for the woman...next day and she is burried Hard Core...Matts Truck
  19. CBFryman

    pics of my 22's

    looks nice... I think the best truck ive seen with 22's is my friends though. '03 GMC 1500 Lifted 3" 22' w/ 35'' A/T's....
  20. CBFryman

    Tang Band Group Buy

    So they arent ment to be a sibwoofer like the JL w0 6's? Im trying to talk my friend into 4 for his substange in his tiburon (either fiberglass box or rplace the rear deck that seperates the hatch from the cabbin) but if they arent loud douwn to 35Hz or so...
  21. CBFryman

    Another Enclosure + New Amp

    Scrap enclosure. i was going to finish a wicked one with the scraps from the box for hte 2 10's but i ended up lacking the correct lengths so i scrapped the 1/2 finished wicked one to make this, its almsot a perfect cube and is 1cuft @38Hz. Im Going to get some vid of the speaker in it which moves like a mother when it isnt in an enclsoure...high tuning means unloading . its just some POS speaker from a $60 bass tube. It be a pretty decent speaker if it had more BL. this may be for sale for anyone that wants it after i play with it. Would go nice with a W7 8 or even a TB 8. could even cut the hole out larger and drop a 10 in. for more low end just add some elbows and vuala. Im thinking maybe $35 + Shipping or $50 shipped. it will be finished off and bondo's and painted with truck bed liner or rubberized coating. i may also sell it locally for a bit more. And my DEI 1100D from Scott G came in. Now im waiting for an RMA # from Ikessound so i can get me a new amp. and either 1, run m Ava 18 off of it or 2 sell it locally for 200 or so.
  22. CBFryman

    Official "I'm excited for the RLi-8's" Thread

    My little lonley 8" enclsorue wants something big in her to pound her hard and long.
  23. CBFryman

    Another Enclosure + New Amp

    i got the amp for $70 shipped, it's broken, came broke, is under warranty. so they will either 1.) give me an RMA# or 2 i will go to miami and raise hell.
  24. CBFryman

    Another Enclosure + New Amp

    thanks. After i realized i wasnt going ot be able to finish the wickedo ne i was like "chit" then i started doing some measurements and found i could make a 15" x 15" x 13.5" cube box...some messign in winISD for like 30sec and 1cuft@38Hz seemed nice and it only needed to be 14x14x13.5 to get 1cuft net displacement. sweet. lol. so i go out in the back yard (at this point im bored waiting on money from customer to finish 2 10's enclsoure) and 2.5hrs later. Just played with it a little. even with the speaker starting to smell near tuning im not getting much port velocity and only have 6.28 sqin....hmmmm... which got me thinkinging. there is room for 2 3" Aero ports tuned decently low (below 40Hz) and that should suffice for a w7 8....so if anyone sees a good deal on a used w7 8 and doesnt want it for themself hit me up.
  25. CBFryman

    Another Enclosure + New Amp

    Chaulk is teh win More chaulk = better seal... n00bx actually my jig saw skills evaded me today....holes for the ports wherent exactly round. bottom was just me wipeing my fingers clean.