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Everything posted by CBFryman

  1. CBFryman

    Oh My, What's This, A Type R?

    Elderado and JimJ PM me your addy's and ill get them out as soon as i can scrape up the postage. Special Addition, only 2 out so far Around the "Type" you may want to put some black pen or just get an Exacto knife and cut out the paper. didnt have a coned 8 lying around so i grabbed a blown and deconed one.
  2. if you arent diehard eD on isux you arent allowed to be a member.
  3. i had no problems iwth my BX1205D...and it will do close to rated which is close to what the BX1500's do. Internals are fine in the one i got, works like a champ.
  4. Which one would be the better choice. I have my DEI 1100D at ikessound and they are waiting for a new shipment of refurbs, Dustin offered me a PPI 1000.1 as a replacement.
  5. ^amen, the flat cone i have on the way is about the extent of my eD purchases. ive heard nothing but crap about their drivers (the current ones) and even if they wernt bad i wouldnt give ben my money.
  6. PPI looks like hit has pretty hardy amps, never heard bad things about them, and we did put them on AF.coms Good List (we did a list of Bad, Average, Good, and highly reccomend)
  7. http://ikesound.com/product-product_id/3918 that is the amp. I dont know if he wants me to pay extra, if he does he can take a hike.
  8. CBFryman

    Oh my ! whats this ?

    so gay, i finally find some stray 0.02 stamps at work and today was the day my mom cleans the house, they (the stickers) where laying on the floor next to my computer and she crumpled them up and htrew them away. now i gotta jack 2 more UPS things.
  9. CBFryman

    oh noes! what do we finaly have

    cars and their use of spring and shocks as their main suspension... Leafs + Torschions ofr teh win!!! lol Nice coil overs. very sexy
  10. CBFryman

    fudge Walmart

    50% for teh win...only 1% to go.
  11. CBFryman

    Omega Midbass (22mm of xmax)

    looking good. Deff a posibility for future upgrades. But new mids are at the bottom of my system improvements and probably wont happen in this truck...still, goodwork.
  12. CBFryman

    **Group Buy** USAMPS **Group Buy**

    ive got RE comps
  13. CBFryman

    **Group Buy** USAMPS **Group Buy**

    still wanting mine, still waiting for taxes so i can dampen my truck so i can get my new box in so i can put my next paycheck in the bank for you. im hoping amp + deadener + sealing the doors = lots more midbass.
  14. CBFryman

    Those of you who own the USamps tubes

    search for pics of Tru Tech's tube amps. they glow like a mofo.
  15. if you could design an amp from the ground up to have a 24v power supply its a great idea for high power. problem wiht converting a stock 12v to 24 is switching out all the bulbs and anything you have that has to run off of 12v you have to have a pretty heafty transformer to step it down to 12 if yo uare going to have any decent current draw from it.
  16. CBFryman


    Im not real attracted to the Flat Cone (no logo means no pretty excursion, plus i have no need for a 12 except maybe HT but id much rather have an 18 and loose alittle SQ, CF dust cap with no logo is what i dont like about my Ava, its also what i love about my Ava). Plus the basket needs welding (it still works but somehow the basket had a chunk taken out of one of the spokes) Maybe i can find someone to get me an 18" flat cone, if i had the know how and the abilityi could build a flat cone. Maybe i can ask RE to not put a dust cap on it...tehehe. BTW i think im going to be able to get your stickers for hte Flat Cone Type R club in the mail. Ill probbaly slap one on mine too and go on there and be like "yeah im demoing one, its friggen loud. a single 12 almost as loud as my Avalanche" eheheh
  17. CBFryman


    IM buying an eD Flatcone for 90bucks shipped. Im planning on pucking around with it, blowing it, then sending it off to RE or Inhuman. RE says they will recone it with SX or XXX softparts to w/e size i want for 100 bucks. Me thinking 18" and compare it to my Ava in output and clarity. If its better the Ava will be reserved for HT usage, if its worse i will either sell it or reserve it for HT usage (depending on my findings). My question is how do you think this will sound/how loud will it get. i know the TC9 is a great motor and the OE driver has 34mm of Xmax (??) i think but the OE surround limits it to 24mm of excursion though. My other question is wether to go with XXX or SX soft parts. Im geussing the longer coil will be the better idea. Ill be calling RE tomarrow to get the nitty gritty on it. I think they both use the same Surround and so it moving its full Xmax shouldnt be a problem. Basket or top plate will probably become an issue first.
  18. CBFryman

    Ideas for interior wall materials??

    Well it cant hurt anything but potential output When building an HT cabniet for my room i asked my dad about it (who was a physics major and taught at the nuclear power school for the navy) and he said that sound dampening materials in anything but acoustic suspension set ups just hurt output and that the only need for it is in big cabniets where there is potential wave build up or cancelation that could cause funky responce cruves. Basically its and add after the test runs ofthe enclosure.
  19. CBFryman

    Ideas for interior wall materials??

    Not Needed unless you are having problems iwth harmonics or sound resonance or if your enclosure is so large you have room for Nodes and Antinodes. As far as vibrations, Mass is your friend.
  20. CBFryman

    Ideas Ideas Ideas

    Well my GF's mom is getting her tax check soon which measn im going to be planning their systems soon. Her moms system is pretty cut and dry. Either cheaper ocmponets up fron in pods and coax's in the rear or coax's all aroudn and an RL-I 8 or 10 for the sub. My GF's car, however, im not sure. i was going to give her my audiobahn 10's and put them in a wicked one...but i found a buyer. Soooo im thinking about getting her 2 RLi 8's or 10's and putting them in a wicked one. However she wants to keep her trunk space so my idea is this. Seal the trunk off from teh cabbin and put the opening of the wicked one facing up on the rear deck and put an acoustically tansparrent fabric over it. would this be loud or would it be better to just put it in the trunk? we are going to be using her car morethan my truck for long trips (better gas milage) so i want bass for me...not her...lol. Her car she is getting is a '91 Toyota Carolla i think. 4Dr. Let me know what you think.
  21. CBFryman

    I Love Miter Joints

    Heh...I thought Virginians where sapposed to be sourthern for a reletively northern state... Cuttin dem thur corner wif the fancy angle'll give it sum more strength when yuh tie yer 8 pointer to it cus Deerr sesun is ov'r 'n yuh dun want the warrden aftah' yuh'. lol
  22. CBFryman

    Oh My, What's This, A Type R?

    WOOT! Got your addy, dont worry, Jim will have some 'thrax in it, for you. lol.
  23. CBFryman

    fudge Walmart

    Haha! Yes is winning in the polls between me and the 6 others we will keep walmart from gaining aproxamitly $1400-10,000 per year One drop less in the massive pool
  24. CBFryman

    Oh my ! whats this ?

    DOOOO ITTT, got one, should i make it the normal red or what im thinking = white