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john denver

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Everything posted by john denver

  1. Any body have any problems with the SPL-viewer program not detecting the LCD meter computer shows new hardware attached but dont know where to get the drivers for it at
  2. john denver

    Since everyone seems to want Neo...

    how much I really like that ass
  3. john denver

    2 18 btls sundown 3500d

    like this but you're numbers will be different replace all the 2 with 1 but wire it just as picture shows
  4. john denver

    2 18 btls sundown 3500d

    Connect 1+ and 1- on each sub together then run 1+ from eah sub out and 1- from each sub out
  5. Was like then im like
  6. john denver

    Saz1500d signal output?

    If the 1500 is hooked up to the sub output you will need to run another set from the headunit
  7. got cha thanks for the update
  8. do you know about how long it will take to get to you from russia
  9. will be waitimg for it
  10. john denver

    New Camera

    Im looking for a new point and shoot camera that will also take vids but primarly for still photos wondering what you guys had for ideas. Was looking at the nikon S4000 and S6000 trying to stay under $300. What do you think i should look at
  11. john denver

    New Camera

  12. Harrison. About 15-20 minutes from Cincinnati. You're just south of me im in Richmond straigt north in Indiana
  13. where at in ohio you at Jay-c76
  14. no we are on the same time know
  15. maybe showing up if all goes as planned
  16. how much longer you think till they will be ordered now
  17. john denver

    ICON Prototype 12" Temp build

    Is it D1, How much? It is a 18D2 How much you selling it for shipped
  18. john denver


    yes 1 quantity = 1 foot
  19. john denver

    how long im i suppose to wait

    im sure yours is not the only one they have i believe he said previously they do all the subs sent in for re-cones once a week thy still have to build the new drivers as-well it takes a little time for the clue to dry as-well before they cann test them then send it out