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Everything posted by xprime4

  1. xprime4

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    so your saying there is not advantage at all from tuning a box to 26 or 31.... i'm pretty sure it will play even flatter tuned real low... anyway i'm sealing it up and i'll see from there...
  2. xprime4

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    31 should Kill the lows. What are you playing that goes much below 31? i think the actual box size is killing the lows lows.... there's pretty much content under 30hz in alot of the track i listen to, bass track and some on my favorite rap track dig low, that's why i love them actually
  3. xprime4

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    i couldn't go lower than 31hz with my actual port size... otherwise it would have been 27-28hz
  4. xprime4

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    ok they are in the car for a week and they sound nice indeed. I still think it lack the lows a little, so i'm gonna seal it up, but otherwise they are dead accurate on music, i love them will 3.25 feet inch cube each sealed will be too much? will the upper bass range suffer (50-70hz...)
  5. xprime4

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    well since i'm just adding a sonotube to it, i'll try sealed first and add the sono if i wanted to. the best is after that i can still seal it up thanks for all the answer, i guess i,ll go 30-32hz if ported then
  6. xprime4

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    To hit on a few of the things not answered already, box size wise, I think you will be ok but keep in mind you are at the smallest end of the spectrum of the suggested range. The Xcon's will play excellent in the smaller sized enclosure as they don't need monster sized boxes, but it does not hurt to go a little larger. In a way, I wonder if you might be more happy with a pair of 12's on the larger end of the spectrum instead, (yeah I know down~selling is not a good business trait, but trying to figure out best choice for your needs). One other thing, if you want to stay with 15's, don't be afraid of sealing them, ask anyone who has and they are VERY happy with the results. Due to the high power handling and high output potential, there is this perception of the Xcon's have to be ported, but that is far from the reality. In terms of the TC-9, I have one also, very nice driver, but the Xcon motor is a solid hop skip and a jump above. A TC-9 driver would more or less compare with our Icon. Hope that helps. well it's kinda too late for that, i already ordered those. is the 35lbs package thing fine tho? they really weight 45lbs? thanks for the complete answer denim, i think i'll still go ported, what would you suggest for the best musical output with a box on the small side
  7. xprime4

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    oh and i just realize that if i want my double baffle , after all displacement (subs port bracing) i'm down to 6.25ft/cu net for the pair that's still fine with the "official requirement" but i don't want my setup to not sound good...
  8. xprime4

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    yeah i saw that, thanks for the cutout and displacement tho. also how much they really weight? it says 45lbs on ssa specs, but my packages seems to be 35lbs each? kinda confusing... since my box will be on the small side, where should i tuned it for the best musical output
  9. xprime4

    lot of Q problems...

    my problem was quickly resolve with Nick. Great custumer service and don't worry about product quality. They're awesome!
  10. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    well like i said before, the noise become less audible as I put more power on the sub. The bass overpower it. In the second video, the noise is barely audible but i was pushing the sub a little too much. I heard the sound a lot more in real life. maybe that sound was here before i put it in my ht , but since i can't play my sub at 130db+ all the time in my house, i notice it right away after switching my car substage and btw i'm gonna aero port the box in few weeks. What freq should i do for home audio/theater setup? I was thinking aroudn 26-27hz. I don't want to go too low because the whole house would flex 70% movie 20% game and 10% music basically thank's again for the support and Nick I still haven't heard from you on my email
  11. I had the Q in my car hooked on a bxi2006d @ 1 ohm. Never really pushing it tough. Never ever smell the coil either. Now i change my car setup and decide that this sub would fit nicely in my home audio setup. so the big sealed 7ft/cu net box is now in my room. It is hooked up on a getho amplifier setup with a 22amp rail psu and a ma 1889i amp @ 1ohm. getting around 240watt max with the psu capacity well, the other day i realize a kind of rattling like noise with the sub playing at extremly low volume. At first i tough it was something on the wall rattling but then i realize by putting my ear next to the cone that the sound was coming of the sub. I've been using the same exact getho amplifier setup in the last 2 ytear without problem. So i tried with a cheap pionner sub ... no rattling at all everything sound normall. I then remove the sub from the enclosure and hooked it free air. The rattling sound is there. so i was pretty worried and test the voice coil. nothing wrong here they booth read 1.8ohm. When i push the cone with my hand, sometime i get a scratching noise, sometime not????? I tried with another amp, a kicker200.2 bridge and hooked a 4ohm. The noise is still there. I did a quick test in my car, no noise at all. But i only play with it few minute since that was freaking cold outside. now i just read on ca forum someone with a fiq10 inch having the same excact problem as me. What the fock is wrong? are those subs known for this problem? i mean i never abuse it and it seems like the coils are half blown even if the dmm say no. the noise seems to come from the dustcap in particular. I can be playing it fine for 2 min then 2 min after it makes the little rattling sound. I don't want to ship the sub to fi cause i'm in canada. Getting one here was almost 100$, i can't imagine the round trip thank you
  12. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    can i play the sub without a dustcap at all while waiting for my new one? harmful in any way? and Nick, have any picture of the new red model?
  13. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    email sent! thank's again for the A+++ customer service
  14. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    [email protected]? is that right? can't find it on your website
  15. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    I just watched the second video and i feel more confident about removing it. Thank's a lot but i don't really understand. The dustcap is just plastic? how come that if i change the plastic piece that already look pretty much stuck, the rattling will stop? I need to be sure that its my actual problem. Otherwise if you can contact me by mail that would be cool. [email protected] thank's again for the video. Really helpfull
  16. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    you just destroy a cap just for me thank's a lot so what are you suggesting? Should i try removing it with a little blade or putting a hammer in it? you're working for Fi? could you send me a remplacement cap?
  17. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    Got some new development ! the sub was took out and hook on my car amp. The problem definitevely ain't the amps. Got some video, once again chitty but with some attention you can hear the little rattle. I put the vacuum in the little hole near the spider and tried to empty the sub from little particule. It hasn't help at all. I also took some pics around the dustcap. on one of those, you can see a extremly little... very very almost invisible little hole in glue around it. don't know if it could be a problem. Otherwise, there's no way i can get the dustcap out without some help from you. so i now know the sub got something wrong. Coils are reading 1.8ohm each (dual 2ohm) and no scratching when i push the sub with my hand in the middle of the dustcap. could the small gap in glue be the problem? i don't think it could affect performance, being that small and insignifiant but ..... video of the sub freeair with little power. Listen well, sry about quality. 35 sec is the best noise audibility moment video pictures: the little gap is in the second picture, around 7hour in military term
  18. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    double post
  19. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    the dustcap feel well stuck to the rest of the cone. Nothing that physically show a defective part or anything.
  20. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    any tutorial on how to fix my dustcap without killing my sub. What kind of glue to stick it back? epoxy fine?
  21. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    how do i remove the dustcap in case i need to ? i really don't want to harm this beautiful driver
  22. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    On the cone, or the dustcap? I'll need to confirm this later, but on with a little pressure on dustcap, the noise dissapear i'm thinking of adding a little weight on it, would that change some of the drivers caracteristic?
  23. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    the sound goes away when i put a small pressure on the cone
  24. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    fiQ weird noisehere's a video of the problem. The quality is chitty and you might have to put the volume a little higher but it gives an idea of the "rattling like" i'm talking. the cam does pick the bass , but that wasn't playing hard. just real low level can't find my mp3 for a different preamp source my gf took my car this morning so no amp big amp swapping either
  25. xprime4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    Come on you guys, seriously.... Why do you post stuff like this????? There is no such thing as too little power. Again- THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TOO LITTLE POWER You probably didn't hear the noise anymore because, I don't know, you were wanging' the crap out of the sub????? it ain't power issus for sure. The noise is audible at moderate-low level but harder to hear at higher level. I'll try to get a video tommorow, but i don't know if my camera will pick the noise.