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Everything posted by Chevy350TPI

  1. Chevy350TPI

    Pics of the MAgnum

  2. Chevy350TPI

    Firefox and Opera

    I don't know WTF I'm doing wrong with that FoxyTunes extension.
  3. Chevy350TPI

    Firefox and Opera

    Hmmm ...re-booted and the window didn't pop up to let me install it when I opened up Firefox ...
  4. Chevy350TPI

    Firefox and Opera

    Regarding extensions ... tried to get the FoxyTunes one ... said it would 'install' after I re-started Firefox. I closed the browser, and opened a new one. Nothing happened. Did the same thing for the weather extension, and it popped right up when I re-opened the browser. Any ideas? Maybe it'll work if I re-boot the computer ...
  5. Chevy350TPI

    Firefox and Opera

    I just downloaded Firefox a few minutes and installed it. Going from IE to Firefox makes a world of difference already. Any plugins I should get?
  6. Got two computers. They're pretty close spec wise. Have an optical mouse / whatever the hell they're called ... without the ball. Both computers have the same Logitech mouse. Turn off both computers. Mouse on the computer on the right stays on (the 'idle' glow), one on the left turns off. Been like this forever, just wondering if I can change it so the retarded one turns off when the computer is off. Probably in the settings somewhere, I don't know - I'm computer retarded.
  7. Chevy350TPI

    help with working out

    For the lowers maybe leg raises and reverse crunches. Seated leg tucks would work here too. For upper abs maybe twisting crunches with a flat bench. Good 'ole flat crunches work well, too. Adding resistance (cable rope crunches) will help overload the abs. We used to see who could do the most reps with the standard 45lb bench press bar
  8. Chevy350TPI

    Cerwin Vega porn

  9. Chevy350TPI

    help with working out

    Well, there are a TON of barbell and dumbbell exercises for most parts of your body. http://www.ast-ss.com Sign up, and check out the "Exercise Execution" section. Should give you plenty of ideas. There is a lot of reading at that site as well. I don't agree with 100% of what the site tells you to do, but nonetheless, a couple of their routines have worked extremely well for me. It's all about what works well for you and your body. Exercise programs are and should always be custom tailored to you and your specific needs. I guarantee Aaron's program won't work for me, and mine won't work for him ... and ours won't work for you.
  10. Chevy350TPI

    help with working out

    Yes ... you can do quite a few exercises with free weights. Looking to work as much of your body as you can with the free weights?
  11. Chevy350TPI

    St. Louis People

    Much thanks sir
  12. Chevy350TPI

    St. Louis People

    I need a ~3" round sticker of the St. Louis Cardinals logo. That's all. Real sad how I can't find one on their website or even locally
  13. Chevy350TPI

    St. Louis People

    Hmmm ... any idea on the price of a small white text sticker 6-8" long with letters 1" or so tall, and a windshield banner 38" or whatever the standard length is, with 1.5" or so tall lettering?
  14. Chevy350TPI

    help with working out

    Wow ... that turned out poorly. I have all 48 or so routines saved in Excel ... I change up my routine (usually slightly) every four weeks or so. Change the days around, and swap out some exercises for different ones. Cardio is taken care of by baseball and hockey, as well as running and cycling. Denim and I can finally put our degrees to use.
  15. Chevy350TPI

    help with working out

    DAY TARGET EXERCISE SETS REPS MUSCLE Monday Quads Squats 3 4 to 6 Legs Leg Press 2 4 to 6 Hamstrings Stiff Leg Deadlift 2 6 Calves Standing Calf Raises 2 6 to 8 Seated Calf Raises 2 6 to 8 Tuesday Biceps Straight Bar Curls 2 4 to 6 Arms Alternating Dumbell Curls 2 4 to 6 Abs Cable Curls 1 6 Triceps Cable Push Downs 2 6 Skull Crushers 2 4 to 6 Dumbbell Kick Backs 1 6 Forearms Barebell Wrist Curls 2 6 to 8 Dumbbell Wrist Curls 1 6 to 8 Abs Leg Raises 2 12 to 15 Cable Rope Crunches 2 8 to 10 Crunches (weighted) 1 8 to 10 Wednesday Shoulders Military Press 3 4 to 6 Shoulders Seated Dumbbell Press 2 4 to 6 Traps Lateral Dumbbell Raises 2 6 to 8 Traps Barbell/Dumbbell Shrugs 2 4 to 6 Upright Row (close grip) 2 4 to 6 Thursday Back Lat Pull Downs 3 4 to 6 Back Seated Cable Rows 2 4 to 6 Hyper Extensions (weighted) 2 4 to 6 Friday Chest Flat Barbell Bench Press 3 4 to 6 Chest Incline Dumbell Bench Press 3 4 to 6 Dips (Weighted) 2 4 to 6
  16. Chevy350TPI

    jack frost's h/t box..

    = no amp to push it in the house.
  17. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That sucks. T-shirt, shorts, and sandals here.
  18. Chevy350TPI

    jack frost's h/t box..

    Looks awesome. Very nice high quality pictures too.
  19. Chevy350TPI

    Everybody loves a little Foreplay...

    That is awesome man ... I tell ya, those pictures look great as desktops.
  20. Chevy350TPI

    St. Louis People

    I will think about it and let you know. Does this guy do windshield banners (but only like 1.5" tall lettering x width of windshield), and other plain white text stickers?
  21. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    bah, your close enough. You're right, close enough in my opinion. Dude has a nice ride, nice stereo equipment, and isn't a dick - can't ask for anything more.
  22. Chevy350TPI

    What the .......

    Thanks for the links. Searched Google a little bit and all I guess you can really do is unplug it. I've had the mouse running for over a year so it's no biggie.
  23. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Man I want to try 2 x 8" or 10" W7's.
  24. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thank you Nick
  25. Chevy350TPI

    St. Louis People

    That is what I was originally thinking. There's the other logo ... Which one do you think would look better on the front of a baseball helmet? The jerseys have "Cardinals" written across them with the bird and bat in there I believe.