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Everything posted by Chevy350TPI

  1. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I absolutely adore the hair
  2. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If anyone thinks of anything extra to add just let me know and I'll put it in there. Was just a quickly put together type of thing so I'm sure I missed some stuff.
  3. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That sucks. chit everywhere. Literally. Lots of cleaning. Get out the 2x4.
  4. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bastard! I'd kill for that combo.
  5. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome To SoundSolutionsAudio !!

    Welcome To The SoundSolutionsAudio.com Message Forums! Membership at TeamSSAudio.com is free. You can participate in polls, post topics, communicate by private message with other members, and participate in our For Sale section. Since this forum is free, we would like all members to abide by the few policies and rules set forth by the Staff. Rarely do we ever have a problem with a member. We our proud of our member base. For most of us, this is what we consider home. Unlike other places, we do have rules here. - We host manufacturer forums. Please read and abide by the rules in each specific section set forth by the company representatives (and owners!) visiting this message board. - We do have an Off Topic forum set aside for, yes, the off topic posts. Make sure they go there! �The IHOP� thread is about anything and everything, as you�ll find out if you venture inside. Chances are that you are here because you are looking to escape from the idiots at other message boards, or perhaps to check out the manufacturer forums. If you are here because of the former, please: - Keep all issues relating to you and CarAudio.com off of this message board. TeamSSAudio.com / SoundSolutionsAudio.com has no relationship with CarAudio.com � we don�t want one, and we will never have one. - All industry related gossip is left at the door � you know the gossip we�re talking about. If you�re unsure, just go ahead and post it � if you come back and find that it isn�t there, well, there you go. If a moderator removes one of your posts for whatever reason, don�t feel bad. We rarely remove things here unless they�re off-topic in an on-topic section, or are just blatantly retarded. Enjoy the forum. It�s here for you, the user. Enjoy it. If you're not sure of something, feel free to contact a staff member and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! SoundSolutionsAudio.com prides itself in being able to offer FREE message boards to the users. We are extremely proud of our current member base, exhibiting members from within the industry and other individuals regarded as flagship members of the mobile electronics field.
  6. Chevy350TPI


    Bullchit is left at the door. CarAudio.com is left at the door. Bullchit concerning CarAudio.com is left at the door. Bullchit on other forums is left at the door. Bullchit regarding companies and their bullchit is left at the door. Industry gossip is left at the door. This forum is one of the very few out there with a little dignity and rationalism left. We're going to keep it that way. Period.
  7. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm a 100% arrogant asshole, and I love it.
  8. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have to find someone to take a small video
  9. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Its not your opinion that is doing it. For one you are being a little female dog. Another reason is that you were asked not to talk about crap audio or any of the topic as such. Read this thread, the whole thing...important things or serious topics are not allowed. You have dug yourself about 4 feet down. Unlik CA.com the mods here have full backing by the admin. Yup, you got kicked the fudge out. I'm not dealing with your horse-chit anymore. This isn't a childs forum. Emos are banned at the door. Whine and female dog all you want, you're not coming back.
  10. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Congrats! Awesome GPA.
  11. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shut the fudge up you whiny pansy ass son of a female dog. Don't come on my goddamn turf and tell me that I've turned into an ass. I've been an arseho from day pucking one, and I am goddamn proud of it. All I want for Christmas is a motherpucking half-assed coherent sentence out of you - is that so much to ask for? Don't be coming on here and throwing a pissy fit because you're a pucking loser. "Hey I haven't been around the forums for a long time. I noticed that I didn't get voted in as a moderator, that's too bad, I'm going to whine and complain in every post I make ... hopefully someone will feel sorry for me." "Hey Goob, can I suck your cock and become a moderator?" "Thanks Goob, I'm a moderator in the Lounge. I feel so cool. My ego just went through the roof. My 16 year old girlfriend I met on Myspace will think I'm awesome now that I have a job. I'm going to get a T-Shirt that says 'I'm a moderator on an online message board!' - that'll get me the ladies." "People are female doging about me being a mod. Time for me to get all emo again and hopefully people will feel sorry for me." "Oh no. People on the internet that I don't even know don't like me." "I'm going to resign as a moderator now." Grow some goddamn balls and learn how to play the little game called "real life".
  12. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Boy does it ever. I hate these holidays. Time off from work is nice ... but I'd rather be at work then at home during the holidays.
  13. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He's not a bright one.
  14. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For the last pucking time ... Keep you and your CarAudio.com motherpucking bullchit off of this forum.
  15. Chevy350TPI

    I'm going to be a dad...

    Congrats! *Pictures UCP bending up a coat hanger as we speak* Just kidding. Steve would be a great name. Can't go wrong with that one. Look at how well I turned out :uhoh:
  16. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    James = teh man. Had to run and didn't get a chance to say thanks for the laptop help. Really appreciate it - you made the search a lot easier!
  17. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That entire story is a mess.
  18. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hate paying for food.
  19. Chevy350TPI


    Welcome back to SSA!
  20. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    3" of snow in an hour and a bit. Sweet.
  21. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah, the lyrics don't mean anything to me at all. I can't stand listening to the "but now you do what they told ya" part of Killing In The Name. At the part last night one guy was pretty drunk and tried to sing that part for a good 20 minutes.
  22. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    NP: Rage Against The Machine - Bombtrack Then ... Killing In The Name.
  23. Chevy350TPI

    I have something coming in the mail...

    Oh my ... very, very nice
  24. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Mitch Daniels? Colonel Eli Lilly Civil War Museum? State Fair? Bunch of flower fields and chit? Sounds pretty sweet to me
  25. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That son of a female dog won't stop sending me PM's.