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Everything posted by Chevy350TPI

  1. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What a great time for me to buy another truck. *Pulls cover off Ninja*
  2. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And the best thing, goes back to the shithole and talks shit. Walking a fine line. Very fine line.
  3. Chevy350TPI

    Playgirl in da house

    Welcome to SSA
  4. Chevy350TPI

    Another Merger?

    A good partnership. I knew something like this would eventually happen
  5. Chevy350TPI

    CYV Member saying hey!

    Welcome to SSA! Great to have you here
  6. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He told me to squat down and I jokingly said "ass to grass?" and he didn't know what I meant. There's a winner.
  7. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Patellofemoral syndrome my ass. You can't confirm that without seeing xrays ... and I haven't had them done yet. What a dumb shit ... a typical you're in, here's some gel for pain, this is what you have, and have a nice day kind of guy
  8. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah Tom - that's rough, I feel for your father. That's painful. Lots of pictures will be taken when everything arrives. By the looks of it, next week and the week after should be the period when everything arrives.
  9. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ... depending on how hard I am on them ... two baseball games tonight. I sure take care of myself
  10. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Confirmed my laptop order today. Should be here next Wednesday or Thursday. I'm seeing a new doctor today, so I can't wait until he tries to explain everything that I already know in non-anatomical terms. Always fun. Then they don't know what to say, because they can't confuse you and can't push me into something I already know doesn't work. If I got my knees scoped now, I'd just have to go back in 10-20 years and get it done again depending how hard I am on them.
  11. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    "I'm not sure if this one right here, eh, is a duo technology or not eh." Well fuck, it says "Solo" ... so chances are eh, that it isn't a fucking duo.
  12. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Swear I'm going to lose it with this computer place. When I walk in there and say I want "this, this, and this" ... you don't give me "this, this, and that" - amazing just how many stores go out of their way to make you not want to spend your money there.
  13. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    International Dispatch, April 19, 2006, 9:40 pm, Chicago (O'Hare) AMC Enroute, April 19, 2006, 9:34 pm, CHICAGO, IL 60666 Enroute, April 18, 2006, 10:36 pm, SAINT LOUIS, MO 63145 Acceptance, April 18, 2006, 2:31 pm, ****, IL ***** Good start
  14. Chevy350TPI

    Mag15 and enclosure

    Now you don't have to deal with hauling anyone around. Even sitting in the passengers seat ... a little volume ... they won't know what hit 'em.
  15. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    USPS is weird. Illinois ... to Missouri ... now back to Chicago. I love it. Big sorting centers I guess. Quit fucking around and get my package here before the 24th. Man, that's going to be pushing it. 3-5 day service ... 18th was day one, 24th is the fifth day.
  16. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks guys. If you watch the video, I know and grew up with the names on the monument ... guys in the NHL, and ex-NHLers. That's MY dressing room, MY team, MY arena, and MY dream to push these kids on to college hockey. If any of you were ever here, that's the first place I'd take you.
  17. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.cbchockeyville.ca/vote/index.php Vote "Trail" under the first region. Appreciate it.
  18. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    As much as I hate to do it, definitely going to the doctor tomorrow to get my knees checked out. All he's going to do is refer me to a specialist, which will take forever and a day to see. Plus, I already know exactly what they're going to say. So that sucks.
  19. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh boy, I sure did. Nice day for a cruise, that's for sure. Annnnd now I get to head to baseball and roast in the sun for a while.
  20. Chevy350TPI

    TeamSSAudio.com T shirts

    I like that.
  21. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I took the day off. It's sunny and warm out, so I figured what the heck. Going to take tomorrow off too. Sick day. Dentist @ 8:00AM, so may as well take the entire day off. Might have to take the IROC out for a cruise today. Top down, the "forget to upshift" exhaust loudness, and some crazy Italian flipping people off. Might actually take the Malibu out and top it out - haven't done that yet, and it'll be leaving pretty quick I believe.
  22. Chevy350TPI

    Mag15 and enclosure

    Very nice indeed. That little cab is a waste anyway, so I'm glad you managed to make use of it ... good use of it, I might add. The install looks awesome - I love the amp rack and choice of equipment. Really nice work
  23. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You deserve it ... you kids work your asses off. I had a job lined up right out of school, so there's no way I could turn that down.
  24. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No problem - hopefully there are a few questions in there that can help. If not, they'll be ok to study for a final I guess.
  25. Chevy350TPI

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Tuesday night ... WTF is on TV. Oh, that's right. Nothing. Cable is down again. Gotta love it. Paying for nothing.