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Everything posted by mikel7829

  1. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Means something different whether you are a jock or a pothead.I don't think I should spark a doob today. I haven't done that in probably 20+ years
  2. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    May put a damper on my farm though
  3. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Fuck I am getting it!! And we can hang out all day!
  4. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    http://hardcoregaymidgets.com Maybe I should have said what tire sites are the best Figures you'd find the tranny sites, didn't know there were midget ones. I didn't post that..I was asking for a tire site and I got that.
  5. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    For 10/13 they were given to me.
  6. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I have got some tickets to see her in concert for sale....
  7. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    http://hardcoregaymidgets.com Maybe I should have said what tire sites are the best
  8. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Online though closest discount tire is about 100 miles in both directions
  9. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    So what site is the best?
  10. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Nowhere close to Tire Rack, unless you're factoring in shipping. So what is the best one online?
  11. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You kayak? Some of my colleagues are going in the morning,not sure if I will go.I have to much stuff I need to do plus I have never been so I have no clue what the hell I would be doing,so I would probably make a ass out of myself.
  12. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    So I should find something else right?
  13. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    They are one in Murfreesboro,Tn and one in Cleavland,Tn both are about the same distance from me about 100 miles.
  14. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I am not sure if it may have been frozen before I bought it.I normally would not have bought one like that but it was for a schools trip to Disney Land.I really don't want to waste it as I hate to waste food.
  15. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sean I bought a boston butt for a fundraiser that is already pulled. Will it be ok to freeze some for a later day or do I need to give some away? I will never be able to eat all of it before it will be ready to through out.If it will be ok to freeze how should I go about it? Thanks,
  16. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Seriously??? Go back 2 pages and look for yourself... They are several with almost the same domain just wanted to make sure I was on the rite one,didn't realize it would be a big issue for asking. Sorry They should be LOCAL to you. Discount Tire. HUGE chain. I will check it out.
  17. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Seriously??? Go back 2 pages and look for yourself... They are several with almost the same domain just wanted to make sure I was on the rite one,didn't realize it would be a big issue for asking. Sorry
  18. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sean what is the link to where you said you buy your tires from?
  19. mikel7829

    Happy Birthday Adrian!

    Happy b-day bro!
  20. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    For instance, KFC's is WAY heavier on sugar. Diced onions real small are necessary IMO as well. I soak those in the vinegar and sugar to "pickle" them a bit. I copped the cabbage and carrots up in a dicer in little chunks kinda like "KFC" style added a little sugar,white vinegar,I did not have real mayo so I had to use miracle whip.I believe it would be a lot better if I had real mayo in it but it was still good.I had no sour cream either,nor did I put onions in it I think it would be tasty though. I have a good sized bowl I am thinking of splitting it in half and trying one half with the sour cream and onions in it but I may need to add some more cabbage to dry the half up a bit before adding the sour cream and onion.
  21. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    John Wayne was white... Fucker!
  22. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I actually think I have developed a blood sugar problem,thinking that may be what is wrong with my feet.I can hardly walk in the morning until I get moving around.As long as I am moving they don't hurt that bad until I sit down then they throb.The longer I am off them the more they hurt it has gotten to be a fucking nightmare. I have always been able to deal with pain for the most part.Strong ass pain killers I have been taking will take the edge off but does no good "roxy 30's".and my lower legs itch like crazy for no reason I am constantly scratching till I bleed and they go numb at night while I sleep it will wake me up,I was complaining about this a while back if you remember.idk That is one reason why I have throtteled back my drinking but it seems to be making no difference yet.Get some blood work done, or at the very least check your fasting blood sugar level. I have a bio screening for my insurance coming up.last year for my bio screening after fasting my blood sugar was at 41 and I cheated drinking a quart of chocolate milk,I did not know I could not drink anything I was starving plus I was on antibiotics at the time so I wanted to put something in my stomach.They brung me back in to recheck the next morning after I ate a good meal and it was fine idk.They told you not to eat. The whole point is to not consume any calories. Really it's don't have anything other than water as anything other than water changes your system. If you are still on medication you might want to check to see if you should take any of that while fasting. getting blood work done is REALLY important IMO. There are so many things they can find out that may not even be bothering you at the time. Water intake can change BG too.... Not usually enough for a normal fasting test. A1C is the real sign. I'm nervous as my right eye is getting worse and worse. Hope I don't have to loose an eye to the beetus. Whats going on with your eye? I plan on it soon,I would have last week but I was to busy with work.When I do my bio screening Depending what the results are I will go from there.If everything is normal with it,I will just get the doc at work to refer me to a foot doctor I guess.The pain is starting to become unbearable.
  23. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I actually think I have developed a blood sugar problem,thinking that may be what is wrong with my feet.I can hardly walk in the morning until I get moving around.As long as I am moving they don't hurt that bad until I sit down then they throb.The longer I am off them the more they hurt it has gotten to be a fucking nightmare. I have always been able to deal with pain for the most part.Strong ass pain killers I have been taking will take the edge off but does no good "roxy 30's".and my lower legs itch like crazy for no reason I am constantly scratching till I bleed and they go numb at night while I sleep it will wake me up,I was complaining about this a while back if you remember.idk That is one reason why I have throtteled back my drinking but it seems to be making no difference yet. Get some blood work done, or at the very least check your fasting blood sugar level. I have a bio screening for my insurance coming up.last year for my bio screening after fasting my blood sugar was at 41 and I cheated drinking a quart of chocolate milk,I did not know I could not drink anything I was starving plus I was on antibiotics at the time so I wanted to put something in my stomach.They brung me back in to recheck the next morning after I ate a good meal and it was fine idk. They told you not to eat. The whole point is to not consume any calories. Really it's don't have anything other than water as anything other than water changes your system. If you are still on medication you might want to check to see if you should take any of that while fasting. getting blood work done is REALLY important IMO. There are so many things they can find out that may not even be bothering you at the time. What would make my feet and lower legs hurt like that?If I am off of them for 30 min or so and try to walk a 90 year old man could walk better then me.Once I get going it is not as bad seems like ever day since my July 4th vacation it is getting worse every day little by little.I do work a fuck ton of hrs a week and am on my feet all day running like a chicken with its head cut off,but I am used to that that never really bothered me like this before.idk See a doctor, none of us are doctors... True,I was not looking for a diagnosis.
  24. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Naw I don't think I looked into that already and the symptoms of gout don't fit.
  25. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I actually think I have developed a blood sugar problem,thinking that may be what is wrong with my feet.I can hardly walk in the morning until I get moving around.As long as I am moving they don't hurt that bad until I sit down then they throb.The longer I am off them the more they hurt it has gotten to be a fucking nightmare. I have always been able to deal with pain for the most part.Strong ass pain killers I have been taking will take the edge off but does no good "roxy 30's".and my lower legs itch like crazy for no reason I am constantly scratching till I bleed and they go numb at night while I sleep it will wake me up,I was complaining about this a while back if you remember.idk That is one reason why I have throtteled back my drinking but it seems to be making no difference yet. Get some blood work done, or at the very least check your fasting blood sugar level. I have a bio screening for my insurance coming up.last year for my bio screening after fasting my blood sugar was at 41 and I cheated drinking a quart of chocolate milk,I did not know I could not drink anything I was starving plus I was on antibiotics at the time so I wanted to put something in my stomach.They brung me back in to recheck the next morning after I ate a good meal and it was fine idk. They told you not to eat. The whole point is to not consume any calories. Really it's don't have anything other than water as anything other than water changes your system. If you are still on medication you might want to check to see if you should take any of that while fasting. getting blood work done is REALLY important IMO. There are so many things they can find out that may not even be bothering you at the time. What would make my feet and lower legs hurt like that?If I am off of them for 30 min or so and try to walk a 90 year old man could walk better then me.Once I get going it is not as bad seems like ever day since my July 4th vacation it is getting worse every day little by little.I do work a fuck ton of hrs a week and am on my feet all day running like a chicken with its head cut off,but I am used to that that never really bothered me like this before.idk