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Everything posted by mikel7829

  1. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Man we have been getting drilled by storms day after day..More fixing to hit here shortly..The night before last I swore they were going to say a tornado touched down close by... I dont believe these will be as bad today but we need a break the power is getting knocked out every day it seems as soon as they get it fixed.lol
  2. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Wazzup hommie!
  3. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I am going through a bunch of my old PC stuff and getting rid of it finally.I had no idea some of the stuff I have is selling for what it is now days. I have a older MSI K8n Neo4 motherboard with a AMD 3200 processor I listed this stuff for pretty cheap then researched what they are going for after I listed it on a by,sale app..Wish I would have researched first because evidently its sought after by folks nowdays.lol Also I listed my old BFG GeForce 7800 GT OC .. Here is some links of what I'm talking about. https://www.servers4less.com/graphics-cards/video-cards/bfg-tech-bfgr78256gtoc?gclid=Cj0KCQjwla7nBRDxARIsADll0kDy3CkIm5aTMu_X2Fna0XzREJli7DIAvsks509hUT1AejfdmdNQI04aAjBwEALw_wcB https://www.m4l.com/MS-7125-MSI-System-Boards?gclid=Cj0KCQjwla7nBRDxARIsADll0kC0EP5IojCIAHhgE9EL-lYc5HnoMvaQAneMAeAR0Xgko47Lbs7v24AaAmZaEALw_wcB
  4. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I just seen some wild cars at the store, Ferrari's McLaren's Lambo's Porsche's and alot of other unidentified rides..All exotic and looked like these folks were die hard fans of the Fast and Furious movies..I seen a Ohio tag on one,couldn't even get to a gas pump for gas for the lawnmower.I have no clue what they would be cruising through a rinky dinky town in Tennessee.lol
  5. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I just ordered a few cellular accessories from Cellular Outfitters,I love how they just throw stuff in the cart for me before checkout.My $20 order some how became $60 and I guess they decided I needed glittery butterfly stickers and screen protectors.Pretty slick,and of course no customer support phone number just email.
  6. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sorry to hear that,Glad everything is ok.
  7. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Nice! Glad it worked
  8. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    My mother has a neurological issue that's similar to Parkinson's as well. Can't remember the exact name it's a mile long something motoropathy something another..She is losing the ability of motor functions and head shakes and hands and such,came out of nowhere a few years back..She has been to the Mayo Clinic they really couldn't diagnose any different then one of the best hospitals in Nashville could..She takes treatments with some crap injected into her through a IV.Has done this several years and no improvement at all.Nerologial issues are kind of hard to treat and diagnose from what I understand idk. Anyway hate to here that man.
  9. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sean I am going to try to get your dash light brackets finished up for you by the end of the weekend.I haven't forgot you buddy!
  10. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Happy Easter guys!!
  11. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sean I bent your metal today while I was at the shop this morning.I still have to space the holes for the dummy lights I can do that at home.I bent these on a 8' brake lol.I went ahead a made you 2 of them so you can choose the one you like best.These are hand made so might no be as good as a computer plasma type deal but hopefully these will work for what you need it for.The 8'foot brake was about a bit to much to bend these little brackets lol..I put some 1/4 hems on them turned to the inside so the brackets would not have sharp edges and would add strength.I will get those holes layed out for you,be thinking if you may want to try out a different lay out for those dummy lights on that extra one I bent you or something just incase that first idea don't work out.
  12. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sean I was not at the shop today,I will hopefully be able to have that fabbed up for you by this weekend.
  13. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I agree with the math . I will lay it out on some metal and see how it all plays out. We could probably subtract some for the width of the ball point pen on my sketch lol..Didn't think it would add up to that much...I know what your wanting now though.
  14. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sean I can do that. So you decided on 4.75 in length? To space those 5/8 holes out with 3/16 in between each hole we need a minimum of 3.25 to work with.I did a fast rough scetch on paper to explain what I'm getting at.The holes are on point at 5/8's as well just didn't mark them on drawing.
  15. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Just let me know and I can fab you something up.
  16. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sean I will fab something up and post a pic and see if that is what your looking for."hopefully tomorrow" when at the shop.
  17. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I have to fab sheet metal almost on a daily basis.If you are familiar with autocad scetch something up just to make sure I'm on the same page..pretty sure your meaning a 2"x2" bent at 90 degrees 5" in length. I could center those 4-5/8 holes as well.
  18. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I could do that easy. And have access to metal and the brake.
  19. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Some bad storms for Tennessee tonight..Sux cause it will be in the early morning hours.So probably no sleep tonight.Bring on the tornaders!! I love storms! Adrenaline rush for sure!!
  20. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You get that engine in?
  21. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Has anybody ever tried the liquid glass screen protectors? I had the people at my local AT&T put the stuff on when I got the phone in the mail.Anyway noticed one day stupid screen was cracked had no idea how.Filled out a form on Pure-Gear's website,they have a guarantee that if it breaks or crack they will send you a $100.00 Needless to say I was very sceptical.. you know how a lot of manufacturers warranties go....So much crap involved you finally say to hell with it,because its not worth the hassles and troubles. To make a long story short they sent a $100.00 to my PayPal account. Simple form to complete Uploaded some proof of purchase and pics of damaged device Took a week to process Because this company stood by its word,even though product failed I would still recomend it,if that makes any sense. Pretty sure it was a installers error.
  22. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  23. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Ah Ha...Where is he at?
  24. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Good morning everyone!
  25. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    My cousin owns a tat shop..He has told me some horror stories of his aprentiship,he said he started out doing the piercings that the other guys didn't want.lol...