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Everything posted by mikel7829

  1. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    http://nashville.craigslist.org/cto/4819738916.html Rebuilt title..don't think its a dealer
  2. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Why would that stop you? They have a back seat..
  3. mikel7829

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    They used to be a place around here that sold a "bubba burger"...If you got the meal and ate every bite you got it for free,The hamburger patty was like 2lbs with 1lb of cheese, several pounds of fries and a 2 litter drink....I never meet anyone who finished it
  4. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Especially for the mechanic brands like Snap-On, Matco, etc. I can't imagine paying the prices new, I can buy multiple Vidmar or Lista cabinets for those prices. I will check these brands out. The Husky's at Home Depot are looking tempting. That or Harbor freight. Coupons that I got from Harbor Freight last week... ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http://http://s1293.photobucket.com/user/mikel7829/media/20150123_182543%201_zpslf6k168o.jpg.html'>
  5. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I seen them the other day when I got some sanding supplies..Not really bad for the price..
  6. mikel7829

    New Amp Company?????

    Someone posted about them not to long ago,not sure who it was maybe meade idk?
  7. mikel7829

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    That is a big ass burger!!!Yes, they're huge! What is the price for one of those monsters?
  8. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I need to get a membership at one for sure! And shed some of this water I am retaining
  9. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If this was closer I would love to photograph this show. J show what is it, a month? 4 straight days....They will be bigger names added later they always are, it's like the present time version of Woodstock...Lol
  10. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Maybe I can cut back a bit....I have on the smoking.
  11. mikel7829

    i need help choosing my sub/amp

    Didn't old school memphis have A few of these?...I know a while ago I snatched a belle and a couple of there old school products of Ebay for a good deal..I know one did over 2k @ 2ohms and the other was like 1.5k @ 4ohms....Can't recall the model numbers off hand..I will look on some old drives for pics..I think I should still have them and they were beast for A/B's .. I might be wrong but I could swear they were A/B's michael
  12. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    And next time I stop by the grocery store I have a pic to post for you Sean... I meant to do it today but I didn't have time...lol
  13. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I did tell them occasional, maybe I stretched the truth a bit..I only drink beer no hard stuff..I drink a six pack at least every day.Just to help me relax,I have a very stressful job.It is pretty obvious that more stress is caused by your relaxation than relaxing. Your kidding yourself.Easy way to test. Don't have a drop for 30 days and see the results.To add to that, while undergoing the 30 days, find a NEW hobby. Something you have not done before. That might help re-wire your brain into relaxation without the booze. J I really don't have to much time for hobbies these days Another quote for you. He who excuses himself accuses himself. You are full of excuses instead of actions. The solution is internal. I don't drink that much...LOL I don't have time.. ..Maybe to fast.. but I don't consume that much...Not like I am sleeping on the park bench waiting for the liquor store to open...lol
  14. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    2015 Line-up for you music heads and concert freaks!!! let me know if interested.. http://lineup.bonnaroo.com/
  15. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Crazy ocean fish found!! prehistoric shark!! http://www.jrn.com/newschannel5/now-trending/Scary-prehistoric-frilled-shark-captured-off-coast-of-Australia-289499271.html
  16. mikel7829

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    That is a big ass burger!!!
  17. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I did tell them occasional, maybe I stretched the truth a bit..I only drink beer no hard stuff..I drink a six pack at least every day.Just to help me relax,I have a very stressful job.It is pretty obvious that more stress is caused by your relaxation than relaxing. Your kidding yourself.Easy way to test. Don't have a drop for 30 days and see the results.To add to that, while undergoing the 30 days, find a NEW hobby. Something you have not done before. That might help re-wire your brain into relaxation without the booze. J I really don't have to much time for hobbies these days You have to make time. If you are drinking a six pack a day and stop, you just made some serious time. If you can't deal with the stress without the crutch, you need a new path. I usually crush a six in like a hour and hour and half I usually don't get home till 8:30 pm or so,and by the time I surf a few forums, shower,it is 10:00 pm so in order to get a halfway decent amount of sleep I have a 1 1/2 hours of free time before I need to crash I have to get up at 4:15 am And I'm lucky to get one day off and when I do I am so tired I don't wanna do much at all it seems...Guess I need to figure something out..
  18. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I did tell them occasional, maybe I stretched the truth a bit..I only drink beer no hard stuff..I drink a six pack at least every day.Just to help me relax,I have a very stressful job.It is pretty obvious that more stress is caused by your relaxation than relaxing. Your kidding yourself.Easy way to test. Don't have a drop for 30 days and see the results.To add to that, while undergoing the 30 days, find a NEW hobby. Something you have not done before. That might help re-wire your brain into relaxation without the booze. J I really don't have to much time for hobbies these days
  19. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I did tell them occasional, maybe I stretched the truth a bit..I only drink beer no hard stuff..I drink a six pack at least every day.Just to help me relax,I have a very stressful job.
  20. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That is my relaxation though ...
  21. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Did the doctor have any idea? Two nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night full of adrenaline and couldn't move my arm. The first thing that crossed my mind was something venomous, but I actually just slept on my arm until I lost all circulation then my body freaked out. No he told me to take my current meds and follow up with the doc at my work that sent me to them..No problems on the test IDK?? Atenol 50mg and Lisinoprill 20mg.... I have no clue bro..The test came back good..I have no clue what could be going on but the cardiologist I went to is suppose to be the best around here... michael
  22. mikel7829

    Aloha everyone

    Glad your here!!!
  23. mikel7829

    FrostedFlakeJake's Picture a Day

    Nice shots man!!!
  24. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Interesting..... http://www.history.com/news/10-things-you-should-know-about-prohibition
  25. mikel7829

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    My Echo and Treadmill stress test came back normal....But I still have to stay on my current meds for hypertension... Maybe my problem is panic attacks IDK..Still don't explain the shit that I woke up from in the middle of the night And I paid about a grand out of pocket for nothing Why in the hell would my blood pressure stay above 150/110 most of the time without my meds??