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Everything posted by flakko

  1. flakko

    want to push my 12's to the limit

    the RLP handled 1500w?? o_O
  2. flakko

    New amp,

    how much cost you?
  3. flakko

    want to push my 12's to the limit

    found out that the MD2 is rated 2kw @ 13.8v (i just found out today)... so youll be gettin a little more power if yor runnin a 14.4v electrical system
  4. flakko

    New amp,

    beautiful! want to see in person!
  5. flakko

    want to push my 12's to the limit

    actually isnt HCAAfan sellin some 2500's? btw usamps rates thier amps at the musical level, not at a certain freq
  6. flakko

    want to push my 12's to the limit

    usamps MD2? 2kw @ 1 ohm well within your price range
  7. flakko

    .75 cubes for an RE8?

    bah .75 is close enough lol. thanks dbfan!
  8. Ported of course! i just got a couple of JL 8W0's for cheap cheap and wanted to do a switcheroo comparison
  9. flakko

    My RLS Experience - long & summarized

    awesome honest review
  10. flakko

    .75 cubes for an RE8?

    sounds good! we can do that on friday? its gonna go in my bros future car
  11. flakko

    .75 cubes for an RE8?

    erm a double 8"?? of so ILL TAKE IT! how about the RE8? .75 too big?
  12. lookin nice yo! erm how much airspace are you given them?
  13. flakko

    Age of these pictures???

    did you see the one at ca.com? it turned 300 posts in 3 days http://www.caraudio.com/vb/showthread.php?t=123724
  14. flakko

    My RL-P box

    OH YEA my camera now takes up to 20 minutes of video
  15. flakko

    My RL-P box

    lol yesss i wanna see a destruction of the box but in person... thebox is much much worse pix will be taken!
  16. flakko

    Age of these pictures???

    this is just a guess...but the MX looks like a step up from the MT, and the SR is between the SE and RE
  17. flakko

    Age of these pictures???

    dont forget this too
  18. flakko

    My RL-P box

    haha i know i know its okay tho... i was ready for the flames if yall wanna see it in person, im goin ova to supas house this weekend.
  19. flakko

    Sooo Ashamed...

    this is the UGLIEST install i have done or will ever do. It was a last minute thing and i really really really wanted to try out my Merlin2's Day 1: hmmm i wonder lies underneath this fine packaging top: MD 22 (sub) Bottom: MD41 (comps) MD22 vs a Viper 1200.1 that does twice the power of the merlin. MD41 vs 9.2 Day 2: Stoopid gas tank... ruins my ability to compete teh ghetto install (im soo soo ashamed of this): well there it is. At least it sounds nice I was gonna bridge the 41 into 2 channels, but i didnt have any y adaptors so im only running 50w off my rainbows. (review on next post)
  20. flakko

    XXX or RL-s?

    thats true lol okay rls vs the old xxx go go go!
  21. one more thing: http://www.caraudio.com/vb/showthread.php?t=113699 the review
  22. After a month of drivin around with these speakers sitting on the floor, i finally got around to glassing my Rainbows in. This is what ive done tonite so far: Heres a pic of what it used to look like: A little before shot: All the tape and stuff: And done for the night leting it dry (do i need another layer?): Now my only problem was the taping... i didnt put foil and stuff underthe tape. I hope everythings okay underneath the tape but overall looks okay to me. will keep u updated!
  23. thanks for the reminder ///M5 but here are the "finished" pix i still need to add another layer or 2 and paint them: left side right side i was thinking about painting them black to match my dash
  24. flakko

    My RL-P box

    hahaha thanks for the offer M5, im an average installer really.... its just that i cant cut worth crap lol especially round things. also im goin over to supas house on friday to get some wood cut. so hopefully that would be a very very productive time