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Everything posted by flakko

  1. flakko

    Building new box, this time ported

    i just ported my 2 cube box, and i cannot complain one bit.
  2. flakko

    Biggest Event Of 2005

    me? finding out i am closely related to USamps
  3. haha true dat. the most dangerous guy on your block is the dude with his truck playin metal all the time.
  4. flakko

    RLP is actin funny

    its weird. i play Young Bloodz - Presidential Tish and when it hits that low note, the sub moves like a mother, like ALOT but barely any bass comes out of it. is it because my box is sealed and the f3 is too high for that note? or is it something else? btw its an rlp 2.0 cubes sealed with 800w
  5. wow... why cant you two just talk in person lol paint it black....yup black, or you can just leave the xterior jacked up so theives wont take a second look
  6. flakko

    RLP is actin funny

    hmmmm must try that ill get movie of dancing jesus and porn soon.
  7. flakko

    RLP is actin funny

    okay. this freakin sub was made for a ported box. OH MY GOSH! its loud. LOUD I SAY. tuned to around 31 ish, this sub only gets better. i still am missing the little low end that came from my LI tho, maybe ill notice it with more intense play time. However the Sound quality is basically the same as my large sealed box (i just stuck ports in there), superb.
  8. http://www.fightrice.com/showthread.php?t=5585
  9. flakko

    RLP is actin funny

    yea i was either gonna port it or have a dual RLP setup... i guess for now ill port it. found a new sub!
  10. flakko

    RLP is actin funny

    nah no leaks lol, elias cut the holes and i checkd for that already and sealed everything up...im just gonna stick a couple 3" ports in that there box
  11. flakko

    I have something coming in the mail...

    okay this things been in the mail for like 3 weeks now...im pretty sure its came in by now.
  12. flakko

    RLP is actin funny

    yea i min as well... gonna put it in my room anyways thanks for talkin me into it pple
  13. wow that looks awful nice. reza...is rim polisher okay? cuz i have some lying around.
  14. flakko

    RLP is actin funny

    i doubt its a cancellation issue, theres like nothing else for it to cancell off of. and i think i need to make my box stronger. it shakes the box like a mofo HEEECK NO! emailed craig and hopin to pick it up on tuesday. but i AM gonna get it i have a funny feeling that sub is gonna pound the crap outa my car.
  15. i really hope that works....cuz if it goes bad, i will have a scratched up piece of metal.
  16. flakko

    US Amps MD2

    NOO.... dont push it that much lol 2kw would be the safe point at .01 distortion. i quote "at .05 distorion it does way over 2kw" so i guess its up to you.
  17. flakko

    Team LB audio

    happy ramadan!
  18. flakko

    US Amps MD2

    booklet says 800w... but it also says 1800@1 ohm. im guessing 800-1kw. but you can drop it to .5 ohms and it will still put out 2kw of power.
  19. flakko

    Purchasing 12" SI MAG

    lol you and your yellow fever. you would have fun over here and david, ygpm i mite get a 12" Mag from nick, but im waitin for him to ship, if he does.
  20. flakko

    US Amps MD2

    i just got off the phone with JR, he said that it can be dropped to .5 ohms, just be gentle on the volume knob in turning it up and down. let the impedance rise kick in first. also as for the wattage he doesnt know how much it will do at half ohm... the amp was built to pefrom optimally for a 1 ohm load. you can drop it no problem, but the amp will be less stable.
  21. flakko

    Purchasing 12" SI MAG

    ey david... when you get them, you gotta let me hear them!
  22. flakko


    a word up!
  23. flakko

    New US Amps on ebay

    hmmm maybe they ARE from milo... i was talkin to JR about the difference between the actual thing and a Milotronics amp, is that the heat sink/endcap things do not fit the amplifier correctly, the toroids are wound differently, the board is glued on with an excessive amount of glue, and the wiring he used is different than the real thing. by any chance do you have a picture?
  24. flakko

    Whats in the future for USAmps?

    This place is where im gonna post some up and coming things for USAmps.