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Everything posted by flakko

  1. flakko

    i dont think ive told everyone here yet...

    ^^^^ undercover punk has gone emo lol
  2. flakko

    i dont think ive told everyone here yet...

    ARG!!! ive got freakin MRSA stoopid staph infection must avoid human contact.... very contagious
  3. flakko

    New Banner Submission !!

    can you make like a spacing mark between the names? it seems liek its just one big company you know what i mean?
  4. flakko

    i dont think ive told everyone here yet...

    EHHHHH??? ookay i guess it wasnt a brown recluse hehe but thanks for the kind words yall, my IV is gone :D and all i need to do now is keep the hole healthy!
  5. flakko

    US Amps Schematics

    trust me even at CES they "modded" the boards to protect other people from stealing the designs at the show.
  6. flakko

    AX 3000 DE

    US Amps are the finest amps ever made. And I stand behind that. They sound better, consistently give more wattage than printed, and the plexiglass thing is cool too. Outside of the 1500DE I torched, the AX1000 and the mystery MLT box, and the 3000DE that died from unique circumstances, I've never had a finer amplifier. And I've tried a few dozen brands. Plus it never shuts off in the Texas heat. And that's a big plus. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ya i meant they were built for sadistic people like you no offense (if any taken)
  7. flakko

    AX 3000 DE

    ^^^^ only sadistic people like you haha
  8. flakko

    AX 3000 DE

    jeez you killed hte poor thing o_O
  9. flakko

    AX-TU300C demo ring

    glad you got it in!!! hope you like the performance
  10. flakko

    SPECIAL PROMOTION: SoundSplinter + USAmps Packages

    lol that is such a pron shot
  11. flakko

    New Samples Posted

    oooh 4 of those 20" would be sweet in the wall of my room haha
  12. flakko

    Amp find (mbq)

    wow that thing is 600 shipped on the Ike sound website
  13. flakko

    MJ-18 Test Results Posted

    wow teh motor is taller than the basket lol
  14. flakko

    Please Welcome Mach5Audio

    sweet! im lovin this already, a company by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. there should be more of these types of businesses
  15. flakko

    MJ-18 Test Results Posted

    dang. thats pretty good for a 350w driver o_O
  16. flakko

    Any news on the MD3 Yet?

    not really... think about it, the diff between the CEA rating of the MD1 (1050w) and the md2 (1500w) and the md2 to the md3 (2kw) is the same thing.
  17. and MD1 or an XT4000D would be PERFECT for that sub
  18. flakko

    AX tu300c

    thats sweet guys. thanks so much for the reviews they might come in handy at a later time
  19. flakko

    (2) AX1000, (3) single voice coil subs

    oh okay THAT i can help you out with. set one amp to "masteR" and set one to "slave" when you are setting gains, all you need to do is set the master amps gains and you are good
  20. flakko

    AX tu300c

    I do too much reading. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And not enough listening. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> uhhh burn? lol
  21. flakko

    TC Sounds

  22. flakko

    which amp

    comparing the Merlin/XT with the AX line in terms of value really isnt making a fair comparison i dont think...
  23. flakko

    which amp

    how do you know? the new ones havent been around that long yet...
  24. flakko

    AX tu300c

    thats sweet man! glad you like it! so im guessing you heard the "tube sound"?