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Everything posted by flakko

  1. flakko

    RE audio sR10 **Build Log**

    teh caulk. coudnt find the caulk gun so i hand caulked it... mucho messiness waiting for this to dry...
  2. flakko

    RE audio SR10

    oh. i thought it was a poem.
  3. flakko

    RE audio sR10 **Build Log**

    adding the back...er bottom: the moment of truth... can i really cut a circle???? well it aint perfect but I think its pretty good for a jig saw, not to mention it fits more to come...
  4. flakko

    RE audio sR10 **Build Log**

    waiting for the glue to dry...
  5. flakko

    RE audio sR10 **Build Log**

    lawl YES im sure... im not THAT incompetent : nopes. not goin...
  6. flakko

    RE audio SR10

    crap.... jim, im trying to remember where that quote in your sig comes from.... the gravedigger one. i think i read that in like my senior year or something
  7. flakko


    beautiful. is it me or is the logo silver? i like a lot
  8. flakko

    RE audio SR10

    started abuild log: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...view=getnewpost
  9. flakko


    first! does this mean AA in the SSA store?
  10. flakko

    Neeed a 10" beeefy sub!

    racist... freakin chinese
  11. flakko

    Interest in a 10" versionof the ICON

    i think there are too much 15's and 18's comin out right now... a nice 10" for the people with no space would be sweet.
  12. im finally gonna start my doors this week since the kiddies are on easter vacation. like i bought a gallon of us composites B-440 Premium Polyester Layup Resin http://www.uscomposites.com/polyesters.html ^^^ 4th one down and like i kinda liek misplaced the catalyst. anyone like have any i can like buy? not sure if it needs to be a specific type but yea thats the one i need.
  13. flakko


    :lickscreen: this is top secret intell at this point, Which is as much of an answer is needed, lol. indeed. thats sweet....
  14. flakko

    RE audio SR10

    its different. the SR's backplate is more bumped. i highly doubt tc is supplying motors for these guys. now if kyle wants to clear that up. its cool!
  15. flakko

    Shirt Idea

    correct me if im wrong... isnt Fi out of nevada?
  16. flakko

    RE audio SR10

    where do they get the motor from? its definitely not the re re series...is it? just 2x stacked?
  17. flakko

    anyone have any catalyst i can buy?

    the guy said they stopped selling it starting jan....i guess people were getting high off the stuff. i was ready to jack the tubes inside the resin tubs
  18. flakko

    anyone have any catalyst i can buy?

    wooo i talked to the guy at home depot today, and he said "we dont sell that separately" im like okay. and left whats odd is that they sell the stuff with the resin....wierdness.
  19. flakko

    watts up?

    yea hes your long lost brother....
  20. flakko

    anyone have any catalyst i can buy?

    gotcha! thanks a bunch!
  21. flakko

    12" Mag port area question

    nvm good to go
  22. will 30 sq in be fine? cuz i wanna use this box:
  23. well, i talked to JR today, and i got some cool news. along with a cosmetic makeover the new MD1 MD2 and MD3 are all class DE like the AX's, as well as strappable (finally) the XT2000D and the XT4000D both have 20% more output and are using 110v (i think) power supplies instead of the original 70v next time i stop by usamps ill try to snap some more pix of the new Merlin sexiness. more updates to come as they show up.
  24. flakko

    A few updates for the Merlin and Xterminator

    ^^^ yes. and pix kinda old but i found them in 6spdcoupes ces thing oooh pretty board.... thats the merlin folks! Old school sinks the MD21
  25. flakko


    i lost 10 lbs in 3 years....which isnt really a good thing lol from 136-126