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About high_score_1

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  1. high_score_1


    I am sorry for your loss, i will keep him in my prayers.
  2. high_score_1

    pyramid audio ancient amp

    yeah i figured i'd have to do some refreshing on it lol but it will be fun to mess around with it while im bored and outta money. And it was not in the trash. it was buried on the shelf. lol which is like the trash
  3. so i was diggin around in the garage and found an old amp that my dad had for his car back in the day. and it says its a pyramid audio class a bridgeable amp. that is 200 watts x 2 channels. and im curious if anyone here has even used this amp before? its ancient lol but my dad said it worked when he used to. he just doesn't remember anything about it. anyone got any ideas about it or anything? specs i mean ANYTHING would be awesome, i was just gonna play around with it so i mean whatever lol thanks everyone (btw not trying to affend anyone saying its ancient im young but i still love you oldies ) Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  4. high_score_1

    Something new coming!

    im tuned in and cant wait to see what your coming out with! any update?
  5. okay so i know this might be a noob question but hey im a noob lol. so i want to run 2 runs of 0 guage power to my amp, but they amp only has one input so can i take a normal distribution block and put the two power wires from the battery up front into the the usual out spots and put one run from the amplifier to the input of the block? i will also run 2 runs of ground if i can, i just want to make sure i get as much power to my amp as i can even know i know its over kill. hopefully i can upload this right but here is a picture to help explain what i mean.
  6. high_score_1

    audioque hdc3 18s

    alright lol that works for me. saves me some money too thanks guys for the help, now tuning?
  7. high_score_1

    audioque hdc3 18s

    yes i do have the electrical, ( i think ) 250amp alternator, and a powermaster d3100 and around 13 cubic ft. but thats pushing it. i dont remember the demensions exactly but it came out around 13
  8. high_score_1

    audioque hdc3 18s

    hey, i've been looking into some different subs and the audioque caught my eye. im not gonna lie im not asking for sq or anything, its my daily driver but im not an sq guy ( dont want it to sound poopy but you know what im saying) i would power them with 3000 ( for both ) and i want it to sound musical, what size box would you recomend? how small would they work in and what tuning would you use, i've read that you should tune the hdc3's higher ( above 35 hz, if i read right ) thank you for helping out a noob -tyler
  9. high_score_1

    audioque sdc2.5 15's

    I've been researching some different subs that are priced around 100 to 150$. and i've been looking into the audioque sdc2.5 series ( as the title says ). I'm looking for a daily sub that can take a beating all day at rms and i wont have to worry about it. ( obviously right amp settings, etc ) I was thinking about either a wall in my explorer with 4 15's ( clamshell type box) or do a crx style box with 4 12's. I have more then enough room for both cause i have all of behind the back seat. demensions are like 52 wide 40ish deep and 40ish tall (estimations i dont remember the exact from when i last measured) Sq is important but i would like to compete locally and hopefully not suck I've looked around and i've read a few things on the sd2 series and they seemed like they were a good sub, just curious about the sdc's. Thank you very much for your help. (im also aware its a preference thing sometimes, but i just want to know if its a solid sub)
  10. high_score_1

    would a sundown 2000d be enough?

    alright, so that concidered. ill need a more powerfull alt. i want to put 2000d, and 100.4 (all sundown duh) so i was thinking to building the system to easily handle 3000watts (plus the rest the other stuff in the car) so i wouldn't have anyproblems at all and i would be set. 1.new battery 2.big 3 3.new alt (whatever size we discuss) also any recemendations for different company's? 4.??? i know there is a lot more but i figured i'd start somewhere lol (this is only the power supply, the rest the system i have figured out, but when i get it perfect (or what i hope to be) ill ask about it too )
  11. high_score_1

    would a sundown 2000d be enough?

    well, since i think this made my decision on what i want to buy. how is the sq on the level 4 18's? and would my stock alternator ( 1993 ford explorer ) would be able to handle 2500 watts to 3000 watts, without dimming ect, if i do big 3, and bigger battier under the hood. (would i need a second batter?)
  12. im interested in buying 2 level 4's. and i was wondering if a 2000d would be enough power? i know it would be right on there rms, but every system i've seen has them on 3000 watts+. i know its probably a noobie question but thats okay. lol
  13. high_score_1

    dc level 4's

    alright thank you, will it cost much more? trying to save money lol
  14. high_score_1

    dc level 4's

    im thinking about getting 2 dc level 4's (15s) and i was wondering if they come in dual one? i want to run both of them to one amp (possibly the sundown 2000d?) i want to run at one ohm. the dc site only says dual 2, so im just curious.
  15. high_score_1

    stetson amplifiers.

    i dont plan on buying them i just wanted to know more about them in case for the future ya never know right? thank you very much for the quick responses and the help