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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    OT: server rack build

    I don't want a cheap one. Lol. I have this one cause it was free, custom built a few years ago by a friend. Ill upgrade to better parts when I feel the need. I can still do everything I need, including HD video editing. :-)
  2. bassahaulic

    does this sound correct to you?

    I would actually go for a pipe 4" in diameter. :-)
  3. bassahaulic

    OT: server rack build

    Got any extra motherboards laying around? Mine old, but not busted so i can't justify buying a new one. Lol You be sending me one as soon as you hear my CPU speed……… 1.6Ghz Single Core. Lol
  4. bassahaulic

    10 cubic feet, 12" port, 35Hz tune, cheapest subs for it

    I'm not talking about port noise, simply lost output.
  5. bassahaulic

    Would like some opinions

    The 4 SA-10"s in the proper enclosure for a car like that on the 3,000w would be louder then the 2NS 10"s as they can't take 3,500w each. So they wouldn't be getting that ever.
  6. bassahaulic

    10 cubic feet, 12" port, 35Hz tune, cheapest subs for it

    I wouldn't use it. Not enough port really.
  7. bassahaulic


    Friend of mine got one reply then nothing. We wanted to order alot of deadener.
  8. bassahaulic

    is my amp a paper weight

    You need to stop blaming the amp. It is all your fault. And did you just say the amp shut off? So it tried to protect itself...... I had more respect for you before this incident and you blaming nothing but the amp.
  9. bassahaulic

    Chevy Gauge LED Swap

    The place it probably links to is www.superbrightleds.com. I was hoping a local retail store might carry them.
  10. bassahaulic

    2009 jeep

    Pics or none of it's real.
  11. bassahaulic

    Powerbass getting DOWN.

  12. bassahaulic

    Powerbass getting DOWN.

    Local friend of mine. 3 Powerbass XXL 12"s on 1,600rms.
  13. I'm sure they both would. E-Mail AQ and talk to them about it.
  14. bassahaulic

    4th order port area question

    Re-building the whole box is needed to change any part of it. I'm sure it's not fully correct anyway. ALL rules of thumb in audio are wrong regularly. Thank you!
  15. http://www.audioque.com/AudioQue-20_p_8.html
  16. To start the story I will by saying at no point did I think I did not deserve the tickets. On my van I have, what may be some of the darkest tint you can have and still be able to drive. 5% over factory 20% on rear five windows, 5% on front two, and 35% on whole windshield with a 10" 5% strip over it. While I have had this my inspection sticker has since expired. But would cost $200ish to get brought up to date due to having to have the front tint removed then replaced, so I have not done it yet. I was driving to a local audio shop I frequent with my GF and friend in the van with me, we were going through a small antique shopping center. Stores on both sides, speed limit 25. We had both front windows down as it was nice outside. As we are making out was though I see two cops towards the end of the area standing there checking inspection stickers, at that point I KNEW I was getting at least that ticket. As I get closer of course he stops me. First thing out his mouth was "Man is your whole windshield tinted I couldn't see anything but black coming at me" I was honest and admitted to it, he then told me to roll up my window so he could meter it. It read .05% which I expected it to. So he tells me I am getting a ticket for tint and inspection sticker. But as he says that he looks over at my GF and see's she isn't buckled, which I tell everyone to do in my van, so she is informed she will be getting a ticket as well. As we are waiting we are thinking about the price of the tickets not expecting them to be to bad. So we get the tickets, I thank the officer for hit years of service and risking his life for us as I always do and we leave. Well, my GF calls the Court House to find out the cost of the tickets. Mine were $187.75 EACH, so $371.50 total, hers was only $25. At the time I was not working much as the tree business slows down alot in Fall and Winter. So we decide the best course of action is to go to the court date and ask for an extension on out fines. So that's what we do. We arrive at the court house and take out seats in front the Judge. The DA then comes out and says "I have a surprise for everyone here as it's the Judges last day as a traffic court judge." I'm like that's cool. So people start going up to the stand, I can't really hear as I am all the way in the back. All I hear 5 times in a row is "Seat belt ticket do you have $25 today to pay it?" I was like WTF no way they write that many so I listen real close, and what they are doing is amending ALL moving violations to seat belts tickets thus dropping the fine to $25 as long as they plead guilty to it. Then if people didn't have the $25 someone in the crowd offered to pay it for them, which in turn, their ticket regardless of what it was, got dismissed for helping others. I was like that's cool I guess. Then they got to a non-moving violation which is what my tickets were, and they just dismissed them all together. At this point my GF and I are getting very excited thinking they may dismiss our tickets. And sure enough, on my turn I went up to the stand and they asked if I was guilty or not guilty, I said guilty and they dismissed my tickets just like that. Then my GF went up with her seat belt ticket which also got dismissed. At this point we are flying high, happy as hell. So we leave the court house to head home, again, it's a nice day windows are down. She has to make a phone call so the windows go up. Not as soon as I get them all the way up I pass a cop sitting on side the road. I'm like NO FUCKING WAY!!! So he pulls me over, tells me my tint is to dark and inspection sticker is out of date. I tell him I know I just left the parish court house for it. He asks why my tint is so dark, so I show him the back of the van. He gets that wow face and tells me he will just write me for the inspection sticker. Which only turned out to $75 in that town. So in the end I saved over $300 thanks to the Judicial system. lol P.S. here's the van..
  17. bassahaulic

    The amazingly EPIC yet slightly tragic judicial system.

    You see that sticker on my windshield on the bottom right. It says the vehicle is safe to drive on the road.
  18. bassahaulic

    The amazingly EPIC yet slightly tragic judicial system.

    Thanks! 1999 Chevy Venture. I have since gotten new headlights that are clear.
  19. bassahaulic

    The amazingly EPIC yet slightly tragic judicial system.

    This is why I like this forum! People take the time to read and understand. On SMD all I got was "To long to read, got cliff notes?"
  20. bassahaulic

    Bl vs Icon

    I told you what I think. 15" Icon if your keeping the 1200. 15" 4" coil BL if your getting the 2200.
  21. bassahaulic

    Extremely Disappointed

    Pretty asshole like reply. He said he ran the 3k on a single woofer so I'm sure he can set a gain right.
  22. bassahaulic

    Extremely Disappointed

    I never did like the look of those new N2's...
  23. bassahaulic

    In about a year

    2004 Cobra. Few parts replaced beyond stock and your in the high 11's. And 400+ H/P and will walk all over a Challenger. lol
  24. bassahaulic

    Spam topics / posts

    I think it's the mod team letting them in so they can kill them to look good.
  25. I'm sure that would work just fine. All you really need is 4awg, so some undersized 1/0 should work just fine. Have you considered a small secondary battery?