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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    Would a Fi BL 15 be louder then 2 type R's?

    Really? OP, we don't like to get annoyed by 16 year old high schoolers. WTF, I am offended FOR phi. Type R's can get very loud, more so then some "American Made" woofer. How much power do you have? What do you drive? What do you listen too? Why do you want to annoy people? 1500 watts rms, a 2006 monte carlo, rap... most of the time. and becuse i love hard htting bass I have loud bass, doesn't mean all I wanna do is bother people? Who would be building/designing the enclosure. That's where the answer will be.
  2. bassahaulic

    just a few to start

    I see why your not happy with your output of your enclosure. Unless you have a tune, that is the top speed.
  3. bassahaulic

    Would a Fi BL 15 be louder then 2 type R's?

    How much power do you have? What do you drive? What do you listen too? Why do you want to annoy people?
  4. bassahaulic

    box for 2 custom 12's

    Not really, alot of woofers T/S specs are wrong, and others don't even offer T/S specs. OP, do you want pure SPL? Loud music? I wouldn't recommend competing with those amps, they will get you put in a high power class.
  5. bassahaulic

    Two Processing Options

    ehhh, IDK about AQ amps. I have no experience with them and I really wanted one bigger amp vs two smaller ones. Maybe I'm asking for something that doesn't exist You could run a single AQ3500 at .5 ohm. You really don't know what you are talking about, do you? I once had some one in my van for a small SQ demo, they told me my REAR speakers were to loud...... I have none. It's all about how the front's are mounted/processed.
  6. bassahaulic

    F**K Monoprice RCA's.

    The same thing happened with my Sundown SAX-100.4 and some high end JL RCA's. Should just pop back in.
  7. bassahaulic

    Special DD subs

    at least something other than "so much wrong" First being, DD woofers play the same and sound the same as ANY other woofer. It's ALL box dependent. DD's advantage to most is their motor force, and other motor innovations.
  8. bassahaulic

    Special DD subs

    Wow, so much misinformation on DD's in here. I don't even know where to begin.
  9. bassahaulic

    Two Processing Options

    x2 ... I think that set-up, as long as done properly will be MORE then loud enough.
  10. bassahaulic

    Two Processing Options

    2008 Scion TC hatchback 2 door Sub stage: 2 sundown Z V.2 15"s walled off behind the back seats and either 2 SAZ-2000D's or 1 Stetsom V 4K5 E 2 OHM. Front stage: is still up in the air no apparently because my old idea doesnt seem like a good one lol. Just want a loud over all daily driver that I can enjoy, not really for competing. per se' I would do two mids per door with two tweeters per A-Pillar. That's just what I think.
  11. bassahaulic

    F**K Monoprice RCA's.

    I'm not saying one brand is better then another, simply saying they all can't be the same. It's impossible. I can't use thick ass RCA's, I have ALOT of channels running to the rear to support my two 4-Channels and bass amps.
  12. bassahaulic

    F**K Monoprice RCA's.

    LOL. It couldn't have been anything else right? No, it could have been. But that is the best example I have. As NOTHING else was changed. I am certain they use better materials in higher end RCA's as well.
  13. bassahaulic

    .5 ohm stable

    16v is pretty high. Why is it running this high? I would recommend running a large G31 in the trunk.
  14. bassahaulic

    Two Processing Options

    What will your sub setup consist of? What do you drive? What is your goal goal for both bass, and front stage setups?
  15. bassahaulic

    F**K Monoprice RCA's.

    I must call bullshit on this entire thread. The piece coming off wasn't the RCA's fault in the least. And on the "All RCA's are the same" part, come on, really? I have PERSONALLY taken some junk ass Wal-Mart RCA's out that had interference, and replaced them with a good set of Stinger Pro's that did NOT have the same issue. With the wire in the EXACT same location.
  16. bassahaulic

    Back for the first time

  17. bassahaulic

    cda-117 active

    That would be homo.
  18. bassahaulic

    cda-117 active

    I don't think so, a friend of mine on here has the 9887 and doesn't have the imprint thing and is running active. It sounds good.
  19. bassahaulic

    coming to louisana thursday / friday

    Met up with Mark tonight. Had a great time!
  20. bassahaulic

    Single cab center console box

    Oh yea, she does.
  21. bassahaulic

    Audio Que subs

    They are good woofers, especially for the price point. They sound good, same as any other woofer could. It's based on enclosure.
  22. bassahaulic

    coming to louisana thursday / friday

    I removed the fb post because josh doesnt know ill be there yet and he checks fb See you guys there! Pm me for my cell..... Gotcha. Ill send you a pm. I was thinking about just texting him about it too. lol Matt, FWD to me.
  23. Check this out man, Sony Double din W/ Nav, Back up Camera, iPod cable, & Blue Tooth AND it has a 7 band EQ. Please people, DO NOT instantaly say this radio is shit because of it's Sony. Their double dins have gotten VERY good as of lately.
  24. bassahaulic


    Make sure it's a real SS.......