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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. I wouldn't bother, unless you can do it yourself.
  2. bassahaulic

    King of Bass CD

    I got my copy this weekend from the IA guys directly at Scrapin' The Coast for $10. . Its a great CD. My only issue is track two wont play right, and I like it. Who has a copy of the CD and can send me track 2? I can prove I paid for the CD. Just need track 2.
  3. bassahaulic

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    But you can't even get this handled so why would I trust any amount of my money with you? How's this, I need a large alt for my van, send me one, I will verify it works properly has proper output and it durable. Then I will send you the money, would you do that?
  4. bassahaulic

    amp on a budget

    I would go for the AQ amp, AQ is known for making very solid and under rated amps.
  5. bassahaulic


    I"m not worried lol I've been banned from there like 3 times, JP always lets me back on.
  6. bassahaulic


    Well I sold em for less then half what I had in them just to get rid of them, they made me sick to look at. Sundown subs are going in next.
  7. bassahaulic


    Well it's not mine, and do you say this because of the parts psi uses? Yes, I had two RE MT 18"s with Psi Recones, over $300 into them. For the first few months they were fine. A steady 151.4 with 3k on the TL. After 3 months the score started dropping slowly as the spiders started to sag more and more. Eventually they were so soft I could bottom the woofers out just by pushing on them. It upsets me as friends of mine with other brand woofers have been playing theirs for 6months through 3 years and have not had an issue like I did.
  8. bassahaulic

    So my car got stolen..

    We all know where the term "Cracker" came from right?
  9. bassahaulic


    Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but, your spiders will start to sag in a month or so and in 4-6 months you will be able to push the woofer all the way until it bottoms out.
  10. bassahaulic

    Graphic Designers - HELP ME OUT!

  11. bassahaulic

    So my car got stolen..

    Goes and arms alarms on van and Mustang..... Oh yea, I like that song on the first video. Go make friends with a car dealer, have him get you into the dealer only car auctions, acquire newish ride for cheap cheap.
  12. bassahaulic

    Hey Rob how are things going.

    They are now putting off Don....... what are these guys thinking?
  13. bassahaulic

    Happy Birthday TRP!

    Happy Birthday! You are all old as FUCK.
  14. I cannot decide on what to do. 4 SA-15"s in a standard ported wall, or 4 SA-15"s in a 4th order bandpass. What are the positives and negatives of both? I've helped build a 4 15"s wall in the 60's and an 8 12"s 4th in 60's. I like them both, both sound good, both played well. I just cannot decide on what type of enclosure to build.
  15. bassahaulic

    My new enclsoure for the van.

    B-Pillar wall. I'm a man lol. Front stage is still the same.
  16. bassahaulic

    RSX-S with MASSIVE flex from a SINGLE 15"!

    Close, lol. It's at the Wal-Mart on College.
  17. bassahaulic

    BL hits lows but not so much highs

    Specs on box? Amp? Vehicle? Vehicle modifications?
  18. bassahaulic

    Can someone from DC Power Contact ME!!!!

    I can't remember how much this all was but I think it might have been enough for "large" claims court..
  19. You were there? I was there, why was there no meet up..... I dislike this.
  20. bassahaulic

    hhr 4th order wall build, fo fih-teenz

    Still got the MT's? O_o
  21. bassahaulic

    systems that do 148dB or more at 25Hz or lower

    There are MULTIPLE people who have seen/sat in/ know of this truck. Not every one cares about videoing TL numbers. Besides with the equipment you have, you should be mid 50's....
  22. bassahaulic

    Got kicked out of smd :,(

    It is. My favorite out of many I am on. The ONLY forum I rep by having their stickers on my rides.