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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    Speakerboy finally got a car :)

    Hell yea bro! Finally.
  2. bassahaulic


    Yea, it sounds like a big Team. There are 16 of us.... All over 155 on meter. All music playing vehicles. and Daily driven.
  3. bassahaulic


    I think the concept of a Team is kinda overrated. Especially when you let anyone and their mama join. And yes, I am Team SOUTH...... we a little different.
  4. bassahaulic

    new equipment blitz

    4 ohm bridged on the two rear channels of the PG.
  5. bassahaulic

    Post your Audio Setup!!!

    My truck Headunit: Kenwood eXcelon KDC-x997 Processor: Rockford 3Sixty.3 Speaker amp: Rockford T600.4 Front stage: db Drive Pro Audio 6.5" and Rockford T1 Tweets Rear fill: N/A Subs: 2 Kicker CVR 12"s........ 4 Rockford Power Series T3 12"s ~~~~~ Coming soon Sub amp: 2 Bazooka Mardi Gras 1100's...... db Drive A7 10,000w ~~~~ Coming soon Batteries: XS Power D2400 Under hood. 5 Deka G31's in Rear Alternator: Stock for now with MLA Charging 14.8v. Triple 250's comng soon. 5 Runs of positive 1/0 and 3 runs of negative 1/0 to rear Shop Truck Headunit: JVC KD-R80BT Speaker amp: Rockford T800.4ad Front stage: 8 Rockford Punch 6.75"s Rear fill: N/A Subs: 6 Rockford T2 15"S Sub amp: 3 Rockford T2500bdcp Batteries: Deka under hood isolated from 4 Deka G31's in Rear Alternator: 270amp charging 16.2v before isolator 15.2 after 6 Runs of positive 1/0 and 1 runs of negative 1/0 to rear
  6. bassahaulic

    Came across on Google+ ... ever seen/heard?

    Looks like your standard Audio Pipe knock off.
  7. bassahaulic

    fiq blow through S10 2002

    Extended cab or single cab?
  8. bassahaulic

    SSA Shirts in Production Reserve Yours Now

    Thought I was large needing 3x Tall. lol
  9. Feeling down for some reason. Think a change is in order soon. Just don't know what yet.

    1. Shogen


      new type of condom? best choice imo

  10. I plan on using Techflex at some point. Stuff looks so good when used right. Maybe when I can build a daily driver SQ based system and don't have 12 runs of 1/0, a thousand battery jumpers, RCA's, and shit. . lol
  11. Pretty much what I was thinking.
  12. bassahaulic

    SSA Shirts in Production Reserve Yours Now

    Not so much of a Pre-Order as the order has already gone in to have them made. More like but it now before they all sell out.
  13. bassahaulic

    Dallas Area Bassheads

    I will be flying into Dallas August 17th around 4pm for MERA Knowledgefest. And will fly out the 19th in the afternoon. I would like to meet some guys while I'm in town. I'll be with my boss so he'll be looking for the best bars in town to hit up as well. haha
  14. bassahaulic

    2013 IA 80.1 & 40.1 Photos

    Very nice looking amps. Anyone have information on how the amplifier itself is laid out on the inside and how it works? I'd love to read into it.
  15. bassahaulic

    Dallas Area Bassheads

    Well you guys suck. lol
  16. bassahaulic

    Dallas Area Bassheads

    No one in the Dallas area wants to meet up and get some beer?
  17. Headed to Dallas on August 17th for MERA Knowledgefest. If you're in the area and want to meet, text/call me 225-620-5103.

  18. bassahaulic

    When is this amp coming out.

    Please do not spam our forum. Thank you. You spam the world. Please don't. Thanks
  19. bassahaulic


    2013 is more then half over.....
  20. I've now been single for 3 months, after a 5 year relationship. Beyond buying truck parts, tools, and stereo stuff I still feel lost without her.

    1. jcarter1885


      POF is a lot of fun, you don't even have to take them out most of the time.

    2. Randal Johnson

      Randal Johnson

      sorry to hear bro ... She seemed like a cool chic when we all met up at shows ... best of luck bro !!!

    3. Shogen


      POF looks great... lol ... seriously though, it looks great

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  21. bassahaulic

    2001 Pt cruiser wall build ........

    People ain't ready for the PT revolution. lol They get dumb loud.
  22. bassahaulic

    New toy thats gonna be fun!

    I got a yard you can park it in, come on and visit!!
  23. bassahaulic

    Pac-lc1 control knob

    I used one for years, use the one off my 3Sixty.3 now.
  24. http://www.metraonline.com/ http://www.pac-audio.com/