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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    6 15"s 4th order bandpass, redumb loud.

    This is our shop truck we have been working on for the last few weeks. 4th order bandpass, designed by me, copying Scott Bowmans's layout with, 6 Rockford-Fosgate Power T2 15"s 3 Rockford-Fosgate Power T2500bd CP 4 Rockford-Fosgate 6.75"s 1 Rockford-Fosgate T800-4 AD 4 Deka G31 batteries 280 amp alternator
  2. bassahaulic

    hello from florida

    At least you're trying, that's all we really ask. And welcome!
  3. bassahaulic

    6 15"s 4th order bandpass, redumb loud.

    Yes, 1ohm. The equipment is all stuff we sell at the shop, so I made due. lol It metered a 157 as it sits, with the sunroof flapping in the wind. We run out of power, so 3 more amps are coming soon after the sunroof fix. Looking to get into the 160's with it in the future.
  4. bassahaulic

    when it rains...it pours

    I'm going to guess a 2005 Toyota Camry LE. I don't like to guess, but if you are correct, I will give you an e-cookie. As far as your mechanic being concerned about your engine, did he tell you why? I am curious as to how he can deem it is "wearing out" two or three times the "normal" rate. I can confirm with 98% certainty it is a 05 Toyota. Mechanics is Baton Rouge area are all retards for the most part, very few true "mechanics" left, most are just "parts changers" these days.
  5. bassahaulic

    W7 or MTX 9500?

    DAFUQ am I looking at here? Is this the oldest damn thread on the forum?
  6. It's a pawnshop Mtx 9512. I didn't have a job until last year, and had to buy cheap stuff, haha. I'm 19, and have a paid apprenticeship installing in a shop, I'd think I'm doing alright. Ohh when peple put it like 9512" I think of DD.
  7. So you have a quite expensive woofer, but cheaping out on a amp.....
  8. bassahaulic

    6 15"s 4th order bandpass, redumb loud.

    Thanks for all teh compliments, we are very happy with it. Everyone who sat in it we're all impressed or bailing out the truck.
  9. bassahaulic

    6 15"s 4th order bandpass, redumb loud.

    We will be removing the sunroof and adding a stripper pole soon.
  10. bassahaulic

    BC2000D doa?

    Why would you switch from such a well built amp with so much revolutionary desgins in it, for a off the shelf hunk of shit? The RF will put cleaner power to that sub without a single doubt in my mind, and since it is CP, will probably produce more power then the Nendo. We have 3 2500bdCP's in our truck, we clamped them all @1ohm. Rise to 2.7Ohm dropping to 9.2v! and STILL made 2281w. Re did test with charged batts, dropping to 12.6 made over 2800w.
  11. bassahaulic

    So yeah I am stuck, read plz.

    I would do a larger port, more along the line of 18^2 per cube, instead of the 12.5^2 per cube where you are now.
  12. That's insane. Usually the basket would just shatter.
  13. bassahaulic

    So yeah I am stuck, read plz.

    It won't increase the power enough to make up for the difference in cone area. You should have enough airspace for 2 12"s, They want 3-4 cubes for the pair total.
  14. bassahaulic

    So yeah I am stuck, read plz.

    How much NET airspace can you get for subs? Dropping from 2 12"s to 2 10"s while maintaining same power output will most likely only result in a loss of output.
  15. bassahaulic

    Tips on starting a wall build?

    It depends on weather you can build the box then slide it into place followed by paneling it off from the back part of the car. Or if the wall must be built in the car.
  16. bassahaulic

    Crazy Hair at the Cockrell Hill car show and soundoff

    Post on more shitty video without being more productive to the forum, as if you could even if you tried, and I PROMISE you will be banned. This is just wasting space here.
  17. bassahaulic

    Hello there, from Idaho.

    Welcome from the Bayou!
  18. but you own so many 880prs like they're going to be the post apocalyptic currency? I own 2 800's and an 880. lol Everyone knows the PRS series is different from the other Pioneer lines.
  19. Another prime example as to why I dislike Pioneer. Try hitting the reset button on the radio, maybe the thermostat got confused.
  20. Working at the shop. Finally working at Innovative. :)

  21. bassahaulic

    Anything new?

    Working a lot at the shop.
  22. bassahaulic

    XS D2700 enough?

    There is nothing wrong with CCA, I use it as do many many guys running big power.
  23. bassahaulic

    Help with component power please

    infinity stuff has alsways been top knotch, the perfect series is their upper end stuff. If you in the price range, look into the Rockford Power series components. Very good stuff with excellent power handling and sound quality. Power T2 $249, that is crazy cheap. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_22595_Rockford-Fosgate-T2652-S.html Power T3, $379. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_44192_Rockford-Fosgate-T3652-S.html
  24. bassahaulic

    12" Icon questions

    Ported enclosures have the misconception that they are "Boomy", but when designed properly they can have the same sound of a sealed*** enclosure white being up to 2x louder. Sorry, edited to "sealed" from "ported"
  25. bassahaulic

    Need help/advice on box

    Same a box width x height x depth / 1728