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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    which box for SPL?

    So is this not an SPL build?
  2. bassahaulic

    How important is port area?

    Haha. There you go again talking about things you know nothing about. Just visit the SMD forum - they will let you know you can't even begin to determine the amount of port area required without knowing how big the box is going to be. And don't even think about doing over 16 sqin per cuft - that is reserved for SPL applications only. Oh - and less port = better lows, more port gives you better high bass. If you can't remember these basic rules, just download everyone's favorite calculator over there - it figures all this out for you. Just keep reading my friend, you're learning. I hope this is a joke indeed. If not, this guy is a retard.
  3. bassahaulic

    Amp Heat

    I know it's a different situation, but my amp gets into the 150 degree range after a few minutes of full power demoing. Also, what ohm load are you running? 4ohm? 1ohm?
  4. bassahaulic

    6 SSA DCON 15's Walled/92 Chevy

    Looks legit man! I love seeing builds like this! The high dollar huge power systems get boring after a while.
  5. bassahaulic

    Nissan Frontier 2.5L Alt

    I wish you the best of luck if buying from DC Power. You may/may not receive the alt at all.
  6. bassahaulic

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Looking good bro! Can't believe you killed that sub like that. haha
  7. bassahaulic

    Component sets

    He would get you setup right. Thanks for the kind words sir.
  8. bassahaulic

    Component sets

    If you're feeling spunky, you can drive to my shop in Louisiana. Lol
  9. bassahaulic

    Component sets

    Yes, as Drew already stated MOST amped components will be fine. I am not a fan of Rockford speakers, but that is my opinion. Try to demo what you can before you buy. These would also work well for him. http://www.sonicelec...-SPX-17PRO.html Now those I can agree with, I really like mine. Well then I'll be looking more into the SPX pros =D And as for my local audio shop.. They wanted to charge me $1000 just to build an enclosure for one 12".. So I don't really go to them for anything, I'll have to find another audio shop! That seems a little excessive. lol Hey, if you can't find one close enough that is good, by all means, buy online.
  10. I'm pretty sure it's Windows only.
  11. bassahaulic

    Component sets

    I just ask one favor of you, find the set you want, and find a local shop to buy them from. As long as they are reputable. It helps support your local businesses and makes warranty and CS super easy to get.
  12. bassahaulic

    Component sets

    Yes, as Drew already stated MOST amped components will be fine. I am not a fan of Rockford speakers, but that is my opinion. Try to demo what you can before you buy. These would also work well for him. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_10648_Alpine-SPX-17PRO.html
  13. bassahaulic

    Component sets

    I would have to say yes, I have a single set of Diamond D6 mids and stock tweeters in my PT, and I can hear them when playing my 2 18"s. So a nice full set, with a nice powerful amp on them, you shouldn't have an issue. You could even run each side on two channels bridged, so you have tons of power and lots of headroom.
  14. bassahaulic

    Component sets

    Rockford amps are very nice with some badass innovations in them, a lot of stuff the cookie cutter amps like Sundown, DC, IA, etc. can't afford to have. http://www.rockfordfosgate.com/products/product_details.aspx?itemid=108230 Their component sets are also very top notch! http://www.sonicelec...te-T2652-S.html http://www.sonicelec...te-T3652-S.html I've also always loved the Kicker upper end sets. http://www.sonicelec...2-09QS65.2.html
  15. bassahaulic

    Component sets

    Almost any component set with a good amp behind them will be heard over the XCON.
  16. bassahaulic

    Sundown : Revisiting Component Sets (Mid-Level)

    Very internesting indeed.
  17. bassahaulic

    1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee Install w/ Lights

    Install in the rear looks real good man. We need to talk about your tweeters and headunit mounting in the front though.
  18. bassahaulic

    Box size recommendation

    Small site eh? Even is this were true, there is more inteligence in 1/4 of this forum then the whole of SMD. If you were in my shop, you would have reached the point of me telling you I'd ratehr you just leave, having you here isn't worth my headache.
  19. bassahaulic

    Correlation Between Vent Mach and SPL

    SPL is rarely taken to the point of figuring that stuff out. Since there are so many variables.
  20. bassahaulic

    I was warned........

    To buy extra windshields for the Isuzu, we should have listened.
  21. bassahaulic

    Just WTF.....???

    Now, if he could have gotten all that in there in a nice clean install, then sure why not? But I mean come on....
  22. bassahaulic

    I was warned........

    Adding a second alt, and three more 1/0 runs to the rear to it this week, soon to be followed by 4-6 XS D3100's and removing the sunroof.
  23. bassahaulic

    Just WTF.....???

    I'm not sure what to think right now....
  24. If you're going to take the time and money to make a double din fit, make it a double din worth fitting......
  25. As long as you have the proper air space to do ported it should be able to get very low in your truck.