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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

  2. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

  3. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

  4. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

  5. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

  6. bassahaulic

    Drew Jones's Team Sundown Build

    I got a place around here that does good alt work, got my friend a 240 amp alt..... for cheap so I'm going to use him. Thanks though.
  7. bassahaulic

    BL Hyper Pole or Cooling?

    Buddy of mine is running his fine on stock electrical. His L7 15" is crying haha
  8. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hellz yeah
  9. bassahaulic

    AQ 1200D and L7's

    An AQ 1200 is currently beating the ever living shit out of my buddies L7 15"............ gets smelly.
  10. bassahaulic

    BL Hyper Pole or Cooling?

    AQ 1200 $250 shipped to you
  11. bassahaulic


    I was going to say 1/0 as well, but some people don't want/need it.
  12. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like my pussy on top She likes to go for a ride Hellz yeah.
  13. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Pussy Top
  14. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

  15. bassahaulic

    BL Hyper Pole or Cooling?

    Just so you know, that amp is rated at 14.4 volts with no drop. You will probably only see 750 rms
  16. bassahaulic


    Wire for what??? The amp? What amp?
  17. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hopefully in something good Unfortunately I won't be able to have mine in anything till next weekend. Ugh it will be next weekend for me too, it has been two days for me I'm right next to mine right now.
  18. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Me!!!!!! lol Idk what kinda of joke to put.......
  19. bassahaulic

    Z15"s and SAZ-1000's

    My Build!! There is the build I have already started!!
  20. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    WTF facebook is the shit.. maybe you should brek up with her for NOT having one Does everyone need to get a Dictionary? Just messing with you Leister........ now B7L....... you need one. oh sorry i had a mistake when i was typing jesus Jesus......... with a CAPITAL "J" and your grammar was also wrong...... you missed some punctuation there.
  21. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Orange, orange, orange, orange, yellow, orange, orange, green, green. Shweet!!!!!
  22. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had that a month before it was released.
  23. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had that a month before it was released.
  24. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    WTF facebook is the shit.. maybe you should brek up with her for NOT having one Does everyone need to get a Dictionary? Just messing with you Leister........ now B7L....... you need one.
  25. bassahaulic

    BL18 Vs. Xcon18

    yah, they are about to crack my windshield with only 3k on them. Until you tear your roof........ AND roof brace......