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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    Second Skin Promotion - 10 free Door Packs

    Just because you have flex doesn't mean your losing db's.
  2. bassahaulic

    extra battery

    Kinetiks are great batts,but XS Power batts have just little more to them. Have you replaced your under hood battery? have you done the Big 3? And don't BMW's use HID's?
  3. bassahaulic

    Ohm Loads

    I'm going to try to make this as simple as possible, there are only certain way woofers can be wired. You cannot wire them in anyway you choose to any ohm load you choose. There are rules to follow with Ohm's Law, which is why it's a Law and not a suggestion. I have seen it a few times in the last 2 days, where people say they will wire them in two different way with only one being possible, and it is very annoying, and no ones seems to want to point it out. So, I will try to make a simple list of basic woofer voice coil configurations and the only ohm loads you can wire them to. And for the noobs "Ω" is the symbol for Ohm Single Dual 4Ω woofer: Parallel 2Ω - Series 8Ω Single Dual 2Ω woofer: Parallel 1Ω - Series 4Ω Single Dual 1Ω woofer: Parallel .5Ω - Series 2Ω Two Dual 4Ω woofers: Parallel 1Ω - Parallel/Series 4Ω Two Dual 2Ω woofers: Parallel .5Ω - Parallel/Series 2Ω Two Dual 1Ω woofers: Parallel .25Ω - Parallel/Series 1Ω At this point it gets to complicated to explain how they are wired so I will just post the total ohm loads. Triple Dual 4Ω woofers: 2.67Ω Triple Dual 2Ω woofers: 1.34Ω or 3Ω Triple Dual 1Ω woofers: .1667Ω .6667Ω Quad Dual 4Ω woofers: .5Ω or 2Ω or 8Ω Quad Dual 2Ω woofers: .25Ω or 1Ω or 4Ω Quad Dual 1Ω woofers: .5Ω or 1Ω or 2Ω From Shizzzon: Also, when troubleshooting, the following should be noted- If trying to make sure you have wired your subs correctly, look below for the load range your multimeter will read in- Before measuring resistance on your DMM, touch probes together. IF it reads 0, then you are ready to measure. If it reads something other than 0, then subtract this number from your measured reading to get the actual resistance reading. 8 ohms - 4.8-7.8 ohms 4 ohms - 2.4-3.9 ohms 2 ohms - 1.2-1.9 ohms 1 ohm - 0.6-0.9 ohms 0.5ohms- 0.35-0.45 ohms 0.25 ohms-0.17-0.22 ohms If there are any errors feel free to tell me, but I think i got most of them right.
  4. bassahaulic

    Port Length for Nightshade 18"

    Port seems fine to me. But the FS of NS 18"is low 40's, and the FS of the Q 18" is low mid 20's. That makes a HUGE difference.
  5. bassahaulic

    2 18'' fi ssd's ?

    maybe i could do it with 2 btl 18's and a mojo 4000w? That sounds much much better My friend did a 149.9 with two MT 18"s with a Mojo 4k at 2ohm, from the rear of a Trailblzer.
  6. bassahaulic

    2 18'' fi ssd's ?

    Your not ganna get 150db with ssd's from the back of a Tahoe on low power... sorry
  7. bassahaulic

    Do you smoke?

    ewwww no. I waste all my monies on audio anyway lol
  8. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Isn't the hop supposed to be a place for random shit? That isn't in any real order? Taking this a little serious aren't you? It is for random shit. Just not stupid bickering shit. Still no reason for this kind of reaction at all.
  9. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Isn't the hop supposed to be a place for random shit? That isn't in any real order? Taking this a little serious aren't you?
  10. And the pot calls the kettle black. . . . Putting the meter on the fuse is not incorrect. Many times I have had a blown fuse, but looking at it, you can not tell. The only way to properly test a fuse is with voltage. Continuity will tell you nothing. I never said it was incorrect.
  11. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No, we are not going to ban you. I don't have that power. Yet. But dude, if you don't know something, don't recommend something or give advice.
  12. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

  13. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That last comment he made just shows his immaturity level. I know I'm just recently started acting a little grown up but WOW
  14. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The fact that some one annoys me with the stupid info they give other people is AMAZING.
  15. No you cause some one to damage their stuff, costing them money. Take this to the iHop so I can insult you there
  16. Your meter wasn't correct, if has to show SOMETHING if the amps even turns on at all. 1. Check your ground 2. Check all other connections to make sure they are secure 3. Check you woofer, make sure it isn't blown 4. Open amp up to see if there are any burns. Do all this in order then come back to us and tell us what you find AND.....Christian stop trying to give advice you don't know what your talking about.
  17. bassahaulic

    old btl vs new ?

    They came with 2. The 3rd slug was an option. That's just dumb.
  18. bassahaulic

    old btl vs new ?

    I meant do they hook up multiple amps to one voice coil or do they just have amps that put out that much power? Quad coil woofers with 2 amps per coil usually, so 8 amps a sub, running LOW ohm loads like .175 per amp at 18v.
  19. bassahaulic

    old btl vs new ?

    Old BTL's had 3 slugs....... :-/ And Christian, they power with alot of 16volt batteries.
  20. bassahaulic

    12" Fi BTL

    Haha SSA should do a survey or have an entry level board and if you pass it then you can join the main board. I would have failed at first! lol But that sounds like a good idea, SSA jr.
  21. bassahaulic

    bass knob

    I mean, you tried it. Did it work how it should?
  22. bassahaulic

    12" Fi BTL

    I hate all these new people. NONE of them seem to be able to form normal sentences and use proper grammar. And most want to be like Steve Meade
  23. bassahaulic

    I need a 15" sub

    Wow That is about the dumbest thing I have ever read. Never post again. and WTF is "stock" on woofers?
  24. bassahaulic

    bass knob

    Mine does that as well, and it is a Sundown knob.
  25. bassahaulic

    Second Skin Promotion - 10 free Door Packs

    My van is really ganna need this