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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    DD + AQ = Clean loudness?

    There you go splitting hairs again, haha. Maybe I didn't word it right, i'm definitely not running a 3 way setup, but I am running 3 way active since the signal for all the speakers in my setup are processed first then amplified and all can be tweaked via my deck. But enough with the semantics, an SSA Xcon is damn near $400!!!! Ouch! Not to mention the 1750rms rating...considering my amp can only put out 1470rms at it's best, I think I'll stick with the DD 2512. You seem kind of intent on steering me away from DD, any reason why? Since I want to do the sub/port forward, I think I need to stay with a 12" cause the maximum height my box can be is 16" so a 15" sub would be pushing it. uh...........
  2. bassahaulic

    DD + AQ = Clean loudness?

    Plz tell me how your running 15v? Especially without Big 3, and only a 105 alt. MLA?
  3. bassahaulic

    Went to a ""High End Shop" today, was an experience

    x2. There are ZERO shops out here like that. But most here are still closed minded.
  4. bassahaulic

    Rockford fosgate T1 12" vs. Fi ssd 12"

    Not a very fair comparison to be honest man. What are the prices you would get them at?
  5. bassahaulic

    random audio question

    One XL 15" in a proper ported box will be louder and sound better then two in a to small sealed box.
  6. It's a brand new Pioneer 800PRS. We had it working before, I don't understand why it's doing this now.
  7. I checked all wiring with a DMM, and everything that should have power had power. 12.45 on the constant, 12.45 on the switch, and the ground was fine. The amps turn on wire was connected to the radio itself, so I was extremely confused. And no, nothing on the radio itself turns on.
  8. bassahaulic

    My Second Skin Damplifier Pro

    I forgot!! I fail lol Going onto ROE now
  9. bassahaulic

    My Second Skin Damplifier Pro

    Upon opening the Damp Pro box first thing I noticed was the nice wood roller and sample of the old Damp Pro. As I picked up the sample, first thing I noticed is how much thicker, stiffer, and stronger if felt compared to my Stinger Road Kill Pro. I was very impresses with the Damp Pro already and I hadn't even pulled out the new stuff yet. As I start taking the deadener out of the box, I noticed how a whole sheet 20"x12" can support it self without much help at all. I pulled out all 8 sheets and was very happy with the amount of deadener I had received. It was night so I had to wait till today to install it, it was pretty hard to sleep to be honest. Once I got started I started pulling off the old Stinger, that I had put on with no roller so it was easy to peel off. I instantly noticed the quality difference in the two deadeners, the Stinger stood no chance. I started to lay out the Damp Pro after cleaning everything, and I was very surprised how well it stuck to the metal, and generally how easy it was to work around bumps and holes. I had some more Stinger laying around, so where ever there were large holes in the door I layed more Stinger over the Damp Pro making a strong hold. After all was said and done, the doors were MUCH more solid and sounded MUCH better. The majority of the flex was gone, much more then the Stinger got rid of. Over all review, a great product, very sturdy and strong, deadened very well, and was very easy to work with. i plan on ordering MUCH more. Here are the pics, I will have a comparison video in a few days. All I got pics of was the finished product sadly. I was WAY to excited and forgot to take a lot. Getting the Damp Pro, very excited. Door Pack FTW Opening it up. All of it laid out, my foot for reference. Size 13 shoe Driver door, layered one a few places that were extra weak. Passenger door. My new Alpine 9886
  10. Well I mean, What kind of alt would like to charge 2 3800's daily? Especially when they are not being drained much. And to the OP, your battery has NOTHING to do with watts. Batteries deal with amps. Do some research and maybe you could answer you own question as to why the alt fried. And idk where you got all this math from? Makes no real sense at all.
  11. bassahaulic

    bassahaulic's new build

    Well I took the wall out after the show on Sunday, and it's time to start building the new box. Me and Alan only pretty much have the new box designed and will build it soon. Box will be 11cubes after displacements with subs behind passenger facing forward, with the port behind the driver facing up. Tuned to 35Hz. And I should have my other 2000 very soon. I'm really excited to get started.
  12. bassahaulic

    Official Bumpin' List

    Well I never see it........ I fail. Just thought it would be a good idea.
  13. bassahaulic

    Mounting amp to back of seat

    I doubt the seat is all that tough. Was the bit spinning the right direction?
  14. bassahaulic

    New PG amplifiers

    Not a bad looking amp.
  15. bassahaulic

    bassahaulic's new build

    And tomorrow I'm adding Second Skin deadner :-D
  16. bassahaulic

    bassahaulic's new build

    Just some quick updates. Day after we finished the box, the screws holding the back wall to the box broke. When this happened I lost a good bit of low end bass. This happened before the video's were shot. btw Today, I put in six 3" lag bolts into the rear wall through the box, and two into the floor. I got my lows back, box is VERY secure, and I'm even happier with the box now.
  17. bassahaulic

    Building my first box.

    Your not going to hear much, that's way to low with not enough cone. That's just my thought.
  18. bassahaulic

    Second Skin Promotion - 10 free Door Packs

    I will get mine tomorrow :-) Are there stickers included?
  19. bassahaulic

    FI BL D1 Fully Loaded

    Then why run it at 2ohm? Not many amps make power at 2ohm, most do it at 1ohm.
  20. so I can get some more shit talk? fine. 2 21" Exodus Audio Maelstrom-X's in 30-50 cubic feet ( don't know yet, sorry) tuned to 15Hz. yep. 15Hz. Lets hear it. That's 1 of these amps per sub. anyway http://www.carmedia1.com/index1.html I'm assuming $400 here is better than $600 for a Ground Pounder 3000 PRO? Man I wouldn't trust that site with $1.25 of my money.
  21. bassahaulic

    Fi lanyard.

    x2 :-)
  22. bassahaulic

    bassahaulic's new build

    Yup, I shot the video's with dvalue's phone at his work at Best Buy. Had people covering their ears and drooling over it. Thanks man!!
  23. bassahaulic

    bassahaulic's new build

    I just got it done yesterday, and sadly I don't own a TL yet. So no numbers yet, but soon, very soon. It is MUCH louder then the wall was, in every way. And also plays more accurately then the wall ever could.
  24. bassahaulic

    400A circuit breaker?

    To be honest, it's clear you need another power wire. If your pulling 300+ amps of current through the wire, you need more wire.
  25. bassahaulic

    Box Build for Skip01

    Yes it's going in a newer Exploder. He lives somewhere around me lol