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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    Down fire

    No, they mean build a floor for the box to sit on and fire the woofers up or forward......
  2. bassahaulic

    Not Hitting Highs

    How big is your box? How much power do you have? What's it all in?
  3. bassahaulic

    Twistedchild420's 28hz Wall Re-Build

    Only third
  4. bassahaulic

    Twistedchild420's 28hz Wall Re-Build

    I'm not a big fan of the port up top design.......... Why not subs passenger port driver?
  5. bassahaulic

    speaker gauge wire?

  6. bassahaulic

    Good smartphones and providers.

    I have read that it is impossible for some Android based phones to run 2.1 due to their hardware being out of date. or something of that sort.
  7. bassahaulic


  8. bassahaulic


    Her face
  9. bassahaulic

    BBP6 Help

    I use it for cut sheet mostly, and port tuning sometimes.
  10. bassahaulic


    I know I'm lucky :-D
  11. bassahaulic

    Just out of curiosity...

    I had a horribly mean come back about you fixing things...... I'll text it to you lol Any way, I just say " The woofers Steve Meade had" lol
  12. bassahaulic

    Running saz-2000d at 1/2 ohm

    With my SAZ-2000 at .5ohm I did a 147 flat with 2 18"s......... at 30Hz....
  13. bassahaulic

    digital headunit?

    Get a satellite.
  14. Get all matching amps. Sundown SAX100.4 and a SAZ-2000D
  15. I mean, I would spend the little extra just to have the AWESOME customer service. lol You would be very happy with either amp. ~Cough~ SAX ~cough~
  16. I LOVE my Sundown SAX-100.4, it has tons of clean power. It would let you run 2 way active as it has one of the most advanced crossover networks available on an amp.
  17. bassahaulic

    sundown sax-100.4

    I'm sure it CAN, but I wouldn't try it. I thought about it but decided against it.
  18. bassahaulic

    18" btl and a RF 4000.1bd

    You will fry the alt, blow the woofer, and then the amp. Or all at once. I don't believe half the stuff he just said, and the other half I ignored because it was one huge sentence.
  19. bassahaulic

    New wall.....New subs....and New Car

    Who cares about being fast on a Car Audio forum? lol a few peoples lol I haul ass in my mini van.
  20. bassahaulic

    New wall.....New subs....and New Car

    But faster then all joo She doesn't want real loud, she wants to stay fast.
  21. bassahaulic

    Running saz-2000d at 1/2 ohm

    I ran my SAZ-2000D at .5ohm daily with NO issues. Never even got hot. In fact, my SAX-100.4 got warmer then the SAZ did, by a LONG shot. lol
  22. bassahaulic

    grammar question

    I like it........ or "Sentence, 4 Death Penalties"