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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic


    The AQ is a fine amp. I have installed 3-4 of the 1200's and 2 of their bigger brother the 2200. All do rated power and all work flawlessly. He is right, people talk shit because they see the MOD's do it. I have never seen a bad thing from an AQ that was the amps fault. alright, i guess i'll change my sig and tell sundown that i will see them soon. And from testing, as far as we can tell the "Clip" LED on the bass knob is pretty accurate.
  2. bassahaulic


    The AQ is a fine amp. I have installed 3-4 of the 1200's and 2 of their bigger brother the 2200. All do rated power and all work flawlessly. He is right, people talk shit because they see the MOD's do it. I have never seen a bad thing from an AQ that was the amps fault.
  3. bassahaulic

    setting hidden gains

    I would just set gains to 1/2 and use PAC knob from there
  4. bassahaulic

    2011 Ford Mustang

    Soon as someone mans up and buys a V8........... :-/
  5. bassahaulic

    2 12" Havocs, Sealed or Ported?

    I was just saying 4 since you have alot of power for them. You could do 5, wouldn't make a huge difference. 2Hz can make a large difference, I was just throwing out numbers of a box I think would slam music and sound great.
  6. bassahaulic

    2 12" Havocs, Sealed or Ported?

    I'd do like 4 total after port and woofer, with like 48^2 of port area tuned to 34Hz. That's just me though.
  7. bassahaulic

    2 12" Havocs, Sealed or Ported?

    You COULD tune it that low, but you wouldn't be as loud as you want. I'd tune to 34-36.
  8. bassahaulic

    2 12" Havocs, Sealed or Ported?

    After reading your second post I have determined that ported is the way to go. The loudness difference is astronomical from sealed to ported. What are the specs on the woofers? How much power do you have to push them? What are they going in?
  9. bassahaulic

    4 DP21 Wall Build

    I hope you smoothed out all that glue to make a uniform coating on the wood.......
  10. bassahaulic

    System Videos

    Louisiana Bass Productions YouTube Alot of my videos, but I am slowly adding other peoples systems and vehicles. Go watch, comment, subscribe, and enjoy
  11. bassahaulic

    Ascendant Audio 18s in THE Hoe

    Mo Power What kind of box? ~whispers~ subs up/port up ~Whispers~
  12. Maybe try to sell the MM1400's and find one large amp. Or, strap at 4ohm. Which would put each amp at 2ohm. Which would probably be equal to one of them at 1ohm.
  13. bassahaulic

    power question

    Then your alt is broke....... :-/ at 11v your alt should be working it ass off. At least mine does, my 240 does around 227 at 12.4v and 1,400rpm. the alternator is only going to put ou what you call it to do so. If you are pulling 227 amps at 12.4 volts your system is putting out 2800 watts. Like I said I was only pulling 750 watts so my alternator only had to put out so much current. My shit isn't broke man- it just means I've got tons of overhead. I really hope all of these numbers you are posting are based on measurements of the actual voltage, amperage flow, and output of amp/amps that you have taken. And not just you knowing the math behind it and assuming it's all correct. Example 1a: 227amps x 12.4v = 2,814. So, based on your math, my vehicle needs NO power run any of the systems it needs,and also that my amplifier is 100% efficient. Example 1b: You said your amp was putting out "750" watts, based on your math since you were at 11v pulling 70amps, it should be making 770. But then, again, the vehicle has no power to use and the amp would have to be almost 100% efficient. Both of those seem pretty implausible, but I'll go with it. Example 2: "If you use ohms law you can figure the max output of your current system by multiplying your volts by your amps." Really? It's that simple............... P.S. Your alternator will work at "max output" until the unbalance in supply/demand is met. So, your "200" should have been damn close to putting out 200 if your at 11v. And all this was done a 2a.m. Sorry for any mistakes.
  14. bassahaulic

    power question

    I think you will be fine with your alt, just test it often to make sure it's still putting out power.
  15. bassahaulic

    power question

    Then your alt is broke....... :-/ at 11v your alt should be working it ass off. At least mine does, my 240 does around 227 at 12.4v and 1,400rpm.
  16. bassahaulic

    Down fire

    I see that now, I'm just recommending from past experience with S-10's that you don't do down fire. Subs forward behind passenger, port up behind driver. Will get very loud and sounds good.
  17. Didn't think about using those, my EQ has an AUX input so it would work. Mines a db Drive E7EQ7, check it out.
  18. Do some research before you post something again. You talk like you know EXACTLY what your talking about, when it is evident you have no clue. Let me check my iPhone, wait yup, playing music and on the web.
  19. Most people who use a computer like that have a separate H/U they use. They take the 3.5mm headphone jack off the computer and run it into the Head units "AUX" input, which is usually a 3.5mm plug. The H/U then boosts the signal to the amps.
  20. bassahaulic

    Whats up everyone!!

    for sho' bro... thanks! I LOVE that avatar, always good for a laugh. i admit i totally jacked it from someone else but mainly because i laugh my ass off every time i see it I've finally made my way back onto SMD. Gotten ALOT bigger since I've been on After my incident.... lol
  21. bassahaulic

    Whats up everyone!!

    for sho' bro... thanks! I LOVE that avatar, always good for a laugh.
  22. bassahaulic

    Whats up everyone!!

  23. bassahaulic

    Twistedchild420's 28hz Wall Re-Build

    Nice....but this was my buddy's first year ever competing.....i got more trophy pics if you wanna up the ante..... This was just the finals trophies and the big triple point events. I can ask him for pics of the rest lol You coming to Finals this year? Oh yeah...i'll surely be there.....also.....the other shelf ... You can check out some real loud stuff
  24. bassahaulic

    Twistedchild420's 28hz Wall Re-Build

    Nice....but this was my buddy's first year ever competing.....i got more trophy pics if you wanna up the ante..... This was just the finals trophies and the big triple point events. I can ask him for pics of the rest lol You coming to Finals this year?
  25. bassahaulic

    Twistedchild420's 28hz Wall Re-Build

    Not thread jacking or nothing but.......... We do work as well