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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    picking an amp

    lol that made me laugh I shot the video. It was interesting to say the least.
  2. bassahaulic

    picking an amp

    AQ2200's are bulletproof!!! - Car Audio Classifieds
  3. bassahaulic

    Volvo Bo and the half wall 740

    hahahahahahah!!!!!! ur horriable at cutting and pasting lol there are atleast 4 differant font sizes in that ha and its all jacked up ha. and i love my 12"incher it hasnt let me down sorry man im not a pro and can handle 18"inchers like u ha It's all the same fool. Straight screen shot.
  4. bassahaulic

    Volvo Bo and the half wall 740

    Sorry it's so little guys, my screen kinda large. But you can still read it.
  5. bassahaulic

    Volvo Bo and the half wall 740

    haha u arseho u would ha, none of this is true people andrew is just jelous of my prettyboy swag awww can't use the word asshole lol I don't need swag, got me a great lady.
  6. bassahaulic

    Volvo Bo and the half wall 740

    Andrew Jones 12:38 am You like boys Bo Robinson 12:38 am haha what? Andrew Jones 12:38 am You read it Bo Robinson 12:38 am who told you lol i love men Andrew Jones 12:38 am proof? Bo Robinson 12:39 am mutiple pictures of me with differant dudes. ha Andrew Jones 12:39 am proves alot Bo Robinson 12:39 am ha where did all of this come from? Andrew Jones 12:39 am I'm just sayin Bo Robinson 12:40 am that was random as fuck but very true Andrew Jones 12:40 am Very true
  7. bassahaulic

    Incriminator Lethal Injection 15

    As long as you keep the signal clean you should be fine
  8. Cool Story.................... I guess
  9. bassahaulic


    Coming from someone on Team Sundown! I am just tell the truth, am I not? Being on a manufacturer team your suppose to advertise and get the word out about the quality of the product! Not persuade someonet to look at another manufacturer. If someone can't afford it, how am I supposed to sell it to them. Offer a Finance plan? lol
  10. bassahaulic


    No the new AQ 3500's do the rated power, ask "masterofallbass" on YouTube.
  11. bassahaulic


    Coming from someone on Team Sundown! I am just tell the truth, am I not?
  12. bassahaulic


    Duran is my friend
  13. bassahaulic


    LOL! You mad? Yeah he is. Just can't stand to see something other then SD being pushed. Not everyone can afford Sundown. Or wants to for that matter. Yes, Sundown does work hard to make their products better. Yes, Their amps are of great quality and power. But guess what, so do a lot of other companies. And any company can purposely under rate an amp to make it seem magical and awesome.....
  14. bassahaulic


    Send me that computer in your avatar and I'll be your friend.
  15. bassahaulic


    No need to further complicate things. He was just giving an example, AQ would be more then fine. And plus, they have awesome CS.
  16. bassahaulic


    Why? Because he follows the band wagon. I hate how when someone says what they want cheap price at a certain power output and people still tell them to go with sundown even though its like 100+ dollars over what that someone's budget is or what else is out there for the same performance. The only other thing I'll recommend for the same power or close but cheaper in price is an Audiopipe AP15001D (1500 rms watts at 1 ohm) if you can find one. They usually go for 160-200 shipped with warranty. Buy from a dealer if you want manufacturer warranty. Buy off ebay if you want cheap price and still may get 1 year warranty through that ebay store that is selling it and also be able to get extra warranty through square trade really cheap. But if you really want the AQ1200 then get it or if you want the Sundown 1200 then get that but you won't hear a damn difference. You'll just get mad rep points for owning sundown and paying a lot for something you could have for less. Its may be just me but I hate spending more money then I have to. Ask anyone that has own an audiopipe AP or AQX line. See if they were unhappy at all. PS, I am not a rep for audiopipe. phi, you make me happy
  17. bassahaulic

    Sad, but good...

    It seems to suffer the same way most shops suffer....... Everything they make is to just look pretty. And As far as I can tell it's all improper enclosures with very improper ports.
  18. bassahaulic


    That would work, but you can just go to Best Buy and grab a Rockford one. I think it has one 1/0 in and four 4awg out.
  19. bassahaulic


    Why? Ever seen anything wrong with them?
  20. bassahaulic

    Sad, but good...

    I don't like the look of that place. I am 99% sure that installing your own system will have ZERO effect on your warranty. My dad sold Chevy's for years and I worked in the back, and we would often get truck and cars with systems and we'd be doing warranty work on them.
  21. bassahaulic


    I'm pretty sure 4awg. Pro: i can save even more money CON: when i upgrade i spend more money lol Solution, do 1/0 the first time. Use a D-Block to bring it down to 4awg.
  22. bassahaulic

    Sad, but good...

    Where do you live?
  23. bassahaulic


    I'm pretty sure 4awg.
  24. bassahaulic


    The AQ is a fine amp. I have installed 3-4 of the 1200's and 2 of their bigger brother the 2200. All do rated power and all work flawlessly. He is right, people talk shit because they see the MOD's do it. I have never seen a bad thing from an AQ that was the amps fault. alright, i guess i'll change my sig and tell sundown that i will see them soon. And from testing, as far as we can tell the "Clip" LED on the bass knob is pretty accurate. o.O clip LED?! Time for some Vid on Youtube!!! Yes, AQ and DD amps use the same bass knob. It has a blue "Power" LED and a red "clip" LED. The blue one is always one and the red one flashes or lights up as you send a clipped signal to woofers.