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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    Once I re cone my woofers you can come over and watch me break a 150. His numbers are BS simple as that....... Took my buddy two 15"s on 6k to get into 50's from the trunk of his car and that was fart box.
  2. bassahaulic

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    150.7 @ ??hz And where at? and what in? Who what when where how? Never post on SSA again......
  3. bassahaulic

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    150.7 @ ??hz And where at? and what in?
  4. bassahaulic

    Extreme Overkill Sound Deadening Without Compromise

    :-O That's alot of nice work man!! Keep it up.
  5. bassahaulic

    12 inch warden

    1. Pure SPL? No music? 2.What amp/amps? 3. What ohm is the woofer? 4.What organization do you compete in? 5. What mods are done to your car?
  6. bassahaulic

    Slot Port vs. Round Port

    Just do slot
  7. bassahaulic

    Can I please have?

    My warn level fully reduced? I don't like seeing it, it bothers me for some reason. I don't know who to PM about this, so I figured a thread would work fine.
  8. What motor? If you have less then a V6 then it might hurt...
  9. Alright. I'll get the 270 amp alternator from DC Power and take it from there. Thanks for the help Something else you might consider is seeing if you can find a dual alternator bracket for your truck. Then you could keep the stock alternator running the stock electrical and run the DC Power to a second battery and run your system from that. That way, you have no chance of accidentally draining your starting battery. I was considering that but wouldn't I take a pretty big performance hit? Engine wise and gas mileage wise? Having another thing going through the belt? I've seen dual brackets for my truck. Your talking about running 6 beefy 10"s, 2 large batteries, large amps, and the wood for the box. And your worried about performance? Your joking, right?
  10. bassahaulic

    Box Help

    No, it won't help you because you don't want a fart box i think? How much power do you have? I would suggest 2.2cu ft with about 40-44 sq inches of port area tuned to 34 hz if u want to get loud and be 'somewhat' musical. right now i have it in a box with 2.6cuft with 42 square inches of port that is 22 inches long.. which turns out to be around 38 Hz after end correction. It is pretty musical as of now but I can tell the sub isn't traveling through its entire excursion. Maybe I don't have enough power on it.. i have about 1400 RMS on it (before voltage drop and box rise) and the sub is a 1500 RMS sub.. But I just pre-ordered the SAZ-2500D!! I'm not really looking for a burp box. I was thinking tuning to 33 and adding the mach5 6.5 inch midbass drivers to my kickpanels if necessary. I'm lacking in the midbass area as it is so i will probably need the mach5 drivers. If 33 Hz sounds good, then i would like to discuss sub/port firing options. There ya go, you need more power. Simple as that. Buddy of mine has a DD M3 at .5 daily on each of his 4 DD 9515F's. You need powa
  11. bassahaulic

    Can I please have?

    Actually it was a combination in this case. The OP refused to ever type anything that was more than a phrase that couldn't be answered and instead used absurd amounts of ellipses. Add that to the fact that he blatantly ignored the noob guidelines and made threads that weren't helpful to anyone the warning was more than deserved. Nothing personal and in fact I'd say he's obviously grown up since that time as his posts now are much better, just wanted to clarify Aaron's statement. Awwww. I feel loved
  12. bassahaulic

    BBP6 Help

    I need an experts help, every time I try to make a box a very specific size, like certain dimensions. It automatically changes all the others I had. Example is, Say I want Side A to be 20", so I type 20. The program automatically adds numbers to side B & C. Then when I try to put in my own number in side "B" it changes A & C automatically. Even when I want A to stay the same, it changes it. What can I do?
  13. bassahaulic

    18" SMD photoshopped

    What extra piece? That's how it really is. lol
  14. Your dumb And to answer. DD = Loudest on meter Fi = Loudest to ear SSA = Best Sound
  15. bassahaulic

    Can I please have?

    I know, it's just for something stupid. "Thread titles: Read the damn noob posting guidelines and stop using ellipses' Really? Really?
  16. bassahaulic

    Can I please have?

  17. bassahaulic

    Box for 15" SSD

    18"x24"x22" external, with a 1.5" baffle. Port is 4"x12", and 20" long. Plays down to 31Hz before bad drop off and peaks at 41Hz.
  18. bassahaulic

    Box for 15" SSD

    What size can it be again? That first post can't be right.
  19. bassahaulic

    Box for 15" SSD

    It will be going into a 2008 Nissan Frontier with the back seat folded up giving me the AREA that i listed above. Ive got a MTX XThunder X1000D that pushes out about 1100W RMS. The sub is the 1 ohm version with the flatwind coil. I mainly listen to old school rap and alot of reggae. Im looking for loud deep bass, one of the main reasons I went with the 15. I will list my complete system below. Amplifier: MTX XThunder X1000D Subwoofer: 15" SSD (flatwind coil) Headunit: Pioneer 3200DVD Front Speakers: Alpine Type R 6X9 Rear Speakers: Alpine Type R 6.5" 4guage Amp Kit Long drawn out bass? or quick punchy bass?
  20. bassahaulic

    Box for 15" SSD

    What kind of truck do you have? How much power do you have? What do you listen to? And what do you want out of the woofer?
  21. bassahaulic

    PWK designs?

    Question is, why do you want him to design your box? There are many people on this forum who could design just as good if not better box.