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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    4 fi q 12s ported or 6 sealed

    4 ported with a proper box and rms power.
  2. bassahaulic

    4 fi q 12s ported or 6 sealed

    Go check the Fi website. But you want loud and low. BL's can do that.
  3. bassahaulic

    4 fi q 12s ported or 6 sealed

    You don't want Q's. You want BL's. Do 4 Fi BL 12"s ported
  4. bassahaulic

    Need help designing a box

    Can you give me max demensions. I can help
  5. bassahaulic

    Sundown Audio SAZ-2500

    on burp right? Yes sir It all depends on impedance rise.
  6. bassahaulic

    Sundown Audio SAZ-2500

    on burp right?
  7. bassahaulic

    Q vs BL

    I sent you a PM.
  8. bassahaulic

    hats off to sundown

    I loved my 2k, just needed more power.
  9. bassahaulic

    Q vs BL

    Livonia, are you by any chance friends with Colby and Jude Webre? lol In fact I am very good friends with Colby lol
  10. bassahaulic

    Q vs BL

    Where in Louisiana are you man? As long as the box is well built you won't hear a difference in the two.
  11. bassahaulic

    Why is car audio so appealing.

    You need bass to get a girl wet........... sounds like she likes the DJ to get her wet more than you she just usin u as foreplay! DAMN!!!! hahaha And Duran I do a 149.1 at 30Hz!! BISH
  12. bassahaulic

    Why is car audio so appealing.

    You need bass to get a girl wet...........
  13. bassahaulic

    Why is car audio so appealing.

    x2 plus ballgasms.... who doesn't like the feeling of their testicles dancing around at 140+ db @ 30hz? 150db+ FTW!!
  14. bassahaulic

    best 3k sub

    For someone with "systems" under your belt you are a complete noob.
  15. bassahaulic

    best 3k sub

    Get you some IA Warden's.
  16. bassahaulic

    Got a new one.

  17. bassahaulic

    Programs suggest super low tuning.. why?

    Same here, normally.. Now, I'm just fooling around to see what kind of results they yield. You, of all people on SSA, know that I am curious.. lol Oh I know!! lol
  18. bassahaulic

    best 3k sub

    Um........ about 16 subs I know of off hand will take 3k rms daily.
  19. bassahaulic

    Programs suggest super low tuning.. why?

    Don't use the programs to do that kind of stuff. I just use them to tell me how long a port has to be to get a specific tuning, and the airspace for certain dimensions.
  20. bassahaulic

    J.LFTN's Dual ZCON 18s on 4kW | New Box pg. 18

    G-14 classified.
  21. bassahaulic

    external equalizer

    You can do like we did for my GF's 98 Mustang GT convertible. Remove the back seat and put the bass there.
  22. bassahaulic

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm not in here for a few months and the first thing I see is about ///M5 fondling men? Interesting indeed.
  23. bassahaulic

    typical fed ex

  24. bassahaulic

    external equalizer

    Ported box gets you more bass. What year car? Model?
  25. bassahaulic

    J.LFTN's Dual ZCON 18s on 4kW | New Box pg. 18

    Heard the truck today. Sounds GREAT! I have been considering using them in my wall and hearing them makes me want to a little more. Although I still LOVE my MT's.