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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. Decent EQ, ipod and usb connectivity.. atleast 3 preouts including sub. All 3 have the features I need.. curious if there's any noticeable sound quality different between Clarion and Alpine? Never owned a clarion unit, always had Pioneer. I know for fact the Alpine 9887 is 2-way active capable and is a great SQ unit if set-up properly. I've personally never been a fan of Clarion. If you want to stay with Pioneer. Find a Pioneer Premier 800PRS. I would put it on par if not above the other 3 you have listed.
  2. What do you want features wise?
  3. bassahaulic

    I need to get my rearview mirror to stay on my windshield.

    I actually thought about that, but I'm planning to buy a new truck. Also, I didn't realize how massive the SAX 100.4s are. I ordered one last week not thinking about the size because four channels are usually pretty small. HA well i saw one today in a buddies van.. FREAKING HUGE lol Gotta have room for all the crossover functions He saw my 100.4 and jizzed lol There really isn't a perfect to get it to stay on. I give up on mine the first time they fall off, no need to fight then inevitable.
  4. bassahaulic

    running 18v

    Question is. Why do you feel you need to run 18v? Do you compete heavily? Do you just want more power?
  5. bassahaulic

    which 10 inch sub

    You probably won't gain much of any loudness using the same box and same power.
  6. bassahaulic

    room to leave for air movement.

    When the box is closer to the hatch then the port is wide the hatch then acts like another port, thus, tuning the box to whatever the trucks resonant frequency is. That's what I was thinking, but it didn't change my score. My peak went up from 36 to 37hz, that was the only change. Move it back and listen to it, then slide it away from the hatch and listen to it. Sounds MUCH better I promise.
  7. bassahaulic

    room to leave for air movement.

    When the box is closer to the hatch then the port is wide the hatch then acts like another port, thus, tuning the box to whatever the trucks resonant frequency is.
  8. bassahaulic

    Wall ?

    Yes, yes it will.
  9. bassahaulic

    Wall ?

    Worked great lol I was always just low on power. This one is the truck playing Put On MEGA Chopped and Screw. The high note is like 38HzHz and the low on is like 25Hz
  10. bassahaulic

    room to leave for air movement.

    No matter the port I would do at LEAST 6" from the back hatch.
  11. bassahaulic

    Wall ?

    Yes it will. 35Hz is ideal for rap music. Could always go real gangster and tune to 28Hz like i did with my wall.
  12. bassahaulic

    Upgrade from 12" BTL to ???

    You need a wall. Simple as that.
  13. bassahaulic

    '06 Scion XB first built

    That's what we did with an Xb lol 6 15"s wall 4 mids/4 tweets per door. But I'll bet money this one sounds WAY better.
  14. bassahaulic

    Amp voltage issue

    It sounds like you might have a head unit issue if it's doing that for the first time and all setting on it are the same.
  15. My belt broke today on the van, It looks pretty straight forward to replace it. Anyone have any experience with the sideways mounted 3.4L Chevy motors? I'm used to the forward mounted V8's in my trucks lol
  16. bassahaulic

    Engine belt for 3.4L Chevy

    Other belt is laying in my front yard, it sheered in half. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for getting my big arm into the space to put the new one on.
  17. bassahaulic


    So your one of those guys who has to one up everyone?
  18. bassahaulic

    Best Tuning Frequency

    I am starting to build boxes and I am getting the hang of it...my friends are asking for me to build them boxes, some with different system goals than others. I would like to know if there are different frequency ranges that will be better for SQ...daily spl...competition spl...etc Tell me what you think. It's all woofer, vehicle, and amp dependent.
  19. bassahaulic

    Best Tuning Frequency

    I am starting to build boxes and I am getting the hang of it...my friends are asking for me to build them boxes, some with different system goals than others. I would like to know if there are different frequency ranges that will be better for SQ...daily spl...competition spl...etc Tell me what you think. It's all woofer, vehicle, and amp dependent.
  20. bassahaulic

    Is This Worth It

    No it doesn't exist. And in fact makes no sense.
  21. bassahaulic

    Best Tuning Frequency

    What do you want your system to do?
  22. bassahaulic

    A little custom sticker work.

    Only reason I had it done was my friend got a sticker that matched mine EXACTLY. So I had to go more custom. And I had to ensure they wouldn't do it for anyone else. lol
  23. bassahaulic

    A little custom sticker work.

    Just went up to my good friend who works at a Graphics shop and he hooked it up.
  24. bassahaulic

    A little custom sticker work.
