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Everything posted by bassahaulic

  1. bassahaulic

    Wiring question.

    Get smaller wires?
  2. bassahaulic

    Which amp for my subs

    I was not happy when I messed with a Friends MMATS 4000's. A MMATS 4000 was only .1db higher then a SAZ-3000.
  3. The Auto-EQ is complete junk, but the Auto-TA is actually pretty good.
  4. bassahaulic

    Amp question!

    Very useful post.
  5. What mode is the radio in? Is it in Network or Standard mode?
  6. bassahaulic

    Twisted's 3rd Row Wall Build

    2nd row walls never work quite right.
  7. bassahaulic

    My new SSD 15" Beating

  8. bassahaulic

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Should be sick.... as long as the wall is properly designed and built. unlike some other Mustangs with 2 18"s........
  9. Your hugging Steve Meade's nuts harder then a squirrel.
  10. bassahaulic

    eclipse 3 way compnents

    VERY good set for an amazing price. Only issue is, you can't warranty them.
  11. bassahaulic

    Sundown Amp Remote

    who is Jude's cousin and why has nobody told me? I need a knob and wire for my SAZ-1500d A guy is selling on right here....................
  12. bassahaulic

    Getting an 18, What are the requirements?

    Alot pf people use 21"s.... Just because Steve Meade doesn't use them doesn't meant they aren't good.
  13. Going to seem like something I'd say but, why not just two normal sealed?
  14. bassahaulic

    Bravox Audio In Stock | GROUP PRICING!

    Thank you! I will keep an eye on this thread. If you pm me to notify me about availability, it would be great! I definitely dont want to miss this opportunity again. I'm sure the Kevlar components would suit you just fine.
  15. bassahaulic

    Getting an 18, What are the requirements?

    Nope, big fat myth right there. The only difference is cone size, so there is more output, they all play the SAME notes. The XCON is designed to sound good, yes. The BTL and Mayhem are made to be loud, the BTL will do better numbers on a meter vs. the Mayhem but the Mayhem plays a bit lower, better for daily. Honestly he needs an MT lol
  16. bassahaulic

    Getting an 18, What are the requirements?

    Well, based off your logic. Why aren't you wanting a 21" woofer?
  17. bassahaulic

    Getting an 18, What are the requirements?

    Pshhhh my MT 18"s sounds like pure SQzzz
  18. bassahaulic

    Bravox Audio In Stock | GROUP PRICING!

    I'm excited to install the sets of these coming to my area. dvalue's and my friends.
  19. bassahaulic

    Getting an 18, What are the requirements?

    PUNCTUATION! That would require to much work for most. :-(
  20. You can series anything with voice coils. Pretend each of these speakers are tweeters.
  21. bassahaulic

    Getting an 18, What are the requirements?

    So your goal is to annoy people? Interesting. The Xcon was designed for SQ, and it just so happened to get loud. And who said 18"s are the best?
  22. Your missing the ability to series speakers together instead of parallel. Yes, he is. It may also be a series-parallel circuit. That's what I'm thinking, get it somewhere close to 2ohm per channel.