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Everything posted by stylezzz8o8

  1. stylezzz8o8

    Box for 18" BL

    i think you calculated wrong. with your info i got about 6.6 ft^3 tuned @ 27 hz
  2. stylezzz8o8

    comparison with the havoc.

    You will gain nothing from switching to a Havoc. Keep your BL. alright thanks.
  3. stylezzz8o8

    comparison with the havoc.

    i wanna know how the havoc compares to the fi bl. i have the fi bl but im thinking of switching to the havoc. im not sure though because ive never heard the havoc but by reading the reviews its way better than the q. is it better than the bl? how so?
  4. stylezzz8o8

    comparison with the havoc.

    ok if its more than i need, its perfect.
  5. stylezzz8o8

    comparison with the havoc.

    No, actually I had an amazing day at school and work I don't think you realize how often people ask this question, saying they want loud sound quality; which doesn't exist. oh me too. but i dont work. just school. thought you were old. k well jl w7 is LOUD SOUND QUALITY. so there, loud sound quality does exist. but i dont got the money for that Some people would say I'm old, some would say I'm young. If you really think the W7 is "LOUD SOUND QUALITY" then get a job and buy one, then when you realize you wasted your money you can come back here and listen to us. I think a more appropriate term for what you want is "loud daily" that means you want a loud sound system that can be listened too daily. By no means a sound quality system and not an SPL vehicle. no time for a job right now. too much into school and sports. yeah loud daily, that sounds correct. so which would you think would be better for my situation the havoc or the bl? and btw do you know how much the havoc 15" costs?
  6. stylezzz8o8

    comparison with the havoc.

    No, actually I had an amazing day at school and work I don't think you realize how often people ask this question, saying they want loud sound quality; which doesn't exist. oh me too. but i dont work. just school. thought you were old. k well jl w7 is LOUD SOUND QUALITY. so there, loud sound quality does exist. but i dont got the money for that
  7. stylezzz8o8

    comparison with the havoc.

    somebody had a bad day at work....
  8. stylezzz8o8

    comparison with the havoc.

    Please define what you mean by GOOD sound quality as it is counterintuitive as that would then state you don't want it any louder than your midbasses and I guarantee either of those subs will way outperform your current front stage. i dont understand what your talking about good sound quality as in hits every note and sounds good. how else can i put it? good sound quality as in something like a jl w7 and not a kicker l7 thats just loud and irritating. idk. how to reply to you. thats the best i can
  9. stylezzz8o8

    comparison with the havoc.

    15" bl in a 3.9 ft^3 box tuned at 32 hz. so the bl will be louder?
  10. stylezzz8o8

    comparison with the havoc.

    well i want LOUD bass but GOOD sound quality at the same time. the havoc would probably sound better than the bl but would it get louder? im guessing if its about the same as the q, it wont...but im not sure
  11. stylezzz8o8

    comparison with the fi bl

    i wanna know how the havoc compares to the fi bl. i have the fi bl but im thinking of switching to the havoc. im not sure though because ive never heard the havoc but by reading the reviews its way better than the q. is it better than the bl? how so?
  12. stylezzz8o8

    what amp to my fi bl 15"

    Fi BL 15" w/ cooling option only... rockford t1500 or sundown saz1500d which will last longer? which puts out more power?
  13. stylezzz8o8

    Fi BL 15" question

    I got a BL 15" and i only got the cooling option. can it handle 1500W from a sundown saz1500d? is that a good amp? or would you recommend something else with less/more power?
  14. stylezzz8o8

    Fi Bl 15" enclosure dimensions

    do you know the equation because i dont know the depth(height) in which my port should go? is when they say 12-16 square inches per cubic foot thats talking length and width of the port right? haha.
  15. stylezzz8o8

    Fi Bl 15" enclosure dimensions

    Im ordering a 15" BL. what would be the best enclosure? my maximum dimensions are length = 24" depth = 19" height = basically anything but a ridiculous size. i was thinking maybe 18" but it can go way high obviously. is it best to max the dimensions out or stay within the 2.8 - 4.0 cubic foot range? and for my port it says 12-16 square inches per cubic feet. again, should i stay between there or would it be better if i go bigger? bigger is always better right? haha. HELP!
  16. stylezzz8o8

    Fi Bl 15" enclosure dimensions

    ok thanks. and i dont understand how to tune to a certain amount of hertz. does it depend on airspace or something? idk. im kinda new to this haha.