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Everything posted by finebar4

  1. finebar4

    midbass/midrange drivers

    Go to Seas home page or check out www.mobilesq.com (US importer). I have a second set I rescued out of someones closet, they have never been mounted, check out the specs and the reviews and you can shoot me a pm if you may be interested. I am running mine with some scan-speak tweets, and I have to say with just some minor tweaking on the timing, I have a stage that goes on and on.
  2. finebar4

    midbass/midrange drivers

    I just installed a set of the lotus and all I can say is wow! I got mine running from an Audison VR and they are icrediably smooth. They don't go real deep in my application (80 Hz x-over point) as I have not sealed or deadened the doors just yet, but as is they reproduce the cleanest midrange I have experienced.
  3. finebar4


    Man Ryan......that epitomizes the word sweet.
  4. finebar4

    Amp Choice

    You may not get it as cheap as others, but the Orion 1200D works wonders on mine. I have the dual 2 ohm and ran mine at 1 ohm all day without it ever breakin a sweat. Check w\HCCAfan for good prices. I have an old school RF hammerin on mine at 4 ohms ATM, works well to. US Amps were known for their brutallity, just watch for the high current version for 2 ohm mono loads.
  5. finebar4

    Todays job...5 days later

    Started out innocently enough, quick trip to home depot... Stripped down the back wall The beginnings of my box Makin progress With its face on Next came the doors Had to throw these two in poof like magic from this Then came the problems....the Soundstream was bad out of the box, but of course I started at the speakers and worked backwards I pretty sure it was a transistor that tweaked out, as it took out one the scanspeaks with it . So this is whhat it looks like this afternoon..... The Rockford is poundin the rl-p and with the ported enclosure... The audison is driving the seas....lord ya just gotta hear it and the adcom is first generation class a driving a set of rainbow soft domes till the scanspeak gets repaired. I set the gains and let her rip and Big special thanks to aneonrider (scott) and mrray (kent) for being so helpfull with my port issues I have a 10 hour drive Monday, so I will be tweakin like crazy I'm sure, but where it is at right now is
  6. finebar4

    Todays job...5 days later

    It's a power distro, the spider lights up a wicked blue when you fire it up as well as displaying voltage and amperage. After a little driving around last night, I am still torn between the ported and the sealed designs. I am stuck using a rather diminutive 1.5 net tuned to 31 via a pair of 3" ports, but I did experience a huge increase in output espesially below 40hz. I have to deaden everything yet (probably next weekend), seal up the door panels as the Lotus is a little thin and tinny ATM, and determine final mounting angles for the tweets. I HAD to get the stuff in to experience it, but there is a lot of work left to get it right. After adjusting the timing and EQ'ing a bit, I have a solid image dead center and high up in my face. The Rl-P just POUNDS with the RF attached, not that the class d Orion was a slouch by no means, I just have a thing for old school RF. I did just score a US Amps 25HC to drive the tweets with, I love the Adcom, but it is almost too much on the high end at 40 watts+ directly to the tweets. I still may wind up with ribbons, so the 12.5 watts a channel model may just be the cats meow for that application. All in all, it has been a labor of love, and worth the difference that it made.
  7. finebar4

    Just receieved my new RL-p

    From what I hear, these things sound as well ported as sealed. I have had mine a few months and started out looking strictly for SQ. I am 40ish and at this point my hearing or lack there of is important. But after hearing of several people hitting some incredible numbers with these things in ported enclosures my curiosity got the best of me and I have to give her whirl. I guess that the slot ported enclosures kick arse, bit I lack the experience in building one of those to help you out, PM Aneonrider (scott) or mrray (kent) and both these guys are tremendous assets at your finger tips. I have a regular cab truck, so I have severe space issues, but from what i have heard 2 cubic feet with 32 inches of port area. I built mine at 1.5 cubic feet with dual 3" ports and should have it in and powered by tonight and will let you know my first impressions.
  8. finebar4

    Got an odd shaped enclosure

    Yep, found a new spot to mount the amps, pics will be coming soon, so I am utilizing the whole space (what little I have). Sorry, I know there were a lot of numbers in there, but hey, ya gotta make an attemp . But big,big thanks Scott, got the ports cut and in, the box is drying tonight and is going in with the new amp rack tomorrow. And thanks to you to Kent, but I am glad I figured out a way not to sink the amp in the box and eat up too much space .
  9. I started to build a new enclosure today. Gross interior is 12.5 X 53.5 X 7.5 bottom and 3.5 top, so 2.5 cubic feet gross. I am recessing the amp and the panel is 22.5 X 13.5 X .75 sunk 1.5 into the enclosure. There are (4) 1 X 2 X 55 and (4) 1 X 2 X 12.5 to account for and the displacement of the sub (RL-P) I think is .18. I want to tune this thing as low as possible (28-32 Hz) so dual 3" ports probably. How long do I make them?
  10. finebar4


    My exessive amperage was $300 shipped.
  11. finebar4

    Need Tweets?

    Found a helluva deal on ScanSpeak D2904/6000-01. Check out their prices at Madisound then go to www.pacparts.com. Click on Consumer Electronics and do a parts search for Alpine Model Number SPXF17T. It will pull up a page with all the parts associated with the sets and you will see the part number D2904/600001. It is the raw tweeter of the set sourced from ScanSpeak and guess which model they picked? It is the same exact specs wise. Just says lowly alpine on it......and they say there isn't a price for the label. I just ordered a set to go with the Lotus Ref's and I should see them in a week and a half. They don't stock them, they source them right from Alpine, then ship to you........but IMO worth the money I saved for the little wait. Just wanted to pass that along
  12. finebar4

    Just receieved my new RL-p

    ported box huh?? i guess i don't get to build that one... lol... don't forget ot post pics and reviews!! I am not getting rid of the box you built, just experimenting...if i like what I hear, then we shall talk about a nicely constructed Kent built ported enclosure instead of the ghetto box i am hacking. If I don't like it, well I got a kick butt sealed that drops right in
  13. finebar4

    Rainbow CS 230 Contours

    If memory serves me right, they are on the lower end of the scale but Rainbow = teh chit Price wise they go around high 200's to low 300's thru authorized dealers.
  14. finebar4

    Today's Job

    wifey's 2 kent and kevin 0
  15. What do you need help with? do you have a news service? gotta have one of them to start with. Do a search on usenet carriers, pick one up (usally about $7.00-10.00 a month), and we can take you from there.
  16. finebar4

    Just receieved my new RL-p

    Up until today I was running 1200 watts in a 1.25 ^3 feet (35.5^3 liters) sealed, but I am building larger box 57 literish and trying ported with 1000 watts. The sealed enclosure gives me great lowend, and all around sound was tight and punchy and clean With the gains set so I was not clipping the amp, the sub would take everything I gave it. (I think I will be louder with the ported enclosure even with a little less power), and with it tuned to 32 Hz should give me the solid bottom end I so have come to enjoy, will keep ya posted.
  17. finebar4

    ported doorpods

    Nucking Futs man, that has got to be a treat.
  18. finebar4

    Just receieved my new RL-p

    I replaced a PG Ti12 with mine, never looked back.
  19. finebar4

    Looking for the right setup

    Get clean power, this sub does not like clipping. I run 1200 daily, but anywhere from 600-1200 with well adjusted gains will get you started. Check out some of Zed's stuff, kicker is good (cheap on U-bid), PG is good, just get a clean amp and do it justice. BTW Welcome aboard and we like pics
  20. finebar4

    Got an odd shaped enclosure

    Just built it today, sorry for the miscommunications, only have a limited amount of time on my hands and wanted to make use of it.
  21. finebar4

    Got an odd shaped enclosure

    Design hell, she's built . Just gotta cut out the ports and assemble in the truck
  22. finebar4

    Got an odd shaped enclosure

    For reference, take a look at the box Ryan (tirefryr) built his g.f. I am sinking the amp on the slanted side is the only difference and size of course. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...topic=3615&st=0
  23. finebar4

    new truck install..

    Lookin good Tell us how it sounds
  24. finebar4

    Today's Job

    Dammmmit, I coulda used your skills today, wifey made me clean up and put everything away tonight and it isn't even dark:thiry yet
  25. finebar4

    Need Tweets?

    He was something else. Since it was just him and maiden they got to do extended shows . He has the lead guitarist from mansion with him, and you could could hardly hear the differences (well a few beers in me and I couldn't ) Maiden...well what could I possibly say that hasn't been said before .