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Everything posted by finebar4

  1. finebar4

    Current Group Buy Count

    I just know the agony of paypal fees myself, thats just more out of Mikes pocket. Happy to get a great driver at a great price , and if I can help out just a little, hey, just doin my thang.
  2. finebar4

    Current Group Buy Count

    All right guys, let's ante up, I included some extra on my paypal to cover the fees and cover anyone else who could only swing the actual amount , but if you got it, share a little , we are stealing these things as it is. Mike has gone out of his way to bring us this deal, the least we can do is insure none of the costs are coming out of his pocket. Mike I am assuming you pay the same 3% as I do for collecting from paypal, if it is more, PM and I will send a little more your way, otherwise, i sent enought to cover a couple fees for ya
  3. finebar4


    Come on, I want to hear the elaboration and a good review on these mighty sexy beasts They look really sweet, I am digging the power supplies, looks like quite some reserve built in for headroom.
  4. Why thank you, damn sexy ain't she.
  5. Here is mine, it is the black chrome version, the regular ones come blue. Tirefryer, I didn't get the PM, can you send again.
  6. I think the VR you have pictured is the 1st gen, not that that is a bad thing at all, but mine has the body shape of the NEXT and I got the box right here telling me it is a VR2 150. I think the prices are so low because it is old stock, but I got a thang for old school amps (still have my first punch 150 I bought new in 1987, an adcom 4402 same generation, and like tyrefryer, I am a huge fan of the PPI Art series). I will post pics of my amp in a little while to test out the DSL that is getting hooked this morning at the new place. Send me the price list I want in
  7. finebar4

    Official Rl-p D2 Group Buy Thread

    We gotta be there, we gotta be there, we gotta be there....... Might have get a couple extra for the stragglers.........for a price
  8. I am currently running a VRx on a Focal 3 way seperates and it sounds awesome. Great depth, very revealing (too revealing on poorly recorded material), excellent damping and control. Sound like a reviewer huh? I had a Mcintosh running MB Quarts prior and sounded quite nice as well though. Am getting ready to try Sinfoni (another Italian amp maker) but it will take alot to make me dump my Mcintosh loyalty. My VRx is 110 watts by 2, my Mac is 100 by 2, and the Sinfoni I am looking at is 90 by 2, I have a standard cab truck so I only run a front stage and don't need huge power to get plenty loud.
  9. Eclipse got my vote. Used Kenwood way back in the day, switched to Alpine in the 90's and switched to Eclipse 2 years ago and haven't looked back. Denim, fill me in on how the BL driver sounds and is it worth putting in. My Audison has balanced line inputs and they make a driver as well, but don't know if the difference in sound is worth paying the price.
  10. finebar4

    FeedBack **Positive**

    My kudo's go out to Mrray (Kent) tonight, got my new box and it is as solid as me LOL...but seriously the craftmanship is top notch. I just joined up on this forum to get in the group buy for the RL-P 12, came across Mrray and sent the dimensions of the area in my truck for a box and voila, I have a box that looks like a factory piece. I am moving to my new house this weekend but will post some pics as soon as I get some time to play again. Thanks a million Kent.
  11. finebar4

    Someone design me a system

    Haven't heard Crown was collaborating on mobile audio, send me a link.....I have tried Adcom and Mcintosh mobile amps and have been greatly impressed.
  12. finebar4

    How did you guys find SSA???

    I was doing my homework on small web distributed sub's that kick ass and followed a link to SoundSplinter and jumped a link from there. Enjoyed the small hometown feel and decided to hang out a while.
  13. finebar4

    Official Rl-p D2 Group Buy Thread

    c'mon...c'mon...c'mon....daddy needs his new 12
  14. finebar4

    Official Rl-p D2 Group Buy Thread

    Let's make today the day dammit, all those who voted it's time to put your money where your mouth is, I want my new RL-P
  15. finebar4

    Official Rl-p D2 Group Buy Thread

    hey squeak9798 you can get ahold of me to collect for the speaker @ [email protected]. Getting close.
  16. Thanks for the advice tyrefryer, I will take that to heart.
  17. Hey guys, Long time lurker, new to register. I am replacing my prefab and am looking for some help coming up with a good design for my standard cab 2004 GMC Sierra daily driver. Sub will be SoundSplinter 12 with dual 2 ohm VC's , amp is old school RF Power 800 A2 and space I have available is 33-36 long, 14 high, and 9 deep at the bottom 5 deep at the top. I am not looking to be the loudest in the jungle, just want clear, deep foundation for SQ system and any excess SPL would be bonus . I haven't checked out the photo gallery yet, am on my way there now, but this is my work truck that is 5 months old and has 27,000 on the o'meter, plain and simple rules. I give all my thanks for any input.
  18. finebar4

    longtime lurker says hi

    Hey guys, Finally got me to register instead of lurking in the shadows. Been into Car Audio since the late 80's and truthfully I joined up to get in on the special order 2 ohm deal as this sub will integrate right into my truck quite nice.
  19. finebar4

    April Momentum Released

    Can't get in either......
  20. finebar4

    longtime lurker says hi

    Thanks for the nice welcome A little about my setup: HU: Eclipse 5442 (will be the new 8445 in the next couple weeks) Amps: Audison VRX 150 (Black Chrome) Rockford Power 800 A2 Front Stage: Focal Polyglass 6/4/tweet Sub: Phoenix Gold TI 12D Vehicle: 2004 GMC Sierra Z71 Standard cab I have been planning a upgrade on my sub a while and have been checking out RE, Adire, DDrive, and of course SS, but with the space I have available the SS seems to be the clear choice IMHO and the group buy was enough to suck me in to team SS and give them a whirl. That and I have heard nothing but good about Mike, so I think will endow him with my buisness at this point.
  21. finebar4

    Official Rl-p D2 Group Buy Thread

    Signed up on this forum specifically to get in on this deal. I only have space for 1 12" and want the dual 2 setup. count me in as a guarenteed sale!