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Everything posted by finebar4

  1. finebar4

    rl-p 12 review.

    I see HCCAfan has a 1200d for sale pretty cheap, you should jump all over that. As for the rest of ya, how do ya thinks I breed my fish???!!!!
  2. finebar4

    give me some ideas for good cd's to buy

    Bruce Dickinson's newest release (name escapes me at the moment) is pretty good, Judas Priests new is real good as well. on the CCR, for live stuff I look for King Biscuit Flour Hour releases ( you can order from the site as well do a search for king biscuit), Marc Cohen, Mark Knopfler, good god man my brain is going way to fast for my fingers
  3. finebar4


  4. finebar4

    rl-p 12 review.

    The big three is basically upgrading the cables in your charging system, there is a sticky on a post that walks you thru it in the amplifier section. Have a read thru it and then follow suit, makes a big diff for your amps when they hit peak transients. My picture is one a few different species of African Cichlids that I raise and breed as my other hobby. I sell babies and ship them all over the US. I'll change it up in the next couple weeks with a different type that I have. But back to the big three, read it, learn it, live it. And yes 1200 watts to my RL-P makes it just the way I like it................................LOUD
  5. finebar4

    rl-p 12 review.

    The big three is basically upgrading the cables in your charging system, there is a sticky on a post that walks you thru it in the amplifier section. Have a read thru it and then follow suit, makes a big diff for your amps when they hit peak transients. My picture is one a few different species of African Cichlids that I raise and breed as my other hobby. I sell babies and ship them all over the US. I'll change it up in the next couple weeks with a different type that I have. But back to the big three, read it, learn it, live it. And yes 1200 watts to my RL-P makes it just the way I like it................................LOUD
  6. finebar4

    rl-p 12 review.

    1200 RMS, need to do the big three this weekend though. Amp clips before the sub does
  7. finebar4

    RE SX?

    I was just at a show in Denver on Sat and watched a CRX with 4 12" SX's walk away loudest in his class at 156.7 and 157.4 in consecutive runs. I have the RL-p (12") and would say they are very comparable with the RL-p sounding a little more musical. The SX's are some sexy beasts though, and $50 is $50, just depends on what you are ultimately seeking, SPL or LSQ.
  8. finebar4

    rl-p 12 review.

    After a couple weeks and a few 5 to 8 hour drives under it's belt, the more I play my new RL-P the better it sounds . I haven't heard a sub in my truck hit so low, ever . This is gotta be the best product that I have bought blind (no chance to see, touch, hear) and am so glad I took a chance on other peoples opinion. My only wish is that I had the space to run 2. I am sure there are other subs out there that I haven't auditioned (SI, RE, DD) that would sound as good, but until money starts growing on trees in my backyard, I am gonna hang onto this bad boy and love it for what it is...........DA BOMB.
  9. X 2 All kidding aside about free product, what a cool resource. Thank you and please be sure to thank your uncle.
  10. finebar4

    Sub Hunting

    Not sure if avalanche still has any left, but they were blowing out their 12's for cheap (great sub low price) and spend the rest on Ebay on a class d mono amp.
  11. finebar4


    Welcome aboard
  12. finebar4

    I got Accepted!!!

    Wow........DR Denim.........nice ring to it don't ya think? Congrats and good job, I know they don't pick ya on looks Kevin
  13. Did your uncle let you take any samples of that sexy sexy 1000X? WAY too cool dude.bbbbbbbbbbbb
  14. finebar4

    Jamaica time!!

    Have a safe and fun awww..... screw the safe just have fun on your adventure Kent.
  15. finebar4

    what are you guys feeding your rl-p's?

    Nice choice for your amp B) I am using an Orion 1200D for a single RL-P and the speaker will take everything the amp has to offer without any complaints. I have mine in 1.25 sealed and still can't get the grin off my face With your ported box, you may have to back the gains down to half or so but I think your set up will pound beyond your expectations.
  16. finebar4

    Keepin' it Real

    Mike, It's posts like that one that will keep me a customer for life Can't wait till the supreme shows up
  17. finebar4

    new beffy 6.5

    Me likey........when can I get some?
  18. finebar4

    Who are the elders of this forum?

    I've been seeing alot of ages fly by the last couple weeks and have to wonder if there is anyone older than me hanging out here. I hit 41 in April. I competed in the late 80's early 90's but between kids and going back to college at 29 (1993 for you math junkies) I fell by the wayside and just kept a nice system for my own tastes. I am now thinking of jumping back in the lanes and have a dedicated partner in my son who will be 16 next month, and wonder if there are many of us old timers left still lurking :ph34r: about.
  19. finebar4

    Finally got the funds!

    I used to run a blow thru in my old truck with 3 HX2 10's and that by far was my loudest system. I just got my RL-p and while that will never be as loud as 3 10's the gains in SQ was worth the trade. I have mine running sealed as I did not know what to expect and am aiming at a SQ setup, but I am gonna try ported as well just to give it a fair shake and see if I can up the SPL a little while still maintaining the SQ. I just replaced my PG Ti with the SS and while both are aluminum coned the SS has proven itself the clear winner between the 2. Lower, quicker transients, and much cleaner on the bottom octives. Like Mrray13, the HX's ranked up there in my favorites, but this SS kicks their ass in the sq range and in equal multiples in equal ported boxes my bet would be on the SS's. This thing sucks up every bit of 1200 watts in a sealed box and will drive the amp into clipping before I get any type of distortion.
  20. finebar4

    mike can't send u pm...

    Chalk that off on losing a driver. For every sub you add you pick about 6 db gain. Doubling your amp power will net about 3 db's. You could easily double your amp power in your setup if you set it up by that tutorial, or, you could go for a ported box and pick up some db's there as well.
  21. finebar4

    xtrmeasures project

  22. finebar4

    hot cone

    I noticed the same thing when I was running my PG 12ti (aluminum cone) after a good workout, just wrote it off to the voice coil.
  23. finebar4

    mike can't send u pm...

    that will be next.
  24. finebar4

    Who are the elders of this forum?

    Sure as hell had me fooled, never would have guessed that.