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Apex Rex

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Everything posted by Apex Rex

  1. Apex Rex

    1999 F150 SCab

    Any suggestions? I've been contemplating a 3-way front stage, but I don't know where to put another amp to power them...
  2. Apex Rex

    1999 F150 SCab

    It has been far too long since I have had a vehicle that I could do a build in, so I'm super excited to be working on this. The pieces that you can't see are the SS Damp and Overkill in the doors. Equipment as of right now consists of DLS components up front running active off a Sundown SAX 100.4, 2 SoundSplinter Orphan8's powered by a Zapco Ref 750.2, with an Eclipse CD8443 for a head unit. Wiring is from Knu with 1/0 for power and ground, 4 gauge distro'd to the amps, 12 gauge for speaker wire. I'll be replacing the Zapco with a Sundown 1500D when I save up a little more, since the Zapco is my brother's and he's just loaning it to me at the moment. I stabbed a hole in one of the DLS woofers, so I have some Mach5 MLI-65s on the way to replace them with. Once the new woofers are in it will be lots of tuning time! Just need a little more time organizing the wiring at the amps, but since I still have to build the brackets to lift my rear seat I'm not terribly worried about it right this second. Probably take care of that this weekend though. Now for some shots of the build of my a-pillars... Thanks for looking.
  3. Apex Rex

    Orphan 8's Need a Home!

    Videos! This is my first time taking videos of subs, so I'm not really sure what you guys are looking for, lol. These are from my cell phone, so I apologize for the quality. If someone could tell me how I can just embed these into a post, that would be great.
  4. Apex Rex

    SAZ 4 channels

    I know that my 100.4 sounds great running some DLS components active right now with minimal tuning. I can't wait to get a 1500D to finish up my install.
  5. Apex Rex

    Orphan 8's Need a Home!

    Sorry guys! I've just been really busy with classes the last few days, I should have something for ya this afternoon though.
  6. Apex Rex

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    How wide/long are these going to be? I only have a limited amount of space to work with so I may have to stick to a 1500d.
  7. Apex Rex

    Orphan 8's Need a Home!

    I might be able to get some for you... Might take a day or two though.
  8. Apex Rex

    2000d pre-sale?

    I would certainly be interested!
  9. Apex Rex

    2000d pre-sale?

    I may just wait for a 2000D to come out as it would fit my substage perfectly. Good thing I have a little bit of time before I need to get another amp.
  10. Apex Rex

    I'd like too show some enclosure builds of mine

    That's a sweet enclosure!
  11. Apex Rex

    318is e30 "SQ" Build In Progress

    Nice work in the e30.
  12. Apex Rex


  13. Apex Rex

    Inside scoop

    New goodies from Sundown? :bigclap:
  14. Apex Rex

    Orphan 8's Need a Home!

    I installed my 2 Orphan's this past weekend and they are awesome! Great SQ, and even in a small sealed box they have more than enough output for my use. Awesome subs, and more than happy with the excellent customer service from Mike. Thanks for putting up with all of my emails.
  15. Apex Rex

    Newbie from NJ

    Hey everyone, new guy here from NJ. I've been lurking around here for the past couple of days reading through a wealth of information that is available here. Working on a new system for my '99 F150 extended cab. So far I have: Pioneer Avic D3 DLS M6 components (old magnesium ones) Zapco 750.2 (possibly for a sub amp) KnuKonceptz 1/0 wiring Second Skin Damplifier for doors waiting on delivery. I've been surfing around looking for a new amp for my front components and a new sub.
  16. Apex Rex

    Newbie from NJ

    Thanks guys! I'm looking for a sub that works well in small sealed enclosures, I've been looking at some of the 8 and 10" ones that are on SSA. Just looking for a really nice daily driver system.
  17. Apex Rex

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Through searching around on DIYMA about new amps and subs I came across SSA. Did a google search for SSA and ended up here. Glad to be here!
  18. Apex Rex

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    PM sent about the TC-10 OEM.
  19. Apex Rex

    My Sundown came today

  20. Apex Rex

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

    I would love to pick one of these up!