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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    For sale Powerbass XTA-5000d

    Strapping at half ohm was nearly impossible Half ohm loads were fine up to a point but could get protect happy.
  2. Julian

    For sale Powerbass XTA-5000d

    Ill do 550 shipped CONUS NEED IT GONE!
  3. Julian

    For sale Powerbass XTA-5000d

    Nope it doesn't work
  4. Julian

    For sale Powerbass XTA-5000d

    I tried to run both at half ohms. It works but they can be protect happy.
  5. Julian


    yes for old system No for new system
  6. Julian


  7. Julian


    Also, Please help by adding some constructive advice in terms of organizing/improving the old system.
  8. This weeked I competed in my first two seriosu competitions, everyone was super impressed with the whole setup. I was browsing the MWSPL site and found this written by Steve the guy who runs things at MWSPL. Oh Yeah Team Sound Solutions Audio!
  9. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I use ear plugs and ear muffs when burping the Jeep and it still hurts. It's slightly louder on the meter with me inside so I have to put up with it... And all the customers which I build spl boxes for get a pair of ear muffs. There's nothing worse than rattling your brains out. my system has never really bothered me even though I'm doing 152's on the dash and 55's in the kick.
  10. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've learned that cheap bench press are what they are. CHEAP We boight one and I felt Like I was going to die ever time I used it; Over 200 lbs that bench will twist and flex. We bought a bench like that once, just once and sold it a month later. I've had issues with the seat like rocking back and forth and side to side. It's not fun when youre benching alone even on lighter loads
  11. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've learned that cheap bench press are what they are. CHEAP We boight one and I felt Like I was going to die ever time I used it;
  12. Julian

    Julians stang. 2 18 zcons walled on 5k.

    Thanks, my newest score is a 155.1 in the kick
  13. Julian

    Julians stang. 2 18 zcons walled on 5k.

    how many competed in that class? Friday there was 2 people including myself, saturday there was like 9 total.
  14. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Kick its like BRAAAAAAAAAAP Little buzzy but its loud
  15. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    yup, I'd love to see it on 10!
  16. Purely out of curiosity where are these produced?
  17. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    with about 10 minutes on the TL this is what I ended up with.. gettin' loud
  18. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Depending on when you get on it could be peak hours for your ISP... can happen a lot.
  19. Julian

    SSA Praise!

    Two ZCON 18's in a wall on 5k. The previous night before i did a 149.9 for 3 minutes straight also
  20. Julian

    SSA Praise!

    video tim took of my KAOS run
  21. Julian

    SSA Praise!

    Everyone was getting a kick out of the setup, Steve the MC LOVED it.
  22. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    im so damn tired, I want to get some time in with the TL but I don't see that happening x.x