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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    New video! 4 BC3500's + 8XCON 10s = WOOOSSSHHH

    Ya, YT ended up compressing the video for some reason, it was shot in 1080p but shrunk down to 320p.
  2. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Anyone else getting random errors when trying to view different threads?
  3. Julian

    Zon 15 caught fire in a 4th order!

    I put 10k to two and couldnt burn them up. Just because your gains are set with a dmm means nothing. Korean class d's and clipping kills.
  4. Julian

    Zon 15 caught fire in a 4th order!

    you burned the shit out of the tinsels, and then the spiders caught on fire. Pretty self explanatory, lol.
  5. Julian

    SBN 2013 | Roll Check!

    sadly can't make it, gf leaves for basic the 5th
  6. Julian

    SBN 2013 | Roll Check!

    when is it again march?
  7. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Interesting, I couldn't disagree more. This is the first leftover meal I've eaten in months. I abhor leftovers. Normally they get frozen and my wife eats them at work or when I am traveling. *exception are raw ingredient leftovers like tomatoes cooked down into sauce, stock, etc... I'm the exact same way, I despise leftovers unless they can be made into something else. Like leftover pork made into pulled pork sandwiches. Well, I take that back... After chili has set in the frig overnight it gets much better.
  8. Julian

    cargo area wall ??????

    9/10 C pillar walls IMO do not get very loud in most cases. I've seen a few that would do good numbers but they do not compare to a full wall or even as Stefan stated a box in the rear cargo area. You the added cargo area but sacrifice cabin gain. My friend built a very impressive c pillar wall with 4 RF 15's on ~12k, but it was only doing 54's or 55's in comparison to my (at the time) 2 18's on 6k a dB higher.
  9. Julian

    UPS not updating

    UPS has done that to me, I've ordered a few things from SSA/FI and before it would ever update it would be at my door step.. Then the day they delivered it would show up as shipped and received.
  10. diehard platinum 31m /thread
  11. that power difference is huge
  12. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    after a 2 mins or so I can drop down to 12v if I'm hitting it hard.
  13. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    So my internet is insanely slow here at the house, I call up At&T and speak with them and they tell me the fastest internet they offer in my area is 3.0 Mb/s... Jesus that is SLOW.
  14. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Perfectly practical.
  15. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Yeah that's my plan, I'll have to fill it in everywhere and get rid of the deadspace in it.
  16. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Alright little big update. mmmm..... The sad thing is the box volume is wayyyyyyy too big especially for this amount of power.. subs are bottoming out like crazy on certain songs, I need to figure out what's going on.
  17. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    If you look closely they're all facing the same way and spaced the same too lol. When I get more money or sell the diehards and go with 540's I may get busbars.
  18. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    I love having a great camera.. Just need to remember to document more!
  19. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Waarrrmttthhh Using some soundstream 1/0 for the amps, pretty nice stuff for the price. Diyma ring terminals for the 1/0, although they're sized up to 2/0. All layed out Gtting soem cluse up hydraulic crimper action! The end result. the sides are kinda extruded out but it'll be fine Halfway done The best 2 tools in the world. Looks like a mess... All zip tied up I'm using piggy back RCAs, to prevent them from coming out. Both heat shrinked up Speaker wires ran neatly and ziptied.
  20. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  21. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Has the site been running insanely slow for anyone else?
  22. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My boat batteries sit for 6 months in the frozen tundra under a tarp and have ALWAYS started my boat come spring without a charger. You have parasitic draw somewhere in your vehicle that pulled them down. I'd bet money on it. They were on a shelve connected in parallel, and being maintained by my Schumacher AGM intellicharger, my father had to do some electrical work on the house and I'm guessing he accidentally hit the wrong C/B and shut it off.. They tested them and apparently one of them had a bad cell. I'm not sure how they tell but they used a SNAPOn battery tester. So from that I'm going to assume where the parasitic drain came from.
  23. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    It fits perfectly, 1.5" of clearance, although it'll suck to adjust it.
  24. Julian

    Problem with C1100.4 highpitched noise.

    That is an old wives-tale, DC does not induce noise. Is the noise present only when your car is running? My fuel pumps would cause noise I had to route them around them