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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    x2 ill mow your lawn for a month
  2. Julian

    97 Maxima Build Log

    That'll be pretty cool. cant wait to see the finished product.
  3. Julian

    97 Maxima Build Log

    I second that, looks quite amazing, I'd love to try my hand at it sometime. eager to see new pictures/updates. Where are the amp(s) going to go? if you had the space it would be cool to enclose the amp and then make a plexiglass cover for it something like this illuminated with LED's that'd be rather fancy. just my .02
  4. Julian

    Rushnrun's Dodge Ram 1500 install

    i too also like the amp rack, very simple but nice. i dig it.
  5. Julian

    XCON 18" Production Photos

    Ill mow your lawn for a month for one of these or sell my BL for one... (sorry FI)
  6. well not to condone that but most good jumper cables are around 4 gauge so that wouldn't be too horrible. I guess
  7. is there any discernible difference between a square port and a circular port. I'm thinking about using a circular port tube from somewhere like Elemental designs. Mainly due in part to my lack of knowledge and how to build a ported enclosure.
  8. Julian


    thats what iwas thinking just buy one it would be cheaper it seems
  9. Julian


    running a single fi bl 15 on a saz-3000d at 2 ohms? would that be okay and not blow it the options i have on it is cooling,daily, universal d1 until i get my next fi bl its ported of course in a 4.5 cuft tuned to 30hz
  10. Julian


    daily beatin' showin' off want something LOUD
  11. Julian


    very fancy would it better to run it on two saz 1500ds or on one saz-3000d?
  12. Julian


    do you have around five batteries? lol
  13. Julian


    I was planning on buying a refurb one for like 500 bucks so i can pound the poop out of my car. would a 200 amp alt big 3 0gauge front to back and some XS powercells maybe one or two be sufficient to power this monster?
  14. Julian


    basically i was wondering if it would do any harm to the subwoofer. im getting another fi bl 15 soon and wanted to run it 2x 1.5kw rms at 1 ohm and if it was okay for awhile to run a bl 15 at 2 ohms which it would be getting 1.6kw rms
  15. Julian

    NO 15 BL!?

    Whaaat happened? you guys just ruined my next setup :(:( will there be any 15 bls coming?
  16. Julian

    NO 15 BL!?

    i was about to be severely disappointed
  17. Would there be any noticeable difference between making one huge box or leaving both of them in separate boxes, advantages? disadvantages?
  18. Julian

    Two Fi Bl 15's in one box or two?

    i didnt think so. do you know if the new BL line will be any different from the older line?
  19. Julian

    which sub will be louder of the two?

    forget both of them fi or ssa
  20. do you think the Crunch GPV2000.1 can do 2k watts rms 1ohm at 13.8v but it only has 4 25amp fuses.. for 2 fi bl 15s? or should i just run 2 amps? GPV2000.1 1 x 500 @ 4-Ohms, 1 x 1000 @ 2-Ohms, 1 x 2000 @ 1-Ohm Maxx
  21. if you added universal (like i did) im adding another BL to my system sometime soon and im going to wire the two d1's like so. if your amp can handle 1ohm than youre good, you could always go with a crunch or hifonics amps which are pretty good for the price.. about 160 for 1200 watts rms or so at 1 ohm
  22. think this would be go for 2 15inbls? wired down to 1 ohm?
  23. ah makes alot of sense wish they would of said that on the web page
  24. how many fuses does it have? i cant seem to find any... because it would have to be atleast 200 amp fuses all together
  25. GPV3000.1D-PRO is rated at 3k watts rms. not sure about the amount of fuse amps Plus i have a d1 sub so im going to wire them like so so i dont have to run them both at 2 ohm